Information'cfthe sudden death of Mr James Maca?aey, an eminent barrister, who for many yean has been in practice in Dunedin, was received early on May 10 by cable message from Mr Andrews, the Crown prosecutor at Adelaide. Mr Macassey left Dunedin for Melbourne and Adelaide recently for the good of his health, which had been impaired by over-work, but tho news of his death came „ as. a Block to his relatives and friends, for his life was not deemed to be in immediate danger. It ia surmised that the cause of his decease must have been congestion of the lung.i, for in his last letter from Mcl "bourne he reported that his general state of health was improved. Mr Macaseey was at one time a prominent member of the Provincial Council of Otago. He ha 3on several occasions been a candidate for Parliament, and from his position and reputation as a barrister he may fairly bo.i'Bgarded as having been a public , man. Such being the case some particulars , of his career maj be of general interest. ■ James Livingstone Macastey, generally tnow as James Macasssy—Livingstone being his mother's mniden name, which he adopted— ' was the son of &n Independent minister, who for ' many years laboured at Carrickfergus, a small seaport town in tbe north of Irelatd, near Belfast. The deceased was the second of time sons, the fust of whom died young, but: lived long enough to become a somewhat diatingnished Independent miuister; and the youngest Ban is now a civil engineer of considerable' fepiite. Mr James Macassey was bjrn oh the S4',h of September, 1841, and was conße quentty 38 yeara old at the time of his death. At an early age he left Home for tho Colonies, and resided with one of his uncles in Adelaide. Hia fiwt employment was that of a clerk in a mercai.tile office ; but having a fancy for law, I be becatr.e articled to Messrs Grwynne and Lavr--xence (now Judge Gwynne), and bis aptness for legal pursuits, his quickness of perception, rememory, and remarkable industry iM^pn attracted tho attention of' several »>ounßtl. On leaving Adelaide he went to Melbourne, and there entered the office of Mr Stephen (afterwardß Judge Stephen). In Melbourne he took an active part in the literary institutions, and was a member of the Committee aud pecretary of the Hawthorne literary Association, and was also a contribu--tor to the Prefs of that city. DuriDg tbe Ofcago KoldfieWa rush in 1862 Air Macassey came to Danedirj, and entered tho solicitors' office of Messrs Richmond and Gillies (now Judges of the. Supreme Court) as common-law. clerk. In this situation his remarkable abilities attracted the attention and commendation of Mr Justice Gresaon. Shortly alter tbe dissolution ■ of the partaeiship between Messrs Richmond and Gillies Mr Maca=sey was called to the bar (29sh September, 1865), entered into partnership with Mr G. X; Turton, and succeeded to Mx T. B. Gillies' business. A few months afterwards Mr J. H. Harris, who had just retired ■■ from the Superintendency, joined tbe firm, and busioesa was carried on under the style of Harris, Macaasey, and Turton. This partnerahip continued for some years, and upon it's -dissolution Mr Macassey remained in business, alone, but -' was soon j oined by Mr Allan' Holmes (of the InnerTeinple), and subsequently Mr F.R. Chapman (of the Inner Templt) ■entered into partnership with them. /Afber the olssplutipn of this partnership by efHuxion of time, jMr Macassey: entered' into partnership T»ith hia brother-in-law; Mr C. C. Kettle, with whom he remained connected in business till the time of his death. ■ :.: •_. :■ ..: Mr Macassey's proftsaional career ia so well tnown that no particular reference to it is necessary. . Id manner Mr Macaasey waa reserved, "but notwithstanding tbis he was really of a veiy obliging disposition, and as a friend was sincere and constant. : lit the more private relations of ;life, aa 'a husband, and lather, 'his kihdnsss, consideration, and selfBacrifice were most marked. :Mi Macassey was married on the 16th of May, 1867, and ho leaves a wife and four children. The remains of the deceased gentleman will; be to Donedin for buriaL r .' :'/■ ;"';.: ~:
Otago Daily Times, Issue 5695, 21 May 1880, Page 7
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