Four of tho most important French light-houses have already been provided with very powerful electric apparatus and with machinery for furnishing sound signals during stormy or misty weather. It is proposed to apply similar apparatus to the forty-two others. The total cost is estimated at 7,000,000 francs (1,400, OOOdols.) for the electricity, and 1,000,000 francs (200, OOOdols.) for the fog horns. This expenditure is very lij;ht in view of the protection which it will afford to the immense capital represented by the 225,000 ships which annually visit the French harbors. — Let Motulc. The jockey Dodd, who had his leg so frightfully smashed in the Melbourne Cup, when Suworrow was driven against tho post through Wheatear's fall, died from his injuries. Mr. Robert Howie, the trainer of Suwarrow, etc., came expressly from Ballarat to bury the poor fellow. At the inquest it was distinctly disproved that any dog had caused the sad mishap ; but the Coroner felt it his duty to remark that, had the posts been inside instead of outside the rails which run round the course, Dodd'B leg would not hnvo been broken. Rather an amusing incident happened at Mr. Wakefiold's meeting at Raugitata. The candidate was being questioned by Mr. Badliam, who at length said that there was a grievance in the district against Mr. Wakefield, which he would like to have cleared up. It was said that Mr. Wakefield had introduced hares into the colony. Was that correct or not ? At this moment a hare which h"d previously been concealed, leapt across the room, close by Mr. Wakefield. Several do>»s which had accompanied their masters to the meeting, immediately gave chaw. The hare ran under the benches, tho dogs jumped over them, the meeting cheered, the candidate entered warmly into the sport, and for some minutes there was a very exciting coursing match. At length Mr. Badham caught the hare and gave it to Mr. Wakefield, who, after examining it with some care, put it out of the room. He said it was a very practical illustration of a question. [Cheers and laughter] He had not introduced hares, but as soon as he found they were becoming a nuisance, he had got the protection removed fiom them, so that anyone might kill them all the year round without a license. A great feat in Arctic navigation has been accomplished by Captain Adams, the skipper of a Dundee whaler, who in tho course of a single season has made his way into three of the most perilous branches of tho Arctic Ocean ; each one of which is associated with the loss of a great seams n. In the first, Belcher was compelled to leave his ships ; in the second, Franklin was overcome by disaster ; and in the third Parry was wrecked. Dr. John Rae, who is one of the oldest and most experienced of Actic seamen living, pronounces the achievement to be almost unprecedented. A go as-you-ple*se forty eight hours' taurnament at Geelong produced six competitors. Clifford won the first prize of £50, scoring 215 miles 880 yards ; Swan took second of £23 with 202 miles 943 yards, and Edwards third of £15 with 201 miles 147 yards. It may be noted as one sign of the general prosperity and abundance of money among the working classes of Sydney that over 100 laboring men were fined for drunkenness at the two metropolitan police courts on November 20, the great majority of whom paid their fines. At a meeting of the Aberdeen delegates of the Scotch Land League, representations, signed by 40,000 farmers, were presented, demanding the immediate reform of the land laws.
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 1503, 16 December 1881, Page 2
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