The Scotsman of a recent date says :—: — " As]iecial train Mfc Aberdeen on Friday for Glasgow, with 200 emigrants from the north-east coast and intended settlers in the ' New Kincardineshire Colony, ' New Brunswick. Another Large party of emigrants joined the train at Stonehaven, and other bodies of intending colonists wevo taken up along thu route, till the company numbered between 700 and 760, the largest number of emigrants that have ever left {Scotland at one time for one place. As the train left the various stations hearty cheers were given for the emigrants, who appeared in good spirits, by the friends left behind. Information just received per the AtlanticTelegraph, by the secretary, state 3 that the JSW Brunswick Government have kept faith with the colonists, and that the promised log house and four acres of cleared, land are ready for occupation."
The Pall Mall Gazette, in noticing the above facts, remarks : — ''This is the first attempt, it is stated, that has been made to take out so large a number of persons? to one particular place, and to settle them down there, but from the liberal concessions of the Government of New Brunswick little fears are entertained of the scheme being a failure. Each of the emigrants bears a good character, and three teachers accompany them to their new home. Arrangements are also being made to send out a probationer of the Free Uhurcti 'to superintend the Colony from a spiritual point of view.' Farms have been allotted to each of the families goingout, varying in extent from 100 to 20U acres, the land being given free, while the Government also build the log houses on the farms, clear from two to four acrea per farm, according to size, and form the roads to a greater or lesa extent. "
Otago Witness, Issue 1129, 19 July 1873, Page 5
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