The Executive, after serious deliberation, have determined to allow the law to take its course in the case of the man Harrison, as well as in that ef the convicts Woods and Carver, sentenced to death for robbery under arms. Medical men of the highest talent argue that Harrison is justj ust as sane as most other men ; and the Governor is, therefore, debarred from exercising the royal clemency on the only pretext available after sen tence is once delivered. There is no sympathy felt for the bank robbers, although, if Harrison's case had not occupied tne public mind at the time, it is quite possible that they would not have suffered the extreme penalty ; but it wculj appear to have been an argument with minister? that it would be impolitic and unjust to have executed Havrison and reprieved two desperate characters who, no doubt, intended murder rather than be captured. The execution of the three unhappy men is appointed to tike place on "Wednesday morning next at ten o'clock. The speedy justice that has overtaken the Bank robbers will no doubt have a salutary influence on any desperadoes that mieht wish to emulate the deeds of the New fciouth Wales bushrangers.
A report was current, and the Age published the news as true, that Morgan, the villain of Bound Hill notoriety on the Sydney side, had been captured near Ballan, in this colony, but it appears to hive been unfounded. Morgan •was at one • time a horsebreaker in the employ 6f Mr Simon Staughton, and is well known in the neighborhood of the Pentland Hills and Bacchus Marsh. A man whom Morgan Btuck up, and whn knew him there, wrote to his friends at the Pentland Hills, that, probably when New South Wales became too hot for him lie would visit his old haunts in Victoria, a % >d that they had better keep a look-out for him This appearß to have given rise to the canard that Morgan hai actually arrived, and been taken. It is a pity the report was not true. There is no political item of any significance since my last letter. Mr O'Shanasy has been up to thank the electors for desiring to nominate him, but he gives as a good reason for not accepting the proferred honor, that he has represented Kilmore for so many years that it would be ungracious on his part to be the first to sever the connection.
The Government have i«sued circulars to the electoral registrars to the effect that they are to use alt diligence to have the rolls revised and completed by the end of August, that they may be ready for the general election ; this may point out that the first batch of the general elections will take pace about the end of September. The •weather has been changeable of late, 9nd Mr Saxby had another of his days yesterday, but it is again fine, and spring is evidently near at hand.
The Great Britain has arrived after a very successful run of fifty-eight days. She brings the champion billiard player, Mr Roberts, who will, no doubt, in due course, pny you a visit also. Mr Clelland, of the Albion, ha* engaged him at the rate of LIOO a week or L4OO a month to play matches with Lamb and all comers. The admission to see the match will be half a sovereign— a rather large figure to see a game of billiards. Boberts is to give Lamb 350 out of 1000, and if the reports are true, the matches between these players are likely to culminate in the champion giving Lamb 600, and beating him easily at that. The Omeo is appointed to sail on Wednesday. tut will probably not leave till Friday. Business continues dull, without any material alteration.
Otago Witness, Issue 663, 12 August 1864, Page 8
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