THE BRITISH NORTHERN* TKAM. (Per Press Association.) AUCKLAND, tins day. The British team of Northern Union foothiillers, who have been visiting <he Auckland province, left by the Maheno last evening- for Sydney. One of the managers of the team, Mr .I.' 11. Houghtoii, i" conversation with a Herald reporter just before Jiis departure, said that, he ha 1 received a cg,b|ed invitation to play a match against., a team jn Sydney on Saturday next, and he had replied accepting the invitation, tie did not know whether it. was against 'nn Australian or New South Wales League team. The portion of the party not. playing m that match will leave Sydney by the' Orient liner Otranto, which departs from Sydney for London prior to the match. Those taking' part will journey overland by train to Melbourne, where they will rejoin their party. When asked whether he would give particulars of the New Zealand takings, Mr Honghton said that they had nothing to hide. The New Zealand takings amounted to £875 Bs, made up as follows : Match v. New Zealand Maoris, at Victoria Park, £73 Bs, against Auckland representatives at Victoria Park.^ ; £323 Bs, against Rotorua reps at.'- Rotorim, £40- 3s, and against. New Zealand representative* at the Domain, £433 9s. The amount was divided m the proportion of 60 per cent m. the British team, who had to pay all their own expenses, such as fares and hotel bills, and A0 per cent ttf the New Zealaiur—Rugby League, who had to -stand the expenses of ground fees, advertising, and all local expenses, and thus it would be seen that they would lose money by 'the New Zealand -tour, but they did not mind that. Theirs was a, missionary visit, and they had not expected to make money. When asked why they had not sent a team south, he said that they had been enable to do ■so for several good reasons. One was the limited time, and another that the team was reduced m strength by illness and accidents. He had proposed to send a team away south to play a match, simultaneously with that against* the New Zealand team last Saturday, but found he was unable to do so at the last moment, owing to the fact that they had not sufficient playing men available. Regarding future visits of teams he and Mr Clifford would certainly advise the Northern Union on their return to keep up a series of visits between the Australasians and England. He could not. pass an opinion as to whether the next team to tour England would be purely Australian or Australasians. That would be decided later. The team were given a hearty send off, ringing cheers being exchanged as the Maheno drew away from the wharf. THE AMERICAN VISITORS. The American Universities team arrived at Auckland from Rotorua • last night, and were entertained at a largely attended smoke concert. The Mayor of Auckland officially received the team this morning.
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 12214, 2 August 1910, Page 7
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