[FROM OUR OWJS" CORRESPONDENT^ Otorohanoa, Monday. Thb opening of the railway line for traffic, which is now completed as far as Otorohanga, is being anxiously looked for by Europeans and native residents at this place, who will then get a mail daily instead of onoe a fortnight aa now. It will be an immense convenience also to those living Further up at Hangatihi and Te Kuiti, where many Europeans, now engaged on ralway works, etc , are now living. Work at the Porotorau tunnel is being fully resumed now that the holidays are over. Mr. Simpson, the resident engineer, and Mr. Knorpp, the engineer-in-chief of the North Island, left Otorohanga for the tunnel the latter end of last week, with the contractor, Mr O'Brien. Last'week, there was a small slip at the faoe of the tunnel which could, however, be soon cleared away again. Owing to the railway not having sent np their usual Tuesday's train to Otorohanga, Mr. WorthingtoD, the contractor for the railway station buildings here, has been put to soire little delay and inconvenience. There has been over 100 tons of railway material and some 20 tons of private goods lying at Te Awamutu awaiting transit to this place. A number of persons have left here for the Waiteti section the last ten days, witb the object of inspecting the country through which that aeotton of the railway, tenders for which are invited, will pass. They are able to procure saddle horses at Tanner's, at Otorohanga, and to ride over the greater part of the line.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7844, 13 January 1887, Page 5
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7844, 13 January 1887, Page 5
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