Shortly after noon to-day, the Earl of Seafield died at hiß residence ia Humberstreefc Though ib was hoped he would survive hla illness, it was known that his restoration to health was unexpected by his medical attendants, and that his complaint was so serious that his permanent recovery was viewed by them as impossible. An affection of the heart, we understand, waa the cause of hiß death; and, it seems that, though he was active and cheerful, and apparently robust, be had not been really well for a considerable time. Those who had learned to appreciate him for his genuine manliness and kindness of heart, but who were unaware of the constitutional weakness which has taken him away, will marvel that he has gone from amongst us with such suddenness whilst to all outward appearances in the enjoyment of rude health. Francis William Ogilvie Grant—for that was the Eatl's patronymic—waß born in March, 1847, and he was, therefore, in his forty-second year at the time of his death. The late Earl, whose death is now mourned by all who knew him—and who is there in this district who did not know him?—fa the fonrth Earl of Seafield who has died within the present, deoade, or, indeed, within the short apace of seven years. On the death of his cousin, Ivan Charles Grant-Ogilvie, in 1884, without issue, the title devolved upon the late Earl's father, and our fellow-townsman, Francis William Ogilvie Grant, as the heir - apparent to the Eirldom, became Viscount Reidhaven. This title he bore for about three years, and then Daath was once more in the family. On the demise of his father, early this year, deceased became the Earf of Seafield in the Scottish Peerage with the subsidiary title of Baron Strathspey in the Eoglish Peerage, a title under which he became entitled to a seat in the House of Lords. For how brief a epace and with what real dignity the late Eirl bore his title, is well-known, and we need only say that the honors which fell so quickly and in some measure unexpectedly upon him made no change in his attitude towards his fellow men, except that he displayed a desire to aid the neoesßitouß. Always gentlemanly and unassuming in his manner, he was the friend of all men and the enemy of none, and the only perceptible change in his demeanor was that, in so far as the improvement in his fortunes enabled him, he did many kindly acta aDd rendered timely aid to many who were sorely in need of help. From what we can learn in the short time at our disposal, the late E«rl came to the colony about 20 years ago, and haviog brought with him considerable capital, he embarked in farming. He was not, however, successful in his venture, and was necessitated to obtain a livelihood by any other honest meanß that were available. It was during this time that his manly independence and excellent disposition developed to so rematkable a degree as to win the admiration of all. Even when the news came that he had beoome Viscount Reidhaven, he told the messenger that he would finish the humble work in which he waß engaged at the time. These are features in his oharacter that will cause his memory to be ever honored by the people of this community. The late Eirl was married about 13 years ago to Nina, the only daughter of Major Trevor Evans, of this distriot, and the issue of the marriage is seven children, the eldest son, Visoount Reidhaven, who is now eleven years of age, being the successor to the Earldom. It will be some consolation to our readers to learn that the Earl paßßed away peacefully and apparently without suffering the least pain. We are sure that the Oountess of Seafield and her family have the heartfelt sympathy of the publio in their Bad bereavement and deep Borrow.
Oamaru Mail, Volume X, Issue 4282, 3 December 1888, Page 2
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