[FROM our own correspondent.]
London, April 7. The investiture of the Prince of Wales, at Carnarvon Castle, on July 13, will be a historic ceremony and an auspicious day for the Principality. The Welsh are proud of the fact that the Prince will'bo invested in their old capital, and the privileged twelve thousand within the castle grounds will witness a Royal • function which lias had no counterpart since Edward I. held up the baby prince to the view of the Welsh people. The main features of the programme are now definitely decided. Returning from Ireland in the Royal yacht, Their Majesties, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, will travel by a special train from Holyhead on July 13. At Griffith's Crossing a small station -two miles and a-half north of Carnarvon,. the Royal party will detrain and make the remainder of the journey to Carnarvon by road, the Royal carriages and escort awaiting their arrival at the crossing. Carnarvon will be entered by the north road, and the Royal party will go through the main street to the great Castle Square. Hero, op a specially-constructed platform, in tho middle of the square, the Mayor and Corporation will receive the Royal . visitors and present addresses of welcome. Proceeding down" Castle Square the . Castle will be entered at the ancient water gate on the sea front, the Royal Welsh Choir of 400 voices meanwhile singing a portion of the special musical programme for the day. From Castle Square to the first entrance into the Castle there will be two separate processions, that of the Prince of Wales preceding that of the King and Queen by a few minutes. On the Prince's entrance tho Standard of the Prince of Wales will be hoisted from- the topmost turret of the Eagle's Tower, where tradition has .it that the, first English Prince of Wales was born. • - . Their Majesties and the Prince will don their robes of State in the occupied by King Edward 1. and Queen Eleanor, and the service will be conducted by the Bishop of Bangor and a Welsh Nonconformist Minister. Immediately aftor being invested, the Prince will.go to tho celebrated Queen Eleanor's Gateway at the southern extremity of. the Castle, commanding a view of the great Castle Square and tho State Quay, which will he cleared for the accommodation :of the public. There, on a platform, tho Prince will present himself to the view of his Welsh subjects. It is also stated that,: following the example of Edward 1., he will address them in their native tongue, and that a tutor is preparing him with this purpose. The double Royal Procession will then leave the Castle by tho great main entrance facing Castle Ditch, and the processions will make a complete circuit ofthe Castle outside the walls, re-entering by the main front entrance. The Royal party will then return to Holyhead by specif' train.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14680, 15 May 1911, Page 5
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