« ■ ■ i- ,: The latesb English telegrams which we publish to-day announce that the Derby has Ijeen run, with the following result: — £ . Mineral colt ... IX '■ Forerunner 2; :j Julius Caesar & Petrarch 4l Skylark ... ... 5? " The winner is by Buccaneer, out of Mineral. He was rising in the betting previous to.,the race. In the early part of May, he stood jat 7 to ,1. Petrarch, who was fourth, wasiAhe winner ot the Two Thousand Guineas, and* to 1 in thousands was offered about him foir^lp Derby at the finish of the Two Thousand. Petrarch was first favourite according to lajieat advices. ' • Eefeiringto the Mineral Colt's seconcjrappearance in public, on which occasion he pame in a length behind the winner, " and might have, been nearer despite his untrained,appearance," the Field says:—" He is a very strong, muscular, and blood-like colt, standing on excellent legs and feet: and certainly, barring the rather peculiar way in which his legs (both before and behiad) are set closely tcgetber, he look_s all over a Derby horse, the more so as he will be benefited by time. This colt was purchased by his present owner, Mr Alexander Baltazzi, for 500 guineas at the annual sale of the Imperial yearlings at Kishber, in Hungary, and certainly has running blood to recommend him, as bis dam Mineral (dam of the St Legar winner, Wenlock, &c.) is by Rataplan out of Manganese (grauddam of Mandrake, Agility, and Aiology), by Irish Birdcatcher."
The writer of Turf Notes in Land and Water said:—The Mineral Colt had no engagements this week, so that an opportunity was afforded us to ha/c a look at Mm stripped. At the same time he was doing a good amount of work each morning, moving oper the ground very freely, and giving' a direct contradiction to those. who had stated that he had lost his action. On the contrary, he has greatly improved,_ for, as a two-year old, he was very ungainly in his slow paces, but he has grown out of this, and a grander mover was never seen. It is really a trea1; to see with what determination La finishes up a good mile and a-half gallop, and I can safely state that those associated with him think the unnamed son of Buccaneer and Mineral is certain to win the Derby.
A Vit-tl'Etnjr Elixir.—Nervous, wcakby peraons frequen'ly dose tliemselvea fur imiK'"ary ■ !i;ea «s wh' n all they requiie is wholesome iuvi£<ini' inn Ttiou»ix.'s have rue.ivmed robust healdi by si& ~UtuLiTitc for unwhnlesiinie druKs a pure and ar,ruoaMc VttslizintJ LI sir which solaces the nere^a, overcoinc^ digestive aii'i oth'.T functional weakness ( , r disorders, and is prcserihvii by four tlnmstvcl intelligent pliyiielaTis. \Ve allude t!> UdoWUO VVp'a'BS AVUStATIS Scusii-i-a. -[Al'lil-]
Otago Daily Times, Issue 4478, 26 June 1876, Page 3
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