PUBLIC NOTICES. "V^tTE have entered into Partnership under the style of REID and DUNCANS, as Surveyors, Civil Engineers, Land Agents, and Sha-e and Money Brokers, in offices, Moray Place, opposite Criterion Hotel. JOHN REID (of Corner Bush). JAMES W. DUNCAN. GEORGE S. DUNCAN. Dunedin. September lHt, 187 G. Is ESTATE OF G. F. REID. A FIRST DIVIDEND of TEN SHILLINGS in the Pound is Now Payable at the office of Messrs Nimmo and Blair, Stafford street. 31au "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that _Ol the partnership hitherto existing between the undersigned, Alfred Hellyer and James Chalmers, as Slaughtermen, under the style of "James Clulmers and C 0.," has This Day been dissolvad by mutual conBent ; and th*t the business will in future be carried on by the undersigned. James Chalmers, who will pay all debts due by the late firm. Dated at Dunedin, this 29th day of August, 1876. ALFRED HELLYER JAMES CHALMERS. Witness to both signatures— Jko. A. Bar a, Clerk to Messrs Siovwright aud Stout, Solicitors, "Dunedin. SOau NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. WE, the undersigned, lately carrying on business, as Wine and Spirit Merchants under the style of " Finch and Birch," hereby give notice that the PARTNERSHIP is DISSOLVED by mutual consent as from the 30th June, 1876. All Claims against the said firm will be Settled by James Finch, who will continue the business as formorly, under the style of JAMES FINCH and CO. 3au FINCH and BIRCH.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Daily Times, Issue 4537, 1 September 1876, Page 3
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