3OTSTMY .OF 400 CIMICS; HISSING YOBKBVIOAS. If comes as something. of a imrprisa to learn that> according to tho experts now engaged in the preparation of the new edition of "Crockford," no fewer than 20 clergymen of the Church of England have boon missedsince" last March, with no explanation of their disappearance. On the other hand, ten incumbents and curates who bad been missing from their parishes before then have Been discovered by this many-eyed semi-official directory,, go that the Church has lost in all 20 of is ordained members in the last 12 months. In a statement f&e compilers of "Crockford" expressed the opinion that nervous breakdown of hard-worked clerics, and disappearances while travelling abroad, accounted for some of the mysteries, while the solution of others has been found afterwards in the transfer of clergymen to the world of business without any. intimation having been made. Inquiries in all parts of the world are made before a priest is given up for lost. In addition to communications sent to the last-known addresses, and returned by arrangement with the post office in case of non-delivery, inquiries are made of the diocesan registrars, the archdeacons, and the bishops, while, if the missing'clergyman be a curate, tho assistance of the incumbent of his last parish is sought. Search is then conducted on & wider scale, and if every effort fails the name and record of the missing priest is taken from tho body of the work, and consigned to tho "Appendix/ to wait for a new, clue. The list has grown so large—comprising now some 400 missing clergymen—that in tho edition to make its appearance next month all those who disappeared more than 10 years ago aro to be taken out.
* " Overburdened With Worries."
Mora than three months ago the Rev. W. Ball Wright, vicar of Osbaldwick, near, York, disappeared from the village. He was thought to have been drowned in the River Ouse, near Folford, at which spot .'his coat and watch wero found lying on the river' bank. Great interest bas now been aroused by the posting on the porch of the church of a monition issued by the Archbishop of York (Dr. Lang), which, Rafter referring to the vicar's absence, contains the following passage :— •'We do, therefore, monish .you, the said William Ball Wright, and Require you forthwith to proceed to and reside on your said benefice, and perform the duties thereto, and to make a return to this, our monition, to us a tour registry in Minster Yard, m the city of York, within •31 days of the. issue thereof." It is asserted that before his disappearance the Rev. William Ball Wright; had seemed strange in manner, but little attention was paid to this. Ho was over 72 years of age, and had written; valuable worker on famous persons and families. His wife stated a few hours after he hod left home that, so far a& she was a ware, he had no money with hiWj And she added: j " It is all through being overburdened with worries." Mr. Wright was so well known that he would easily have been reI cognised at local railway (stations or clsewhere in the neighbourhood. The night ! on which he left home was a wretched ; one, and he was ill prepared for a journey, ■ having no overcoat or umbrella.. Inquiries have been made in all parts of the country, but no traea lias been found. There is no scandal, either financial or otherwise/ connected with 'his disappearance; The monition issued by the Archbishop of York is a formal proceeding necessary in order that the vacant living may be filled. There is nothing: in the action of Bri Lang to lead to the suggestion that any information has been received. ,"; < ; . ' ~,•".
New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15269, 5 April 1913, Page 2 (Supplement)
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