An lfutcrosting personal artUilo .'ihat may. bo something of a surprise to niiyly New Zealunders has been contributed to tho North Star, a Scottish paper, undei date early m May/ It concerns the Appointment of- ' a Gove_nor-Genei!al ■•■for these isles, vic> . -the Earl of Liverpool. •After suggesting, that a good course of preserving, the -Chappy alliance between Great Britain and tho Overseas .Domin ions wouklybe to appoint t° tlie po^f of Governor -General representative' Selected from' among, the colonial breth ren tbferiuselyeiß, the writer goes on .tc IJsajg: y'ln' this connection we had hopec 1 -.thjit . when tho Earl of Liverpool., relinquished his post :»t Wellington an ad mii'alilc successor would have been fount?* m *Lord Strathspey. Indeed, ifc is an open secret that the choice of New Jseo land was very pronouncedly m that direction':" ..-...#'..
X The writer is correct m his Jiinfc tha* Baron- Strathspey is a New Zealander, for he was born m Oamaru forty-onr years agoi and- was educated at the W.ai fcaki Boys' High School, one of the lead ing secondary schools of the- Dominion nnd. at St. , John's College afc.,- Auckland Trevor Ogilvie-Grant is his V&mey and ho is the thirty-first chief of Grant.' He ..is the second son of tho late tenth Earl of Seafield, and m 1905 he married the 1 daughter of the late T. M. Hardy-John-ston, of Christchurch. Baron Strathspey i<s- tlm uncle, and also the heir, of the Couniess of Seafield,' Nina Caroline Ogilvio Grant, who ■ Succeeded her father, the elder brother of the Baron, to the title m 1915. The Countess of Seafield is the grand-daughter of -Dr. J. T. Townem!.
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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 15266, 14 July 1920, Page 5
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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 15266, 14 July 1920, Page 5
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