MRS. C M. NELSON. SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY The death of Mrs- C. M. Nelson, which occurred yesterday at her residence, Havelock Street., in her 73rd year, has deprived Auckland of one of its most highly respected and best-known -women citizens, and also of one of its most devoted workers in the cause of humanity. Mrs. Nelson, -who was the widow of the late Canon Nelson, -was, before her marriage, Mis* Georgina Sophia Coates, daughter of the late Mr. James Coates, who came to this country in 1841 as private secretary to Captain Hohson, first Governor of NewZealand.- His subsequent marriage notice was the first entry on the register of old St. Paul's Church, with which church "Mrs. Nelson was so closely connected in later years. Possessed of unusual 'organsing ability, coupled with unwavering zeal and enthusiasm, for good works, Mrs. Nelson's services on behalf of the needy and unfortunate of Auckland will long be remembered, and several institutions doing good work at the present time stand as worthy memorials to her life of service. For oyer 30 years she was president of th*s Ladies' Benevolent Society. She was not content with merely holding office, but rendered ! a sincere and loving personal service to i the cause that endeared her to the hearts I of many who would never have accepted the charity offered through the ordinary channels. It was the dearest wish of her life to see the society placed on a sound financial footing, and but a day or two hefore her death she expressed the earnest hope that the work she had carried on so long would be taken up by other and stronger hands. The deceased lady was one of the founders of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, of the original Parnell Orphans' Home, and of tie Plunket Society. As vice-president of the Girls' Friendly Society and an active member of the Mothers' Union Bne also kept closely in touch with church activities, and, while Canon Nelson was vicar of St. Paul \ took a leading part in all parish work. Mrs. Nelson i* survived by two son?, Messrs. Noel and Hobson Nelson, and two daughters, Mesdamea MHfioia and Tolhnrst. There are also seven grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at St. Paul's Church at eleven o'clock this morning, after which the funeral will leave foe St. Stephen's cemetery, Parnall.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17287, 10 October 1919, Page 8
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17287, 10 October 1919, Page 8
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