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I Houses and Land. T M. LENNOX, f ESTATE AGENT AND VALUATOR QvecH-arRKR. Auckljofd • (Oppoatte thn Htm Zealand lnsaraaee Baildiog*/.' * IU ) UW -Apply to J. M. Lontot, Estate Agent, Auckland. 4? 100 — F-Mn of uo n= lllß of flwt-daw bu*fc <VA\/\y. land, situated at Ra«lan. A school is about to erected near the farm Price, £S£>'cash, the balance to remain <m mortgage at 8 per eent.Apply to i. M. Lurxox, Estate Ageat. Auckland: — Oy SALE-All thit fine allotment A(V7VV. situated at the corner of Hebs'n a* 4' Wellington-streets, with a shop and two dwelling homes erected thereon. Priee £80« This Is ene-of the be>tsit-» out of Queen-street.—Apply to J. SI.Lennox, Ettate Agent, Auckland. j£lfLO -A BARGAIN-Farm ef 40 acre*, at **-"-W. Btoke«'e Point There is i an acre of orcaatd, 6 acres in grans, and about 6 acrei cleared SBd ready for ibe plough. The bouse contvns 6 vomas, and ia situated near Soldier's Bay, about S ■me* from Stoke* , Point.— J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent Auckland. — Cottage with Freehold allotment and good well. There are 4 rooms in the Cottage Prtoe £l«0': £50 cash, balance by weekly payme ts. —Apply to J, H. Lesuox, Estate Agent, Auckland. TJeARNELL.—Tjro Allotments fronting the main -*• road*, in a ftrst-da»a position. The lote have a front»ge of 8* and 35 feet respectively. Price £3 &s Ser foot. Tbrnm Allotment! are in a firat class poslon for bosiben sites.—Apply to J. M. Lju-mox, r state Agent, Auckland. TTEPBURN-STREET-A des'rable7-roomed Resi- -■"*■ dene*, with waah-boQse and every convenience. Free Mold Allotment 36 x 11». The residence is well furnished, and will be sold with or wi hout the furniture Prie* £500 :: with the fnrniture, £700. Let at present furnished for 50s. per week.—Apply to J. M. Lfnnox, Estate Agent, Auckland. TjMRW AND'HOMESTRAD.—FOR PALE—About •■- htlf-'in-hour'a walk from the Manurewa Railway Station : a compact little farm of 30 acres of good land, all fenced, and in grass. The residence contains f> looms, leather with dairy, c>w-sbeds, &c. The land is well watered Price, £450-£10» cuh, j the balance can retmin at 8 per cent.—Apply to J. j M. Lknsox, Estate Agant, Auckland. CO A'/— A BARGAlN.—SCottsges.afewrninatea , * walk from the Union fUnk. Present rentil 23s per week—All tmext Freehold. Terms, £100 cash, balance by weekly pnymeuts or otherwise, at tha option if hujvr.—Apply to J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland. WAIKATO— A beautiful little Farm of 122 acre 3 of first quality soil, all in the best grasses. There is a 4-roomed Residence upon the farm. This fine properly is only 3 inil-s from Tβ Awamntu, in the Te Kaha'j district Pries £1,220.— Apply to J. M. Lennox, Kstate Agent, Auckland. ROAD—Shop and Dwelling-house corner -*-' «f Newlon Koad and Wincliester-street. Freehold allotment, 33 x i) 9. Price £22». A good business iai.t;ht bp-tioue in this shop by an enterprising person. — J..M. Liknox;, Estate Agent. NEWtSwROAT)— A desirable 4-roomed Cottage. Freehold allotment, 37 xBS There i 3 a go*d well, and the house is built upon a brick found-.tion. Price £200.—Apply to J. M. Lbxnox, Estate /.gent, Auckland. TjARNET.L—Nexr Mason's Gardens—Residerce of -"- 7 rooms, built upon a line corner allotment 65.6 X 170. The omnibus passes the rioor. The railwty is within a few minutes' walk. Trie-. £S7t\—Apply toJ. SI. Lknkox, Estate Agent, Auckland. VILLA RESinEvCE—a bargain—A seven-roomed Villa in the City, veil an 1 substantially built, with larsje freehold allotment having 60 f*>et frontage. Price, £320 cash.—J. JVI. Lbnnox, Instate Agent, Auckland. A LT.OTMENT in the City, with 60 feet frontage. ■£*- P:ice, £90. Beautiful Situation.-J. M. Lesvox, Estate Agent, Auckland. XXTAIKATO FIRM-FOR S*LB—A First-class * " Farm, one mile from Cambridge. There are 100 acres, 14 acres of which are in wheat, 9 acTes in oats, and 34 acres in first-class grasses. Th« rexidenc! contains five rooms. There is also stables and all necessary out-bnilding3. The coach passes the door. Price, £I)3o.—Apply to J. M. Lenkox, Estate Agent, Auckland. PP3OM— A well-situated Residence containing five ■*-* rooms, together with cowsheds, <*ic. Land volcanic Piioe £300—Apply to J. M. Unsox, Estate Agent, Auckland. J. M. LENNOX, Estate Agevt, Atjckt,attd. T) O B E R T H O R N E, LA>D. MINING. AGENT AND HOTEL BROKER, Nest Post office, AucKiiArtD, HAS FOR SAL E— EAST TAMAKI—.I Farm of 20S acres, Rood Dwelling-house and Orchard, o> easy terms. WAH'KI.'-An Improveil Karm of 4SO a.-res, rearly all iu gms... a- d subdivided into securely fencfiii pa'klocks, ■well watrred. A comfort«ble and commodious Dwellir-jr. four-stail Stable. Wool Shrrt an'l otker Outbuildings, and a jjood Orchard of 2 aeres. Allotments Nos. 19 and 20, J-nere eacb, in township. if AI(JRO—Lots 34 and 381, !00 acres feeced, partiy in grass. WAI P \—Lot 11, fronting Woipa River, 50 acres. WHATA WHAT l-Let Sβ, 50 acres. WAITAKKREI—26O acres Bush Land, adjaceet to tlie new Kailway Line. WAII.OA—GooiI Farm of 500 acres, half bush and half fern ; 25«. per acre. A Mock of 2i 00 acres, partly improved, in lots to suit purchasers. TK PAPA—L t 473, en seres splendid land TV. AI'ATA —L't 11)1. 50 a«-re.s TK V I'N A—Lr.t 47, 60 acres. WAlli'fA —Lot 84. 50 acren TAi:RANGA TOWNSHIP—Lot 350, Cameron Koad IiAY OF PLKNTY—2I years' least; o£ (iOOO acr«s of goo-.l land. AWITU- 5(0 acroa, mostly black loam soil, 203 per i NOhfn SHORE—AllotmontsSl, 33. rhnltenham. Bb.AUii - Allotment d x HO, between Wharf Rnd rrt-, niia's JJay, let io llurbonr lioard, £30 per arininn. POX-ON BY K"ATJ—AHotmeat, -40 x 100 splen<!ld view of tlio Harbour. ELLIOT l--THii- f—AUotmest. 33 x 70, and commortums H-ck Huil ( :ing o? 1 stories, and sh. ds at re«r ; t-n vory easy terms. GIIAMAM bTKKKT— A L*nra Allotment, with fonr KfSideiit«;s «riTt«.l thereim—alldetacliPd- -cm be sold in in.-. I-.t cr si-paratdy ; a pood invnstnieut. bEAKIKLD VlEW—Allotment, Sβ x 140, 11-roouied Housp, sublo, anM <>'iusf.s. EP.-'OM —Two-at-.ried frivatu Ucsidence, of 12 rciiin, in a splendid position, with paddock of . r > arres fmntinif thf Oiirliungi lioad. MEIiCKR—B*y noar Mercer. I'IA KO—l>oo aurt s flrsl-class Land. Several Hotels in Town and Suburbs for sale. FOR SALE —Au Improved Farm, at Terahu. near Te Awamutu, WaiKato, containing 216 acr*'S, with 5-rooiueU Cottage and large Stable on the pro; orty. ALFRED BUCKLAND.. FOR SALE OR LEASE—A substantial and commodious Dw.-lling-honse, containing 13 rooms, togetlier with large Allotment, h-vving extensive frontngfis to Jerruyii-street and Bay R >ad, an 1 overlooking the harbour. As a family residence is ritted with every c •nvenience. Apply to W. AITKKN, Land Agent. .Tj! O 11 SALE, ■*- The most d-Vntble IS Years' Leasehold in Auckland.—containing Nine Kooms, Offices, Stables, &c, about 10 minutes' walk from the Post-office. W. FLOOD, 28, Shortland-street. FOR SALE, 21 BTJILDING ALLOTMENTS, TOWN OF CAMBRIDGE EAST. This is the most valuable Block of Land in Cambridge, being situated between tho Bank of New Zealand and the Market Reserve. Terms : Orjefnurth cash, remainder can remain on mortgage for such term as may be »gre«l nprrn. For further particulars apply te Jam ks If ally, Cambridge. 20th April, IS7B. JR. R ANDERSON, • BROKER, MINING, AND COMMISSION AGENT. WANTED TO PURCHASE—B or Iβ Acres Volcuaic Land, with House erected thereon, within five milee of the City. State particulars and price. PROPERTIES FOll SALE — Larjre Allotment Archill, cheap—Bo acres Wairoa River, Kaipara, offer wanted—Bo acres Waiuku, £1 per acre 100 acres Pirongia, Lots 129 and 130, Waikato, price low- 50 acri-s. Allotment 107, Mangapiko District, offer wanted—.Seven-roomed Cottage at Coromande), on very easy terms. Beautiful Residence, near Onohunga, with 4 acres of land tastefully laid out; terms reasonable ; and other properties Shares bought and sold. Money advanced on Mortgages and Loans negotiated. J. R. RANDERSON, Accountant, Valuator, Land, and Investment Agmt ! Office: No. 5, Insuricce Buildings, Auckland.,
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5177, 20 June 1878, Page 1
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1,275Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5177, 20 June 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5177, 20 June 1878, Page 1
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