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*** The commendable interest taken in the leading spring fixtures, the Now Zealand Cup meeting and the IXJ.C.'s Exhibition meeting, will not prejudice the Forbury gathering to be held next February — indeed it is more than likely that the Dunedin Cup meeting will positively benefit from the impetus given to racing by the earlier fixtures, and it would not surprise me in the least to see a best on record in the way of nominations for the Dunedin Cup when Mi Sydney James comes to count them up on Saturday. Owners are not likely to forget that the addad money to this stake is 600aovs. Nominations for the Publicans' Handicap of 20030VS and for the Marshall Memorial of 250sovs are due at the same time— lo p.m. on Saturday, the 19th yast. *%* Bare results of the leading events at the Newmarket October meeting appear in this issue. The Middle Park Plate has fallen to a really smart filly inSignorina, but the result was probably a surprise if the Duke of Portland's oraok, Semolina, was among the starters. This race was instituted in 1866, and has fallen to suoh celebrities as Pero Gomez, Prince Charlie, Petraroh, Peter, Busybody, Melton, and Minting ; in fact it takes a really good one to win this race, though of late years the Dowhurst Plate has been a formidable rival as a means of introducing what subsequently prove to be the crack three-year-olds. We have also the result of the Champion Stakes, in which the Duke of Portland met with a reverse in the defeat of Ayrshire. We may perhaps find by the papers that this was one of the chief surprises of the season. Gold has been a fair performer, but on form he should, I think, have been beaten by both of those that be led to the winning post, for Antibes is a smart one and managed to win the Yorkshire Oaks. As to the result of the Gesarewitch, the longdistance handicap of the autumn, we do not know the weights, and all we can say by way of comment is that Primrose Day has not so far been a very successful racer. This race, by tho way, was instituted in 1839. V The Ohoka and Eyreton meeting, held on the 10th inst., did not attract many racehorses of note, the best on present form being Rosebud and Tornado. The opening event was the Hurdle Race, for which Young Guy (10.10) and Playboy (9.7) were about equally fancied, there being three other Btwters, Playboy won,
but those who backed the two bad not a great profit, the dividend being £3 Is. Waipapa (9.0) ran a good second ; and in the next event — the Hack Hurdle Race— this mare beat a field of four very easily. No less than 10 started for the District Flat Kace, Marie (8.12) and Harkaway (8.11) being the favourites. The winner, however, proved to be Gold Spec (8,9), who returned a dividend of £6 19a. Harkaway was second, and Malachi (7.8) third. For the Cup, of 50aovs, one mile and a-half, there stripped Rosebud (9.0), Dragon (7.7), Marie (7.0), and Charming (6.12). Charming led to the home turn, when Rosebud picked her up, and the race was then over, Rosebud cantering home an easy winner by four lengths, , The time was 2min 52seo, and the dividend £1 8a. The Trot was a soft thing for Mr Carrigan's Magpie, whose time for the three miles was 9min 23gc. In the Flying Handicap, Tornado (8 9) Bimply smothered Swamphen (7.3), Dragon (7.6), and Gold Spec (6.11), running the bix furlongs in lmin 2186 C. This race, by the way, was supposed to be five furlongs, but the parties concerned were apparently satisfied that the result would have been the same anyhow, for no one objected to the race being allowed to stand. Piper won the Hack Race and Swamphen the Hurry Sourry. \* Those who read last week's Witness will be aware that I am not greatly astonished at Carbine's defeat in the Caulfield Stakes. I said that this colt would have to be very fit to beat Singapore and Dreadnought, and added that 1 did not expeot to see him so formidable this spring as he was in the fall of the year, The report tells us that Dreadnought (the selected of the Hon. J. White's pair) won easily by a couple of lengths from Carbine, with Dunkeld, for whom I had a good word, a dead heat with Bravo for third place. My opinion, which may be taken for what it is worth", is that Carbine will very likely win money this spring— he is such a magnificent performer that he cannot miss everything — but that his vernal career will certainly not be a procession of triumphs ; that Abercorn will beat him in the shorter weight-for-age races at the V.R.C. Spring meeting ; that he cannot get a place in the Melbourne Cvp — in which event I think Manton holds him safe if both come to the post fit and well ; but that we shall sac Carbine (I bar accident) come out again in the autumn and walk off with some of the chief handicaps under the heaviest weights. This is a bold prophecy, but I chance the publication thereof, believing that is not a spring horse, and that there is sufficient ground to warrant my anticipation. Returning to the first day at Caulfield, it may be remarked that the Hon. J. White's Victor Hugo, winner of the Foal Stakes, is full brother to that arch fraud Monte Christo, of whom Mr J. Mayo has become " full up " after his marked defeats in New South Wales. The Caulfield Guineas resulted as I expected, ia a win for Rudolph. Ido not, however, claim credit for this tip. It was a moral that the Hon. J. White would win with his selection, and circumstances pointed to the probability of Rudolph being chosen to carry the blue and white. The following table shows the WINNERS OP THE GUINEAS.
This then is the third consecutive win for the Kirkham stable, and it seems to have been achieved in the usual easy style characteristic of the Kirkham victories. The horses from this stable seldom fail to run up to expectations, excepting when two start and a non-favourite wins. In this race, however, the party started but one, and went "nap." The only other feature of the race was the bad beating administered to Merriment, which we may regret the more because the colt is now owned by a New Zealander., V The Caulfield Cap will be run on Saturday. It is a race over whioh there is a good deal of betting— principally in doubles with the Melbourne Gup so far as this colony is concerned — and the result will therefore be looked for with eagerness. Some weeks ago, when Dunkeld was taken across, I ventured the opinion that this colt would have a big say in the race ; he is the only one, so far as my memory serves me, that I have recommended to the notice of backers ; and now that public form has openly revealed his chance and shown it to be a good one, it is not likely that I will "go baok "on the selection. Dan O'Brien is ! said to have sold the colt, but this transaction I will not, I should think, prejudice his chance, unless he has gone into the hands of a man who will discount his show by putting up an indifferent rider, or practising other penny wise and pound foolish economies, which is hardly likely, for the unrevealed purchaser is probably a man of substance who has his 6ye on this very race. I plump straight for DUNKELD, and nothing else. Some persons profess to have doubts as to whether he will stay the mile and a-half. I have no fear on that score. His trial at Christchurch is sufficiently well authenticated to dispose of that objection. The next best I take to be The Charmer. I may mention that Dunkeld will in the Cup carry 101b 1638 tiian in the Caulfield Stake?, and Bravo 51b less, so that Dunkeld has 41b advantage over the horse with which ran he a dead heat. The final acceptances for the Caulfield Cup number 27. The list appears in another column, *„* The extraordinary success of the Chester blood in Australia should really be a good advertisement for the Middle Park Company, for their sire St. George is full brother to the sire cf Abercorn, Oranbrook, Dreadnought, and the colts deemed good enough to send to England to compete in the Epßom Derby. It by, no means follows that brothers in blood are of equal merit, but in this particular comparison we know by experience that St. George is a good sire. This is proved by the deeds of The Shah, Quibble, Exchange, Erin-go Bragh, Merrie England, and others. It being established that he can beget racers, his relationship to Chester enhances his value, and for this and other reasons I expeot to see satisfactory prices obtained for his stock at Messrs Pyne and Go's sale on the 9th November. Thirteen of the 16 lots to be submitted on that date are by St. George j and the others are by Apremont, who has made his name eternally famous as the sire of hosts of Bpeedy and sound horses. Sultan, Silvermark, Apropos, Ante lope, Eavenawing, Cynifica, and Dunkeld are i a few of his get. Particulars as to the lots to be pffered appear in an advertisement. * # * Concerning some horses known to the ' Taieri district the local paper makes a few j remarkß whioh I reproduce;.—" Dearfoot, the I winner of the Taieri Maiden Plate last November, is being hacked about the Danedin streets. Still it Is quite likely that the plucky son of Larrikin will have a look in at some of the Taieri events on November 9. He is a horse that does not thriv3 well with hard training, and will probably ran all the better without ft severe preparation, Mr George
Rathven has sold %o Mr J. Tagpart a good-look-ing chestnut mare by Berlin Boy, and eha shows some aptitude for trotting. Toe game little mare Nightshade is undergoing light training work, and is a probable candidate for' some of the Taieri events, Wallace, the trotting horse, ib said to hare changed hands, Mr J. Howoith is stated to be the new owner. Mr James O'Donnell's Duntroon oolt is looking fairly well, but requires a good deal of wsrk before he will be really ' fit, 1 He has a neat stylo of going, with the exception that he carries his head rather high. He is treated to a lot of walking exercise. Cinnabar is still on the heavy side, but shows some, improvement on her Hunt' Club form. Her stable companion, The Don, is looking far from bright, but he is a hardy customer, and appearances do not go for much with him." %* Mr Haggin, the American breeder who purchased Darebin and Sir Modred, doesn't appear to possess the best of tempers, This is a description of him :— " One of the moat disagreeable of American turfifce3 seems to be Mr Haggin, a Californiaa millionaire, who was adopted by a Turk, made a Mussulman, and succeeded to a prodigious f ortuno, Mr Haggin is a man of .the most violent passions, When his horsg, named after his son, Bea Ali, won the Kentucky Derby, there were no books on the Louisville track, and Haggin was furious. He carried lO.OOOdoI out to the track with him, and his son as much more. They could place only a few hundreds in the auction, and when the great horse came galloping in an easy winner, Haggin, with many an impreoation, bad him taken straight to the stable, and in three hours ail the horses he had were put in their special cars and were on their way to Latouia, lie has never been at the Louisville track sines. A few weeks afterwards the judges at Latooia ruled his horse Hidalgo back on a foul, and as the indignant millionaire thought he was unjustly treated, he again packed up his things and moved on, • I will never set my foot in the State again,' he said bitterly, and he naver has." A nasty temper ! \* Writing on the 2nd inst., " Vigilant," of the Melbourne Sportsman, utters a word of warning to those who appear anxious to plunge on Carbine for the Cup. Carbine, he says, is absolutely first favourite for the Melbourne Cup. Somebody's money must have propped him up into that position, and that somebody, Mr Donuld S. Wallace tells me, is not Mr D. S. W, As a rule, when an owner denies having backed his horse for a race for which he is installed one of the favourites, a grain or two of salt ia deemed essential to the digestion of the denial, On the rare occasions when the owner who makes an assertion of this nature is a gentleman bearing the 18 carat hall-mark of a Mr Donald Wallace his denial is unhesitatingly accepted. Mr Wallace tells me that ho has neither backed Carbine himself nor authorised anyone to back the horse for him. Under any circumstances, 1000 to 95 weeks before the day of the race is a false price to accept about ' a lOat top-weight for a two-mile race ; and unless supported to win a fabulous amount— say, £GO,OOO or £70,000, and with all the stable money bohiud him — no shrewd backer outside the ranks of the ultra plunging division would dream of taking 10 or 12 to 1 about even a Carbine. In penning this I have no desire to discount Carbine's chance of winning the Melbourne Cup, Far from it. If the big gun trains on all right I look upon him as a real good place I investment, and if he has improved as much as the weight for age scale says he ought, since last autumn, he will very nearly win the Melbourne Cup. .But backers none the less are ill advised if they accept 10 to 1 now about a horse who may figure at double those odds, and who most assuredly will see no shorter price a month hence. %♦ A meeting of the committee of the Gore Racing Club was held at White's Hotel last week, Mr Thomas Hewitt being voted to the chair. The report in the Ensign says that a letter was read from the Tapanui Racing Club asking what date would ba fixed for the Gore meeting, the Tapanui Club wishing to ! follow the Gore fixture if possible. There was also a letter read from the Tuapeka County Jookey Club stating that they had fixed their meeting for the 22nd and 23rd January. It was resolved that the secretary write to the clubs in the district whose meetings would be likely to fit in with that of the Gore Club, the idea being to fix the meeting here if possible shortly after the Lake County Jockey Club's races. The secretary was also instructed to intimate to the Waimea Plains Jookey Olub what stops bad been taken with regard to fixing a dato. The meeting closed with the usual pleasant experience of electing four new members, *** Among the many varieties of ill-luck which have at one time or other beset Jimmy Cotton, the latest is perhaps the mo ; fc peculiar. About the middle of last week ho received two mares for training from Mr Pollock, of Clinton. One is the three-year-old Ceres (by St. George— Glenshee) engaged in the Winton Derby; the other a five-year-old bj Apremont— a. mare bred by Mr Kitohing When they arrived Cotton observed that the last-named was rather dull, and all he gave her by way of exercise until Sunday morning was an easy walk, That morning he got frightened about her, and sent for the veterinary surgeon, Mr Alexander Hamilton, who attended to her, but she was past mending, and expired early in the afternoon, the cause of death disclosed at the post mortem was rupture of the liver, and it was also seen that she had been affected by a chronic internal disease. Jimmy is supposed to be training Cores for the Winton meeting, but she can't be got half fit in the time. * + * The Oamaru Mail speaks on the subject of consultations. As a believer in licensed liberty and a contemner of humbug, I have much pleasure in reproducing the sensible remarks made on the subject by a paper that is not exclusively devoted to sporting matter. The writer sayß : -" During the laßt cession of Parliament the Premier, while expressing sympathy with the desire to prevent large sums of money from being Bent out of the colony for sweeps and consultations, said that he had no power in the matter. It seems that tho clear duty of the Premier is to ask Parliament to grant him the power to check such an outpouring of wealth in this direction as is admittedly taking place. Upon a tolerably sound computation it is estimated that something like £100,000 is being annually sent ' out of the colony for tickets in sweeps and consultations promoted in Australia, and that only a very small proportion of that money returns to it in the shape of prizes. It is clear that not only haa our drastic Gaming and Lotteries Act failed to put down gambling, but that it has caused money to leave our shores to enrich other colonies. People will gamble despite all the laws that can be made, and from what we have said in the previous note it will be recognised that we have cast the weaker-minded of our ' consultation' gamblers into the arms of designing men in Australia, over whom it is impossible for our Government to exercise any control whatever. It Bsema to us that, having in view tho utter failure of the efforts we'oave made tc put down gambling and the prejudicial tesulte that those efforts have produced, we should in Home measure retrace our steps. We do no)
mean that we Bbould jrepeal the Gaming and Lotteries Act, and give full sway to the gambling proclivities of the age, but that we should apply to sweeps the principle that we have adopted in regard to the drink traffic. Ia other worda, we should recognise that gambling is an evil that we cannot put down, and place sweeps or consultations, which seem to be the most popular method of gambling, under license, with such safeguards that investors could not be swindled out of their money."
*** There is not a great deal to add to the report of the Palmerston meeting appearing in this issue. A few observations may, however, be acceptable. In the first place, I may give it as the opinion of more than one that Stable Jacket's brief and late-timed career on the turf has come to a dose, or at any rate it ought to b8 so, for the old horse has lost his pace. Next I remark that Secrecy, a well-bred mare that started in the Maiden (she is said to be full Bißt3r to Irish King), may be heard of before the season is out, Another item : that Seacliff is fast up to a mile, but requires a strong man to ride him. Observe further, if you please, that Carina shaped very well for a filly that had been only six weeks off the grass. She is really a nice mare, and Bhould, when tit, be able to carry a medium weight. Alanna s double win was well deserved. Mr Henshall had her in splendid condition, and has not had tho best luck hithorto. Civis " turned dog in tho handicap— he seemed to me aa if he wouldn't try. Tommy Buddicombe made a valiant effort on him in the Consolation, and roused the gelding to a sense of the necessity cf doing a bit of racing. This was aa good a finish as one could wish to see. But it was no fault of Walter Buddicombe'athat Seacliff lost the race. There wore two causes for the failure : in the first place, he couldn't get room to uao his whip; in the second, Seacliff swerved just when it was of the last importance to go straight. Patrick ran very well for six furlongs in the Spring Handicap, but could not keep up his effort for the finish I hope, by the way, that the club will re-shape the horns turn before next meeting. It is much too sharp. I noticed the jockey's nursing their horses in every race when approaching this band. Their doing so probably saved an accident. On a wet day it would be highly dangerous to come round that corner at racing pac9. %* In this week's issue appears an announcement that the carriaga stallion Dexter, owned by Mr Wm. Charters, will travel the Taieri and surrounding districts during tha prenent season. I need hardly remind breeders that this well-known sire is by Tali3inan (^y Traducer— Azucena) out of the famous trotting mare Gentle Annie j and that he ha 3 got some of the most stylish hacks in tho country, besides being the sire of several good trotters. Dexter is in fact one of the most uaeful horses in the country, and I am glad he is to remain in the vicinity of Dunedin. *** The Australian cablegrams published this week are in the particulars rather puzzling. That containing the report of the first day s racing at Oaulfield made a remark, easily understood, to the effect that Dunkeld's run ing in the Caulfield Stakes had caused many good judges to think more highly of his chance tor the Caulfield Cup. The conclusion here Bpoken of ia obviously reasonable. But a day or two later comes the extraordinary statement that Dunkeld has gone back to 100 to 5-for the Cup, which taken by itself might fairly be interpreted to mean that the colt had gone wrong, but this would scarcely appear to be the fact either, for the sender of the message has added an opinion that Dunkeld's form on Saturday II is hardly to be taken as a fair sample of his capabilities." By which it is meant, I presume, to Eay that Dunkeld might have been nearer the wianerif he had been ridden out. This! guess as to the meaning of the message is a probable one in view of the other statement, which by the way I cannot believe, that " the vast majority of the horaea at Oaulfield were non-triers." I don't know what to make of these cablegrams. On the bare fact of his running tjiird in the Stakes, I should think it quite good enough to support him for the Cup, and if he had a bit in hand, so much the better mußt be his chance. It must be remembered, however, that the remark as to Dunkeld's performance being not hia real form may mean that he was third only on sufferance, and if this be true the knocking out is at once explained. I must leave the mystery as I find it, but I will not be persuaded to abandon Dunkeld as my tip for the Caulfield Cup. V Now that the A.J.C. meeting is over (says "Augur") an analysja of the running mußt satisfy racing enthusiasts that one, if not both, of the great events to be decided at the V.R C. Spring meeting are in danger of being appropriated by the horseß of the sister olony. Mr James White bas had in Chester, Martini-Henry, Trident, and Nordenfeldt four colts of very high olasa, all winners of the V.R.C. Derby, but I do not think he ever had in one year two colts equal to Singapore and Dreadnought. The latter is more fancied than the former, and the Btory goe3 that Mr White has backed him, and that he will, if all goes well with him, be the only ono to carry the blue and white in the contest for our own blue riband. Now, there are two very cogent reasons why Mr White should Btart both colts. First of all the public, on the strength of Dreadnought and Singapore belonging to Mr White, have backed them freely for the V.R O. Derby, and tho squire of Kirkham will hardly refuse to give them a run for their money ; and, secondly, if Mr White is to win our Darby this year it will be with the best of his youngsters, and t'»e best of the whole neat is, I think, Singapore. It may bo true that Dreadnought is not so far advanced as Singapore, and that the chestnut can be more improved, but I doubt if ho ia a batter colt. Dreadnought and Daniel met at level weights in the Wycomba Stakes, and bad Mr Long'n colt not run off the coursD he mißfht have been much nearer to Dreadnought than he was. In the Members' Handicap Singapore gave Daniel within 21b of a couple of stone, and boat him just as far aB Dreadnought did. Moreover, I think Singapore is a much better colt in public than in private, and thus his trainer and others may have been deceived in the colt's capabilitias. Ido not for a moment wish to detract from the excellence of Dreadnought, who i 3 a powerfully-built colt, with that beautiful action which enables a horse to carry weight, his only fault perhaps being large feet; but the form of the two leads me to believe that Singapore will prove the better colt in the Derby, and it will not in the least surprise me to see him emulate the deeds of hi 3 sire, and annex both the three-year old event aud the Melbourne Cup. The only fear I have ia that he may go off, for he was a little light after his severe tussle on the last day of the meetiug. Loyal Stone is another colt who must not ba ignored, for in the Maiden Plate ho galloped like a racehorse, bnt, unfortunately, he overreached, and hit a leg, and, thcu,<h it is said not to be serious, he will not be improved by even a temporary stoppage in his preparation, for he will require to be at bin bas 1 ; to me3t such stars as Mr White will send into the field, to say nothing of Richelieu, Carrington, and 00. There are other colts at Flemington for whom I have always enter tamed a strong affection,- and they are Cope*.
hagen and Prince Oonßort. The firat-named during the winter met with a slight aooident, wbioh threw him back a bit, but he has evidently been doing well of late, and he may yet corroborate the somewhat exalted opinion I formed of him when he was a yearling. Mr Brodribb has a real good colt in Prince Consort, who ran a dead heat with Boz at Williamstown. In fact, most people still think he won the first time of asking, but he was beaten easily enough in the run-off. Hickenbotham has a month to string him up to concert pitch, and the colt should just be ready by the day. The New Zealanders will, I think, be represented only by Dunkeld, who is not a Carbine, and all things considered, I think I shall be justified in prophesying that the Derby will be won by Singapore or Dreadnought. At Randwick I saw several horses that should nave a chance for the Melbourne Gap. In addition to Singapore there were Manton and Antaeus, throughthelatterdidnotrunatthemeetmg.and there was some talk of a dark one in the baokground, but Iknownot what it was. ThenMelos Bhould have an outside show, and if Mr Gannon determines to bring him down he may give a good account of himself. It is probable, too, that Wycombe may shape better on the long straights of Flemington than he did at Randwick. I hope to see both theße colts carrying Mr Gannon's colours at Flemington. I don't know how the Ballarat horses have if Bravo, Oakleigh, and Silverton have not misaed a gallop since I saw them swinging along at Dowling Forest, tho best of the three will have something to say at the finish. Then there is Tradition to be dealt with, and Carbine, who doesn't show much in work, but is a tiger when the colours are up. Down at Sandringham Mr R. Clifford has a couple or three good ones, and there are others whose owners fancy their chances, but I do not think I shall be far wrong in choosing Singapore and Silverton. There has been some discussion respecting the weight Singapore will have to carry in the Cup. The conditions provide that the handicap weight of the winner of the A.J.O. or V.R.O. Derby shall be 7.6. Of course this is a penalty, Well, after winning the A, J.O Derby Singapore won a handicap, and many people contend that, therefore, ho is entitled to carry 31b more, or 7.9 in all ; but the V.R. O. rule says, "penalties are not cumulative unless so declared by the conditions of the race," and as there ia no such provision made in the conditions of the Melbourne Oup, I don't see how Singapore is to be fljlled upon to carry 7.9. *** "Augur" says that the Hon. J. White's colts bred to take part in the English Derby of 1891 are even grander youngsters than the two that have already been Bent to England, and adds : "I doubt if Mr White has ever bred a grander colt than the brother to Dreadnought j he is a colt of more mansiveproportions, standing upon short well-formed legs. Although not more than 20 months old, he already girths 6ft, and I shall be mistaken if he does not turn out one of the best stayers Mr White has ever raised at Kirkham. Nepean, by Chester from lolanthe, is not built upon so big a model as Wentworth, but ho is nevertheless a very fine colt, and a full sister to Singapore, who will be two years old in January, shows the same muscular development as her sire, and should all go well with her she may distinguish herself upon the English turf." V The brothers M. and J. Allan, of St. Kilda, have two exceptionally useful stallions in Captain Webster and Young Diomedes. Webster was certainly an unlucky racehorse— it will be remembered that he split his hoof by treading on a sharp stone afc the Forbury when in the midst of his racing career, and this accident was doubtless the cause of subtracting materially from his record of wins, but, notwithstanding this check, he has been a serviceable member, and one with a fairly good roll of victories, including, the Timaru Oup and Great Autumn Handicap, the latter event being won in 2min 38|3e0 for the mile and a;half , Captain Webster is, I believe, a sound horse, he has in point of appearance the makings of a good stallion, and hu breeding should cause him to be sought after, for he comes of a cross between the great St. Albans (sire of Malua, Sheet Anchor, &c.) and the best strains of the old Tasmanian blood. Mated with La Loup mares, or others descended from Traducar, Oaptain.Webster should get valuable racers j and from any mares worth breeding from hois likely to beget a. serviceable class of Btock. Young Diomedes, the trotting sire, is in high esteem among breeders, andjiot without cause, fqr he is the sire of some of the fastest trotters this colony has produced, including Victor, Fidget, and Gipsy. Particulars in regard to the terms upon which these stallions servicea may bo procured will be found in our advertising columns. *** A Tokomairiro correspondent kindly sends me a few items of interest. There was a meeting of the local olub on Friday night, when the outgoing office-bearers were, reelected and a programme for the Boxing Day mooting made up. The stakes this year come to £205, and the eventß will be the same as on the bill of fare last season, with the exception that a district race supplants the hack race. Theletteralsosaysthat Wildrake is doinggentle work j that Rufua and Ironsides have just been taken up; that Oounfc and Countess, two trotters, are in steady training, and will probably be broken to harness ; and that the old brood mare Hatred is heavy in foal to Mr Coombe's horse Wildrake. Boojum is shortly expected to foal to Young Diomedes. %* Mr H. Goodman had not long to wait for a purchaser for Silvermark. Through the agency of Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Go. a bargain was struck on Saturday last, and though delivery of the horse has not to be taken till Saturday I understand that the sale is completed. The buyer is Mr Monson, of the Wakatipu district, and the price lOOgs. , Mr Monson has got a cheap horse, and one that should considerably improve the character of the stock in the district in which he ia owned— if he should stand there, as I presume he will. It was while on a trip to this part of the country 10 months ago that Silvermark caught the cold which brought to an end his career on metropolitan racecourses. *** As regards New Zealand Cup horses, good accounts continue to be received as to Dudu's doings, and Bhould she Btart I am sure she will be very heavily backed. Some of those who know her pretty well think she is as good as Lurline was when at her best. Sultan is under a cloud ; it was reported on Tuesday that be had been absent from the track for three mornings.' With most horses I should say this would be sufficient indication that something serious was up, but as regards Sultan, he ia such a wonderful member at making quick recoveries that we never can be sure that he is knocked out. Recluse's running at Napier is not accepted as an indication of his form, for the race wa3 not truly run ; but I hold the j opinion that he has too much weight, and cannot win for that reason. Son-of-a-Gun is said to be doing good work still, though featß are I entertained that he may crack up. Tha same thing may be said aboub Springeton. As to Wolverine, I saw him do a 'good mile and a half gallop on Thursday morning, but he wants a lot of work yet, being one of those horses that it is an awful job to get quite right, and I would
advise backers to leave him alone for the present, for unless be oomes satisfactorily through an amount of work that would knock out a good many horses he will never Bee this Gup. Whisper is left severely alone after her Napier running. tJnless that was all wrong she oan t have a 100 to 1 show. British Lion is a possible, but I don't like him— l never did. fancy his chance for this race, and to all appearances he is held safe by his stable mate Dudu. V Of Masthead we know nothing, and, being a mystery, she must be put oh the shelf. Nothing but well-authenticated gallops will Buffiee for a recommendation at this stage. Ocoident is going better than ever. He was with Wolverine in the spin on Tuesday, and, though he was inclined to be a bit lazy, l must say I liked the way he came when Chapman tickled him up. If he goes on as he is doing he ought to at anyrate run into a place. Merrie England is, they say, doing well, but our correspondent on the spot is not in love with his chance in the handicap. St. Olair is turned out. I hear nothing good of Vandal, and the inquiries made about him thi3 week are, I think, from persons who have got hold of unreliable information. Lorraine has not many supporters at present. Jet d'Eau may yet oome into the market, and it is juat on the cards that the stable may rely on him at the finish, though I cannot say, and look on this as very likely to happen. Scots Grey, the erstwhile favourite, is now neglected. Lady Florin cannot win, and of those below her I nothing worth attention but Renata, Tirailleur, and Alpine Rose. The Hawke's Bay Guineas winner seema at the present moment to be the deadest of dead birds ; he is at 3 to 1, and I don't think it is a false price. But changes may come over the the scßne. Three weeks ago the public thought the Cup a certainty for Dudu, Sultan, Merrie England, or Scots Grey. To-day we ccc Scots Grey neglected, Sultan under a cloud, and Merrie England not so fancied, while Tirailleur has suddenly become first favourite, aud it is confessed by all who know anything that Ocoident has a enow. Fielders are foolish if they do not lay them as they come. %* While at the Forbury on Tuesday I saw St. James and Stonehenge do a nice gallop of a mile and a-quarter, while others that acquitted themselves well in fast work j were Dispute, Don Cseaar, Belvidere, and Mon \ Loup. The Dunedin representatives at Riccarton will not muster very strong at the forthcoming meeting. Stuart Waddell will probably take nothing but Occident, and Harry Goodman will, I think, rely solely on Don Cassar. It is not yet settled what horse will go from the Hon. G. M'Lean's stables. *** The Winton programme appears in this issue. This meeting is generally looked forward to with special interest, partly on aocount of a Derby being included in its programme ; and there seema every reason to expect that this year the interest taken by ''settlers in tha meeting will show no abatement. IN A NUTSHELL. —Mitrailleuse is to be put to Mentor. —Billy Butler is now training Alpine Robo. —A Trotting Association for Wellington is talked of. —Taieri nominations include St. James and Gipsy Prince. —It is reported that Dan O'Brien has sold Dunkeld for 2000gs. —It is now said that the purchaser of Merriment is the owner oE Russley. —Trump Card has been bought by Mr W. Brown, of Waikouaiti, for 150gs. —A flood, caused a postponement of .the Marlborough meeting to the 17th. -rThe New Zealand Cup colt Wanganui has been sold to Mr A. Redwood for £230. —The O, J.O. Derby winner is to be adorned with the orthodox piece of blue ribbon. —At the Pakuranga l meeting £1266 was passed through the totalisation not £266. —Mr D. S. Wallace denies that he has baoked Carbine for the Melbourne Oup. -r-The Warwick Farm (N.S.W.) course consists of 400 acres, It has cost £35,000. — Rakebon, winner of the Hack Race at Napier Park, is said to be a son of the Painter, —Dan O'Brien's colt Wbimbrel is said to be the best Maribyrnong Plater training at Gaulfield. —"Mr Fowler's" Watercress and Calora claim a 51b breeding allowance in the Middle Park Stakes. —Mr A. J. Keith's Daisy won the two mile trot at Sydney on the 30fch ult. Her time was smin 48 1 53ac. —The Winchelsea (Victoria) Olub propose to vary their race programme with a sheepshearing match $ —Everyone may not know that Mr Gollan, owner of Tirailleur, is a Equatter in independent circumstances. —For the Autumn meeting at Timaru £800 is to be given in stakes. The handicaper's fee is to be raised to £25 . —According to the Canterbury Timea, it is reported that Ahua and Chain Shot are bound for Australia this summer, — Camden. by Traducer from Jeu d'Esprit' was awarded first in the thoroughbred section at the Elmore Shows in Victoria, —Evening Star (by La Loup— Tangi II) hae baen served by Vanguard. Plenty of Traducer blood in that foal when it comes. —The Clinton Club has re-elected all its officers and passed a programme of seven event?, tha stakes coming to £100 in all. —I should think that Antelope, if well, ought to have a say in the Prince of Wales' Handicap run at Auckland next month, —Canterbury Jockey Club makes one to recognise ;Greymouth instead of Weatland as the metropolitan club for the West Coast. —The Auckland peny Secret, by Vampiro, won ' a seven-furleng pony race at the Canterbury Park Galloway Club meeting recently. — I am reminded by "Spectator" that Silvermark is not the first of the Apremonts to go to the stud. Ohantilly and Montrose have preceded him. —Trafalgar, the dam of Dreadnought, is by Blair Athol from Mosquito, by Toxophilite, the sire of Musket, and she was bred in England in 1880 Her first foal was a filly by Chester, but it did not live. —Before the last mail left it was reported in Adelaide that Mr D. S. Wallace had bought Dunkeld, and another rumour gave Mr W. Bayer as the purchaser. ■ —It is authoritatively Btated that the Hon. John Eales has been offered and refused £3000 for The Australian Peer, landed in America. He bought the son of Darebin for 600gs. —While making up Rudolph's pedigree I found it noted in the " General Stud Book " that a half sister to Frolic (Rudolph's greatgrandson) was cent to New Zealand in 1859. — An offer of land suitable for a racecourse has been made to the Taieri Amateur Turf Club and will shortly ba considered. The site is a paddock on the Abbotsford farm near Outram, — Lady Walmsley, the sister to Carbine, is to be Ferved this season by Remus, the son of Gang Forward, who ran second to Oikleigh in the Oaulfield Cup of 18S7, when she gets to Brisbane. - ' ' * .-" —The gentleman who:waß.my authonty for the statement that Tramp ia by Cloth of Gold
explains to the Canterbury Timea that be must have unintentionally misled me ; he was giving the breeding of Lewis. ' — " Spectator " says that Engagement was long since made a present to Mus Millie Kobinaon by her late father. This was the reason that the daughter of Musket and that beautiful old mare Sylvia was not offered for sale. : —At a well attended meeting of the Committee of the South Canterbury Jockey Club, it was resolved that a race to be called the Timaru Guineas, for three-year-olds, be inserted in the programme for the Spring meeting of 1890. —The best- informed English writers ridicule the genuineness of the acco.unts of Kirkham and Narellan that have appeared in some other papers, and add that these colts are kept strictly to the private exercise ground, where nobody can see them. —I saw Duntroon at Palmerston the other day. He is bound for the Mataura district, and will remain there for the season if sufficient encouragement is forthcoming. The old borse wears well, is almost; as straight; in the back as ever, and, though not got up for the ahow ring, is apparently in good condition and health. —The Oamaru Tradesmen's Racing Club resolved to inform the Palmerston Olub that unless they gave an assurance that they would extend their boundaries so as to include Oamaru horses in their summer meeting, the Oamaru Club would refuse to allow the Palmeraton owners to enter for the Boxing Day meeting. —For the Hawke's Bay Guineas of 1891 there have been received 92 nominations. Mr G. P. Donnelly entered 3, Captain Russell 3, New Zealand Stud Company 26, Mr J. C. Davis 3, Major George 2, Middle Park Stud Company 13. Mr H. Somerville 10, Hon. G. M'Lean 2, Mr W. Douglas 4. The Hon. G. M'Lean's contributions are colts by Rubezahl out of Lady Emma, by Rubezahl out of Lady Gertrude, and by Gorton out of Lady Evelyn.
ear. Winner. Eider. St. Time. 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 Wheatear Fryingpan Sardiua Sandal Ringmaster Maddelina Carlyon Volley Rudolph W Yeomans E Power E Wyman M Traban C Moore B Oolley T Halea T Hales T Hales 9 12 13 12 8 8 9 6 7 m. 8. 1 49 1 47 1 46 1 50| 1 49 1 46 1 52| 1 48 1 49J-
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Otago Witness, Issue 1977, 17 October 1889, Page 23
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7,377TALK OF THE DAY. Otago Witness, Issue 1977, 17 October 1889, Page 23
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TALK OF THE DAY. Otago Witness, Issue 1977, 17 October 1889, Page 23
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