Within, the last few months the solicitors for Australia of Messrs Condy and Mitchell, the proprietors of " Condy's Fluid " and " Condy's Crystals," have brought a large number of imitators to book, and have succeeded without difficulty in securing perpetual injunctions, "with damages and costs, restraining them from offering for sale anything purporting to be " Candy's Fluid " or " Condy's Crystals " not manufactured by the plaintiff company. It apjpears that in the cases under notice the^ vendors of the spurious preparations supplied either a solution of, or the crystals of, permanganate of potash', whereas it is a fact well known to the trade, if not to the man in the street, that neither " Condy's Fluid " nor " Condy's Crystals" contain even the smallest trace of J permanganate of potash; in fact, Condy's preparations differ" entirely therefrom in composition and strength, are "vastly superior in effectiveness to all substitutes, and are manufactured by processes known-only to Messrs Condy ' and Mitchell. In. one case the fluid was imi-' tated under the mild disgtiise of " Condy's "I Ldquid," but in some other cases not only were "! the terms " Condy's Fluid " and " Condy's •' Crystals " actually employed by the imitators, ' but the original wrappers and labels were - closely copied, hrxolour and wording; in other .cases _tie label, was imitated in colour and wording, but the' words "" Condy's Fluid " were ■aiot iis'ed. There can be- no doubt that ' in ligorously ' instituting proceedings against ■ all 'imitators attempting to "trade "upon the success oi the inventors of admirable preparations j (which have attained a universal reputation, are used wlierever sanitary science is studied,and are recommended by every medical authority throughout the world), Messrs Condy and Mitchell are doing a public service which will be keenly appreciated bjr every light-minded flei'SOß.
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Bibliographic details
Otago Witness, Volume 02, Issue 2420, 2 August 1900, Page 53
Word Count
Otago Witness, Volume 02, Issue 2420, 2 August 1900, Page 53
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