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Distributed oy post, town^Aiid.train ru.niers, and agents at till inland townships
Properties For Sale. Financial.— Several sums of money to, lend on first class security. C. W. BROWN, Certificated Accountant, Licensed Land Broker, Share Broker, Auditor, Valuer, and General Commission Agent. Offices: Esk street, InvercargiU. Postal Address : Box 77. AGENCIES Mutual Life Association of Australasia Southland Bacon Factory Southland Grain and Produce Agency O"* Propertiea for sale or to let can be entered upon my register and advertised in this column qpon very reasonable terms Tenders CLEARING, PLOUGHING <fe HARROWING 'TMENDTJRS wanted for about 550 acres on 1_ South Block adjoining Mr Preston'B boundary. Also about 250 acres on the Glenham Education Beserve. Separate tenders received up to 10th. May. " W.H.MEIHjj a 23 Woodslee, Wyndham; TO BUILDEBS. TENDERS are invited for additions, in brick or iron, to N. Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co'e Store, at Gore. Plans and specification can be seen at the Co's office at Gore, and at my office, Invercargill, at which latter place tenders can be lodged until noon on Saturday, April 26th. The lowest or any tender not necessarily WILLIAM BHARP, A.M.T.0.E., al9 Architect For Sale and To Let •" rtO LET — A comfortable five-roomed liouse, A in Liddell etreet, rent low to a good tenant. Apply Mrs Neil Ferguson. a 26 TO LET— Brick residence in Don street. For particulars apply L. Bodgers, oare of Wesney Brothers, Dee street. ' mBl Tjl O B SALE Sectiou 16, Block VI, Bast Winton, containing 6 acres 0 roods 3 poles, with four-rdomed Cottage and hut thereon. Good garden. Apply to R. ALEXANDER, er at T. McWUliam r s Btore. Winton, 21st April, 1890, a 22 FOB SALE OHEAP — Two second-hand Double Buggies, Hawker's Covered Express, Spring Cart with Cover. Also a large. number of all kinds of new Vehicles and Harness. Apply American Carriage Factory v als NZ. AGRICULTURAL COMPANY • Limitbd H&.VE A SPLENDID SELECTION ' OB 1 AGBICULTUBAL FARMS PASTORAL FABMS, ' MIXED FABMS AB WELL AB HOMESTEADS AND TOWNSHIP SECTIONS. Open for selection on deferred payments, on their Estate, extending from Gore to Athol and Dipton, Southland. For plans of che Estate, Township, &c, and other information, apply at the OFFICES OF THE COMPANY, Riversdale, Gore. I HAVE decided to Bell tho following of my properties, particulars of which, Price, Terms, <fee, can be obtiined from Mr D. L. Matheson, merchant, Dee street ; or from Mr C. Broad at my office, Tyne street. A. TAPPEB. Sections 10 and 11, Block 67, Gala street, freehold, with substantially bnilt brick house of 10 rooms, scullery and bathroom erected thereon. Hut and cold water and gas throughout. Ground well laid out. Section 9, Block 67, Gala street, £-acre freehold, on which is erected stable and coach house. Section 8, Block 67, Gala street, £-acre leasehold, with substantially built house of 9 rooms, scullery, and bathroom. Hot and cold water and gas throughout. Gronnd rent, L 6 per annum. Section 7, Block 14, Tyne street, |-acre freehold — 5 roomed house and 5 workshops. Use of siding. Sectiou 7, Block 00, Leet street, £-acre leasehold, with two 5-roomed cottag3B, nearly naw» Gronnd rent, LG per annum. Section 9, block 17, Annan street, leasehold ; 5-roomed cottage. Ground rent, L 2 5s per annum. Section 17, Block U, Eye street, J-acre freehold. Cottage of 6 rooms. Section 18, Block 14, Eye street, freehold. Cottage of 6 rooms. Part of Section 9, Block 7, Invercargill Hundred (Rimu, upper) ; about 120 acres ; fenced. Two cottages thereon. Freehold. Section 90, Block 2, Seaward Bush Township. Four acres, freehold. Section 17. Block 22, Invercargill Hundred, near Seaward Bush Township ; about 25 acres. a 23 __ Public Notices DOBBKT F. CUTHBERTSON Accountant, Land, Finance, and Gmtbbai, Aobnt. Agent for— The Guardian Fire Assurance Co. ; The United Marine Insurance Co. } The Public Trust Offioe. WHISKJIY. STIBLING BONDING COMPANY* Stibling Scotland S3. PTJHE OLD HIGHULND WHISKYS* Old Gaelic, " Smuggler brand ; " balk and case. Highland Spscial Beserve, " Bobert Bunu brand ; ' bulk and cast. Thiß celebrated whisky is guaranteed twelve yeara old before being shipped. Sole agents for Otago and Southland, . WHITTINGHAM BROS, and INSTONE THE GBBATEST DISCOVERY OF THB AGE NEITHER DOCTORS NOB QUAOKS have ever discovered a treatment equal to Slesinger's Rheumatic Balsam For the cure, and almost instant refief, of Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Ticdoloreux, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sprains or Pains of any kind from muscular or nervous affection, Thousands have testified to that effect. See pamphletß t Mr Slesinger having practised his profession as Voterinary Snrgoon in different parts of the world, and the last 30 years in Victoria and New Zealai d, is.a sufficient proof of the good qualities of his HOUSE, CATTLE and DOG MEDICINES The p-ice of each is very low, and h& would recommend eveiy owner of animals, especially of horses, to keep some by them, esptciallv his colic, or gripe, drink. Embrocation, Condition and Worm Powders, Hoof Oil, Blißtor and Grease Ointment ; the latter ip a Ck&taim Curb vok Cows Sobb Teats— see circulars 5 also his infallible Distemper Powdeis aud Mange Ointo:ont for Dogs. Evory article has full directions hew to use it. Beware of imitations, as some unurincipled ooundrul3 aro trying to p.ipg off the j nbbieh ot the genuine. Se* ihat my name and 8.8. TRADE MABK V.b. is attached to each article. £100 rcw.-vd will be pai* to proof leading to tiie conviction of any one counterfeiting my Trade Mark, Wholesale A gents for Fonthland— Messrs Walter Gtthrie and Dot 8, SLBSINGBR, Vety. Sorgtoa,
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Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 1
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911Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 1
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