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" Macmillan'sMagaziiia" for November is an interesting paper. "The Appeal to the People " contains some particulars of the working of the referendum. The writer regards the proposal to introduce it into Great Britain with alarm, and considers the right of legislation should be the sole prerogative of Parliament. Though not in love with the House of Lords, he has a good word to say for it, and reminds his readers that representative chambers have been known ere now to assume despotic powers, and that is a tyranny against whioh protection is imperative^ "A Chapter in American History" relates j to stirring times in Virginia some yeara prior to the revolt of the States. "The Early Life of Samuel Pepys," " Deer Stalking," and " An Episode in the Life of Thomas"Becket" maybe mentioned of the other papers. Blackmore's story " Perly Cross " is continued. The completed stories and sketches are very readable. "Chambers's Journal" for November has quite a number of interesting articles. '- Old Songs and New Saws," by Mrs Lynn Lynton', ■'Seal Hunting on the Pacific Coast"; "Piracy In the Far Eastern Seas" are the titles of some of the longer articles, lhe shorten articles and stories are easefully selected.

The '■ Antipodean," fche Australian Chrißtmas annual, was so well reoeived last year that the editors were encouraged to try and improve on their first efforts, and the second number, to handfrom Messrs George Robertson and Co., certainly shows an advance. There is an excellent portrait of R. L. Stevenson as a frontispiece, and that well-known author contributes a poem. Sir Charles Lilley, the late .Chief Justice of Queensland, gives his impressions of New Zealand. One of the best of the stories is by Rolf Boldrewood, " Racing in Australia." and "Art at the Antipodes" are well written. The illustrations are excellent, and altogether the " Antipodean " is a creditable publication.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 9929, 23 December 1893, Page 4 (Supplement)

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PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Otago Daily Times, Issue 9929, 23 December 1893, Page 4 (Supplement)

PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Otago Daily Times, Issue 9929, 23 December 1893, Page 4 (Supplement)