LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. In Memoriam mHOMSON & CO. h*T« landed a large JL assortment of Headstones, direct from the Manufacturers, which are being sold at reduoed prices. Note address: Moray place (opposite First Ctiurch), Dunedin. WANTED KNOWN— Hemsley Burnet's depilitory permanently removes Hair from Face, Neck, and Arms; leaves no mark or redness ; 4s 6d ; all chemists, or direct from Hemsley Burner, 46 George street, Dunedin. l^ m #^ RAZING RUNS.— Wanted, Particulars of Small Grazing Runs for Sale or Lease, Otago or Southland.— Nimmo and Blair, Land and Estate Agents, Dunedin. I A T STEWART'S you'll get the Best J\. Price for Prime POULTRY ; no commission; crates railed FREE.— Fishmonger. Poultry and Fish Supper Rooms, 193 Princes street, Dunedin. 15 j a /CENTRAL LABOUR EXCHANGE, V> Arcade, Dunedin, can Supply, on immediate notice, all Classes of WORKERS: wire, write. }f} WANTED KNOWN— I have on Sale Splendid Young Working FERRETS, Nets, Bells, and Muzzles.— Chas- Bills, Dun«din. M? "^tERTIOTJRA SOAP" Cures Skin ComV>> plaints and Irritating Eruptions. Price, Is, po6t free.— Address O. W. Hawkins. 106 George street, Dunedin. CARICATURING, Pen-and-ink ILLUS %^' TRATING, etc. ; correspondence instruction.— Write for free Prospectus, Canaj dian School, Rattray street, Dunedin. WANTED KNOWN— Poisoned and In flamed Wounds, Sore Legs, SorEyes, Burns, all Skin • Complaints, Cured with Spring Blossom Ointment. 6d and la everywhere. . fIIRUST MONET TO LEND on Freehold fJL Security or Municipal Debentures at Currec J-te? -The Trustees, Executors «nd Agency Company of N.Z. iLtd.), corner Wnter street and Bond street. W. LAURENCE .SIMPSON Manager •yCT AIKOUAITI COUNTY. APPLICATIONS will be received at the County Office till 2 p.m. on MONDAY, 23rd March, for the Position of RANGER for the HAWKSBURY and MERTON RIDINGS. Salary £5 per annum, with Poundage and Driving Fees. JOHN PORTEOUS, County Clerk. Waikouaiti, 13th March, 1908. 14m [A Oabd.] IT P. HASTINGS, ■•*•. M.8., M.R.C.S. (England), L.R.C.P. (London), Has COMMENCED PRACTICE At No. 4 FILLEUL STREET. Telephone 718. 18m OTAGO DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATION. Sixtieth Anniversary of Otago, 23rd March, 1908. UNDER the Auspices of the Otago Early Settlers' Associaton, assisted by the Caledonian Society, Gaelic Society, and Burns Club. Proceeds towards providing LigKting, Seating Accommodation, Fittings, etc.. for Early Settlers' Hall. EVENTS OF THE DAT. Public Opening Early Settlers' Ha.ll, 11.30 a.m. Monster Picnic, Caledonian Grounds, 2 p.m. Admission by Cash at Gates. Adults, Is; Children, 6d. Commemorative Medal will be Presented to Each Child after Passing Turnstile. Sports for Children. Afternoon Tea, 6d. Fruit and Lollie Stalls. Tea, Milk, and Sugar Pro-rided Free for Pioknickers bringing Baskets and Crockery. PIPE BAND IN ATTENDANCE. GRAND CONCERT in GARRISON H"ALL. Admisaion : 2s and Is. Doors open 7.15 p.m. Pipe Band, 7.45. Mr Donald Reid (chairman), 8 p.m. Talent Worthy of the Occasion. No Laudation Necessary. L. LANGLANDS, 18ni General Secretary. MRS LOUISA HAWKINS'S "Infant Teething Powders," 1=; Gem Worm Powders, Is;, post free.— Address 105 George street, Dunedin. 25J *«^HOP BY POS T." Certicura Soap, Is; Certicura, Pills. Is 3d; Oerticura Ointment, Is Od ; Spring Blossom Soap, 6d ; Dr Bloom's Pile Cones, 3s 6d ; Hawkins's Pink Pills, Is 6d; Hawkins's Instant Relief Asthma Powder, Is and 2s ; Pile Ointment, Is 6d ; Bloomine Corn Cure, 6d; Spring Blossom Ointment or Pills, od and 1«. Noth.— Either* of above sent by Post on ,e<*i P t of p»~ AI>CIIESS ; . C. W. HAWKINS, - CHEMIST, ' • 106 GEORGE STREET.' DUNEDIN. { A RSENICAL PILLS, U 6d; Dr U\. Bioojn'-s Complexion Puts, ** od; feloom'a -Ointment, Is 6d; Blaud's Pills, 2s Note.— Either of above sent by Post on feceipf of price. ADDRESS : - MRS LO HERBALIST, 106 GEORGE J^TiEET. DUNEDIN.
Page 42 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2818, 18 March 1908, Page 42
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