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. On the 25th January; at Kaiapoi, the wife of Vincent A. Pyke, of a son. ~-:..,
On;the 26th January, at her residence, TootoowaV Chnstehurch, Mrs W. Devenish Meares, of a son. -. Oathe 27th Jauuary, at Rossvilla, Halfway Bush, the wife of Mr Christopher Godby, of twins—son and daughter.
On the 7th February, at her residence, the Glen, the wife of Alexander Healey, of a daughter. On the 12th February^ at Clyde street, Dunedin, the wife of Thos. B. Low, of a son. On the 13th February, at Maniototo Station, the wife of E. A. Chapman, of a daughter. ' On the 14th February, at the West Taieri Hotel, Outram, Mrs D. Vannini, of a daughter. ■'-- On the 14th February, at Mount Pisa", the wife of H.F. Willniott, Esq., of a daughter. On the 14th February, at ,the Holmes, East Taieri, the wife of James Allan", jun., of a daughter. On the 16th February, at school residence, Broad Bay, Sirs J. H. Wilson, of a son. On the 18th February, at her residence, The Glen the wife of Bartlett Provo, of a daughter.
On the 27th December, 1880, at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, Mornington, by the Rev. R. Waddell, Robert Black Paterson, son of Adam Paterson, blacksmith, Woodside, Londoii road, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Sally, daughter of tha late Alexander Anderson, blacksmith, Watten, Scotland. :',.,,. On the 18th January, at the Tabernacle, Great King street, by Mr M. W. Green, James Dawson to Annie Bishop, eldest daughter of Mr S. Evans, KortH-.East-Valley.-. .. -.. " ; -
On the 19th January, at Coldstream, near Eangiora, by.the Key. J. Elmslie, John Fulton to Catherine, eldest daughter of John Macfarlane, Esq. - On the 21st January, at the residence of the bride's father, Tomahawk, Anderson's Say, by the Key. C. S. Ross, Thomas Taylor, fanner, Wairuna, to Christina DyVes, youngest daughter of James Patrick, farmer. ■■, ' On the 26th January, at the residence of the bride's father, Edendale, by the Eev. James Henry, Wyndham, Thomas Brisbane, youngest son -of the late Robert Rogere^DaHnahoy, Edinburgh, to Jessie Dale, eldest daughter of, Mr John Stevenson, late Hillside, Campbelltown, Argyleshire. ; ' On the 27th Januaiy, at All Saints' Church, by'the Rev." A. R. Fitchet^Jamss Watson, of Watson's Hotel, Dunedin, to Susanna Elizabeth, the daughter of Mr 6. White, Dundas street, Dunedin
On the 27th January, at, St.. Luke's, Christchiirch, by the Rev. A. Lingard, John F. Harper, of Dunedin,- toDiqnysia Maud, younger daughter of Major Hornbrook, K.S.F., o£ Christchurch, and granddaughter of the late Colonel Hornbrook, R.M., Plymouth, England. .1 •. .-..'■ On the 27th January, at Newstead, by the Her. A. Halwrach, 5.M.,, Norman, youngest son of William Beetham, Esq., of Tellako, Taita, to Alice Mary, eldest daughter of H.- S. Wardell, Esq., R.M., of Newstead, Featherston, Wairarapa.l —•'.'■ . -" - r On the 27th January, at St. Joseph's Cihurch, by the Eev. Bishop Moran, John, youngest son of John Arthur, of .Invercargill, to Mary Anne' Josephine', eldest daughter of John Gpllar, of Dunedin. -- On the Ist February, at the residence ol the bride's parents, Bishopscourt, by the Rev. Dr Stuart, Andrew Goudie, third son of Mr James Cossgroye, Inyercarsill, to Rachel Wilhelmina, youngest daughter of: Mr William Martin. . -. _. . - : - ' - ■ "'*;'" '
On the 2nd February, at the Congregational Church, Moray place, by the Rev. Dr Roseby, Tobias Pirn, son of-the late Edward, Pirn, Esq.', of Belfast, Ireland, to Rachael, fifth daughter of John' Bathgate, -Esql, of Dunedin. '■"'.; . '--. ■■-.';> ''"■ '■'- ;~ ■• ;.- - :■'/: --1 •'•:■■ ;-■'■
On the 9th February, 1881, at Alma, by the Rev.'C. E. Barley, William Keeds; of Alma, Oamaru, late o£ Bunbiiry, Western; Australia, and eldest son of the late Benjamin Needs/of Alberton,-Devonshire, England; to SaraE Jane- Campbell,- fifth and :youngest daughter of Mr Hugh.Campbell, of'Lisradden, Port Glenone, County- Antrim,-Ireland. .^ - J- ■:-■■.-■'•'
On the 15th February, at Caversham, by: the Rev. Lindsay Mackie, assisted by the Revi'R. R.- M. Sutherland, the Rev." J;-Oscar- Michelson, - Tong6a,< New Hebrides, to Jane, youngest daughter of the late John Langmuir, Esq:" ■;* \ ~;■.,: ,: ::.::■■..
■ On the 18th February, at the.First Church, Dunedin, by the Rev.'Lindsay Mackie, George Walmsley, of Preston; Lancashire, England, to Anna': Jamiesonj third daughter of William M'OleatijEsqi,- County Down-Ireland:"1"'"" ' •---•>'- —
On the 18th Febniary, at the First Church, Dnnedin, by the Key. iLindsay-Mackie, Thomas: John Servington Savery King,'only son of Thomas" King, Esq., J.P., county of DevonV of the Manor House, North Huish; -Devon,-England, to Mary Elizabeth Muckle, second r daughter of : '. William M'Clean,,Esq., County Down, Ireland. .'• ,■'■:■•."■:" . '" : ■'-'"•'■..
On the lOthTiecember, at Fowanbrae, Helensburgh Scotland, William JDrysdale, Esq., late of the Union Bank there, father of the late William Drysdale, jun., Esq., drysalter, Dunedin; in his 74th year. ' On the 31st December, 1880, at College road, South Kent Town, Adelaide, Marion, relict of the late Mr 'John Dobbie; formerly a partner-in the firm of Lair, Somner,' and Co., of this city.
:On"the:2lst''Januaryj-suddenlyi-at Mantle Bush, South Wyndham, Amelia Irven Rankin, the beloved wife of William Stirling. On the 28th January, at Leith street, Dunedin, Helen Reid, the beloved mother of Mrs Thomas Burfc, after a long and painful illness; aged 62 years.
On the 29th January, suddenly, at Hart street, Roslyn, Elizabeth Esther, the beloved wife of the Rer. John Waters. On the 31st January, at George street north, Eliza "beth, the beloved wife of John Adams, tailor; in the sßth year of her age. Deeply regretted by a'large family. On the Ist February, at Akaroa, Donald M'Kay Currie, late of Dunedin ; aged 29 years. On the 3rd February, at Portobello, after a long and painful illness, Elizabeth, only daughter of Charles Muir, : Frederick street, Dunedin ;■ aged 24 years. ' ' On the 4th February, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Dr Copland, Fredlc. Parker late of Derby, England, to Helen Mitchell, second daughter of Wm. Mitchell, Ochil Cottage, Pine Hill, Dunedin - On the 4th February, as Main's Farm. Dunsandel Canterbury, Mr Robert Park, late of Bishopton, Ren. frewshire; ajred 32 yoars.
On the 9thlebruary, at his parents' residence, the Glen, William Copland, eldest son of James and Jane Craigie; aged 23 years. Deeply regretted On the 13th February, at her parents' residence, Grange street, Dunedin, Ada Rosetta, second daughter of Edwin and Annie Bcoth; aged 7 years and 4 months.
On the 13th February, ai. Port Chalmers, Margaret Louise, daughter of Dr Kennedy Douglas Tananuiaged 10 months. .
On the 15th February, at the residence of his father, Forth street, after a long illness, Francis Tamlyn Little, late of H.M. Customs, Oamaru; aged 25 years. " On the 16th February, at Dunedin, Walter George, eldest son of Albert Walter and Susan Forrester Geddes, of Clinton .Refreshment Booms; a<red 4 years. - - '
On the 16th February, at St. Matthew's Church, by '.the.Rev. C.-J. Byng-, Joseph A. X., eldest son o! Joseph Riedlc, Sandhurst, Victoria," to Louie, onlydaughter of John.Golder, of this city. . On the 20th February, tt Duncdin; Joseph Kendall, of 'Northampton,' Englanc.; aged 51 years. On the 23rd February, nt Queenstown, James, eldest son of James and Margaret Morrison, Lee street, Dunedin; aged 31 years. Deeply regretted.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5943, 25 February 1881, Page 3
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1,147BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 5943, 25 February 1881, Page 3
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BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 5943, 25 February 1881, Page 3
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