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Situations Vacant, I A PPRENTICE wanted for smithing -de- ' -£A department; also, : good striker.Gil- - mour. Joll. and Williams, Coaohbuilders. Newton Road. , ...- . ...:--V .-. APPRENTICE, well educated, wanted: to learn drugs and dentistry; no premium— English Chemist and Dentist, King3lan.d. BOY wanted to look'"-after telephone — Apply" All Black or Redwing, Man-o-War Step -■■ - '...'■-■: ■■■■■ ■'■ J TIJLACKSMITHING.-Wanted good, strong 6 1 -O Lad for the trade; splendid opening.— • A., Bond, Blacksmith, Ponsonby. ' 3 _ — , BOOT Trade- — Wanted — Bonchman, for -O machine-sewn and nailed work; " Machinists: Elderly Man, for light work.—G. '. A. Colo and Co. Ltd., Eden Terrace. CANVASSER, energetic, wanted.—Apply by letter to Canvasser, Box 32, P. 0., Auck- \ land.--' -■■•' -.-;■ '-. '■■' -.--•■ ■ ■ , ' CARPENTERS, good only, wanted.— ton's Job, Remuera Road, or Seccomb© i Road Job, Khyber Pass (Blomfield. Builder). CARPENTERS, six, used to bridge work; wages Is 6d per hour; ten months . work, rail right on to job.— MTFraaer. '' Otematea Railway Bridge and Wharf. CARTER wanted for country store near Auckland; married man preferred; . permanent. position for reliable and eiperi- > enced man.— giving particulars, »y , i letter to Merchant, Box 7, G.P.0., Auckland. COOK.— for Mine near Auckland— Good (man) Cook, to cater for about i 20 men.—N.Z. 'Miuea Trust. Shortland - Street- ■ ' -' _____ ■V ' ; ." ':" ■■■ ■'■ . COACHSMTTH, good, wanted constant job; 13s per day.— and J. Smith, Hawera. COAL 'Miners.—Two Coal Miners; ninst be i experienced men.— Mines ' Trust, Shortland Street. _ CADET WANTED FOR SURVEYOR'S n V OFFICE. Apply, :.:'. ---■ - ' -.-■ - CADET. " ■ :.-y. _-y_____Box 139, P.O. v DRIVER.— Strong, steady, young Man, to Drive storekeeper's cart, Waikato; -■ re- _ ferences required.—J.L-, 234. . HEBAXP. _ ; (HARDENER Wanted.-Star Hotel. GIRLS, experienced, wanted, constant em- ] ployment, good wages.— Banks Box I C 0..: Ltd.. .Wakefield Street.: V' ,/y-,.- v : GIRL, smart, wanted immediately \ for j shirt-making; must have had expert-i , ence; good wages;' new plant.— a 420, i Queen Street. • _. _:____ _.__i_ | - TUNIOR '■'■ for Office and Warehouse; one i L «J : with knowledge :of machinery re- j quisites—Requisite, 381, HERALD. : .;. i T EDGER-KEEPER wanted at once.—Appli- j l .Li cations, stating experience and; salary, | ) to Accurate, Box 543. ' .^■■■:"^^ ; .-~ '':■- _ _ i LAD, smart, active, wanted;' good open- I ing for suitable Roberts and Cliffe, Grocers, Gladstone Road, Parnell. ; i MAN used to fencing and sawing; i good i wages to good strong man.—B2, Victoria ■; . Street, ■ , - -■■■■••.-.'- ■ _______ "■■ ______ '■■^■ : -%\ 5 MAN. SMART, WANTED TO SELL NEW | ~,:. ■:'-.■ •;:..'■ LINE. '■'..:.' : -- • One with sign-writing experience preferred, j ' ■ Apply, first instance, >,:,,■"■'. ■■ -v. • NOVELTT, '..■■ - P.O. Box 897, Auckland. '■ , " OFFICE Boy or Youth wanted for mer- : . \J chant's office good opening for mnart • capable lad,—Box 246. • "■ .-...■. OPENING for Smart : Young ■ Man as Junior Reporter on. Evening Paper.— - Apply, giving all particulars, to ■Box .51,' ' P. 0.; Rotorua. ; >;■:':;:."?.■;■'*:': : l ;''.^:.,gr'^;- ; :| 5 "PHOTOGRAPHY. — Wanted ?; experienced X Lady take charge small branch studio . in Rotorua.—Apply, stating -aga," salary,etc., Shepherd, Photographer, Rotorua. '■;;: r .- —r —~— — . . .-' v —. ..... ;..;.;".;. 5 Q ALE3MAN waited, to Sell , hooks, papers, 0 magazines, etc., on Main Trunk ;' express,— and Papers, Ltd., 54," Albert St. J QTORE and Book Keeper Mir for store, ' YJ run in , connection with ; hotel.---Apply, . stating wages required, Box 17, Tarrio'. '■ : ' nnRAVELLER.—Wanted at i once—Firs&nlas's ? .L i Country Traveller for tailoring.—Tailor, . 372, HERALD. .- ■ : .."•; ■"::: .'■■'":,;/ ___.'; ►. "V'OUTH. ' need to light ironwork or willing *■' X V.:.v to learn same.— J. Edwards, •5, Rutland i Street, City. ; ■ y . "-" '/'.:. >. VO -TJ ,T H.. : ;S:K..A.R. T, ■i. ■ ■!;"'-> WANTED "'FOE' OFFICE "* " • "- ■-.-'■ 3. : HANCOCK AND (N.Z.), LTD., '■'■■'■ 3 .-•-,' )■■ \ Customs Street East.' ': - ASSISTANT OTORBMAN WANTED, f FOR MANURE DEPARTMENT. ■ ■ V--V \ ; ARTHUR TATES AND> CO., LTD., - ,'.■.:•;. Lower. Albert, Street. . * At S S ."» S T A' N. ;; T 8, ; SEVERAL .SMART, EXPERIENCED,' 1 ,' '. ■■• ' ' ' ';'■■'. \ ■ : '-, 'i • WANTED. .;■ '. Permanent Positions. J. H. PORTER AND CO., ; „ Bargain Drapers, '-" ! .:'.l '~-.' .■■. ..Newton.-"'. " AUCKLAND HARBOUR BOARD. ■■■ APPOINTMENT OF CADET. ' Secretary's Office, _ February 12, 1913. Applications will be received at this office '•■ until Noon of MONDAY, 17th' inst., for the ! ' position of CADET, in Secretary and • Treasurer's Department.. ; / <• . Salary : "at -, commencement, - £40 per " annum- ■■■'■'' : .: ;^\ /■'■■.• •■^■"^VM' 1 : --'--.--■"■ f---' : - : .- v .-•-- : -'--■?-: : 2-- : -;•-- : ; : «,' . A knowledge of shorthand and typewriting 1 essential. ■"'•'■ i Conditions of : appointment may. he ; seen .' at this office. By order. I H. B. BURNETT, .. t Secretary. I TJOY WANTED FOR MESSAGES. WORKS MANAGER. " • ■'"•■'. ■ ■' : ";;;fii»A-_^oaic_ : .' it ;.. .— — •■■;■'"■ — ' ;- • i __«_ T>OY WANTED *' FOR EDITORIAL FLOOR,;- HERALD. >;."::v ; Apply. • ~ ■ :v SUE-EDITOR, : ' A' , ■ - '.■'":'-•.;''■ -i;.-" ■- ' Between 7 and 8 . p.m.: " V . E G ' A L. a- Jj-'- , ____. 1- A MANAGING CLERK is required for a _ country office. ; ■• ■;-.-* . -■• . A . Intending applicants must apply in the a first place by letter, stating qualifications, . and salary required, and enclosing testi- ' monials, to ' £' P.O. BOX 650, Auckland. 3, _' . '•"•'•' — —~— —".".'' — '■ '. — - II T AND ..'•■•■' ' SALESMAN, s WANTED, "a BY LEADING FIRM OF LAND AGENTS.' " Must bo Thoroughly Experienced 'at Selling and Fanning; also be Expert at Exchanging, " and with knowledge of this province.. d .'■■•"• , CONFIDENTIAL, *• -..; Box' 625. ' - txtELLINGTON GIRLS'; ; ;! COLLEGE. - An ASSISTANT TEACHER is required. I- Sa Hicalions, with, testimonials, ; will be ! , received by the undersigned •up to Noon ' on tho 26th February. :: . ,- a. P. POWLES, Secretary. r ■ •-'• .-■ '-■ '■•■ __ • v -— _j_„ •'■—————~~— „ .;:,'. TXrORKING MANAGER REQUIRED FOR ; '^*' ,J ' STORE 5 IN LARGE COUNTRY TOWN.' ' 1 Must have General Experience, especially in, ' GROCERY AND HARDWARE.""' I Suitable Man, may have ■ Opportunity ■to •; Acquire. Partnership or Buoineijs. i Turnover,: about '£1500. per r :Hi6Wih. r !' Apply by letter, stating full particulars; . to ;;.:i; ;; . ■■■■-.' J _P.O. BOS 59*. AUCSSuXSSJii »;. -'■■■-.■■•.;,-;,- ';•' .•<>.^.?'f-;.v.:,j\^-rV^f"'-'.^\^' i /-'';V , ' i 'i ..'' '■"';' :"'■. '■' /■,< : '-":.'i :: ; '; v ;.;.v i " ; : : :'' r^'i-^':;, /' i ;. , '- , ' : "' v ;i'f.; s; '' ; :'t '"■■•■■'■'.,''■.•!'.• ■:v.'''-'" : ' : .:'v.'-;. i :; : '-. ; i ;;/' , -?i'' : "/j:;Ji>'/K ; s : " J ;J/V.''.;; : ...'.:-''i:H
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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15229, 17 February 1913, Page 1
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872Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15229, 17 February 1913, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15229, 17 February 1913, Page 1
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.