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Ingredients: -ljlbs steak, 2ot 3 dozen oysters, J lemon flour, salt and pepper, Jib flaky pastry. Method.- Oat the steak into thin slices 3 inohes long and 1J inohes wide, and dip saoh slice m flour, salt and pepper .' then pat an oyßter m eaoh piece ( roll up, pack m a pie dish, grate a little lemon rind over eaoh layer, cover with Btook or water, and add a squeeza of lemon juioe. Make the flaky paßtry. (recipe for whioh has been giyenin previous oopiep), roll it into Bbapa 1 iooh larger than size of pie dish, oat ofi a Btnp | of an inoh wide, wet the edge of the dish, lay this oarefnlly on with the oat cad oat, wet this, and upon it plaoe the oover; press evenly on, well away from the edges, trim round with a sharp knife, knead and roll ont the eorapß, out into leaves to deoorate the top, and glaze over with the yolk of egg or milk. Bake m a rather hot oven for 20 minutes, and then m a cooler oven or on a warm part of the stove for 1 hoar longer to oook the meat, If the latter, return to the oven for a few minutes to crisp the pastry, as the steam from the ; gravy softens it.

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Bibliographic details

Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume II, Issue 70, 4 September 1906, Page 3

Word Count

STEAK AND OYSTER PIE. Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume II, Issue 70, 4 September 1906, Page 3

STEAK AND OYSTER PIE. Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume II, Issue 70, 4 September 1906, Page 3