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TIIE VICTORIA CROSS GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). \ SECOND CALL of Threepence per Share is made payable, at the Office of the Legal Manager, Owen-street, Grabamstown, on or before MONDAY. October 4, 1860. Br order f tlie Directors. JOHN GWTNNETn, Legal Manager. MOUNTAIN FLOWER GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED.) ■VfOTICIt: is hereby given that, a SECOND Prclim±N inary CALL of £1 per full Share is male and payable at the Company's Office, Grahanistowii, on or before the 25th inst. R. C. JORDAN, Legal Manager. ISth September, ISCO. DIGGERS' FRIEND ~GOLD MINING- COMPANY (REGISTERED.) NOTICE is hereby siven that a SECOND CALL of Sixpence per Sharp is made niul will be payable at the Company's Ofliec, fourteen days after date. Shareholders who hare not paid the First Call are reminded tbat their Shares are under the Rules of the Company liable to forfeiture. R. C. JORDAN. Legal Manager, j ISth September. ISfiO. PRIDE OF P\RXELL GOLD MIXING COMPANY. (KF.GISTERF.D.) "\TOTTCF. is hereby given that n CALL (the ' '* firsO of OXF." SHILLING per Share has \ been made by the Directors, due and payable at the I . Office of the Companv. 21. Queen-streef, on or ] before the 2Dth Sept.-Mibcr n*t. j The Transfer "Rooks of the Company will be closed durin" the 2Stli and 2Dlb inst G-EORGK W. JONES. Legal Manager. Airland. Sept. iMi. ISGO. TUT VXD CITKOO GOLD MTXIXG COMPANY (REGISTERED.) XTOTTCE is h.-rehv u'ivon that a CALL (the first) i\ of FOI'RPEXCE i>-i- Share has been made by the Directors, due and payable at the Company's Office. 24 Queen-i'ivet. on or before the 20th inst. The Transfer P.oolj* of the Company will be dosed durins the 2Sth ami 20th inst. GEORGE AY. JONES. T.cjal Manager. Auckland. Sept.. 20ih. ISO<I. INVERNE'S GOLD MTNTXO- COMPANY (REOTSTKRKDV NOTICE OF CALL. \ CALL of One Shilling per Share'is made payable at the Ottee nf the Company. Cwstoin-house-ftrcrt. AucVhiii'l. on 1-t Or-MWr n.'tt. \Y. S. LAFRIE. Leaal Manager. September 20, ISfiO. TRADESMEN GOLD MINING COMPANY. * CALL of Ten shillings per Share is payable X nt tho O:T!ee of H. H. Lusk. Shortland-sfreet. on or before the sih October. Bv order of Directors. ROBERT HALE, Legal Manager. September 20, lSfiO. PRTNCESS ROYAL GOLD MTNING COMPANY (REGISTERED.) \ FIRST CALL of THREEPENCE per Scrip is made p-ivahle at the office of the Company, on or before THURSDAY. 30th September. ISGO." C. ALEXANDER. Lcsal Manager. PEA LION GOLD MIXING COMPANY (REGISTERED.) CALL of FIVE SHILLINGS per Share is made payable at the office of the Company, Pollen-street. Shortland, 2s Od per Share, 20th August; 2s fid per Share, 26th September, IS6O. W. ROWK, Legal Manager.
QUEEN* VICTORIA GOLD MIXING COMPANY. A CALL of Twopence per share is mtidr payable at the Om>e of the Le<jal Manager. Owenstreet, Grahamstown, on or before FRTDAY, Ist October, 1869. Bv order of the Directors. JOIIN GWYNNKTH, Legal Manager. NORTH ISLAND GOLD MINING- COMPANY. QHAREHOLDERB are reqiv-led to hand their K ' Promoters' Sharee for registration, and for the issue of new Shares of the Company, to J. P. DU MOULIN, Secretary and Treasurer, Fort-street. MOCKING BIRD GOT O MTNTNG COMPANY (REGISTERED). QHAREHOLDERS in the above Company can l> have their SCRIP In- applying ot the Company's Office and paying the amount of Calls due. No Transfers will be received after Monday the 27th inst, for registration, unless accompanied by the Scrip. WIT F. CLIFTON, Manager. Grahamstown, Sept. 20,1669. SHORTLAND GOLD MINING COMPANY
(REGISTERED). OBTARES on which Calls are not paid in thirty days from date will be forfeited. Shareholders are requested lo talce notice that, the rule which empowers the Directors to forfeit shares will be rigorously enforced. By order of the Directors. N. W. MASSEY, Legal Manager. Grahamstown, .September 17, ISG9. LORD OP THE ISLES, TARARU. A, T a Meeting of the Directors of the above Company, held at tin; Manager's Oflice, WilliamsonBtreet, Grahamstown, it w : w decided to make a CALL of Cd. per Scrip, payable on or before the 28th mat, for the purpose of workin" the mine P. J. DALTON, Legal Manager. HECTOR GOLD MINING COMPANY. t » CALL of TTTRKEPEXCE ~„ Scrip in the ■ .. nboTe Company is made payable at the Ollicc of the undersigned, on or before tke 23rd September. Shareholders are informed tliat their Scrip may be liad on application. P. J. DALTON, Legal Manager. PORT PHILIP GOLD MINING COMIMW (REGISTERED). I,tA> * ]\JOTICE is hereby given that a Call of THREE i \ I h> Oh per Share in the üboye Company, lias h en made by the Directors, payable at, the Ollico of the Company on or before the 22nd inst. 7 EDWD. iIONI.SS, Legal Manager. Grahamstown, September H, ISC9. SOUTHERN PACIFIC GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED.) "VfOTICKis hereby given that a first CALL of X> THREEPENCE per Scrip-share is made payable at the oilice of the Company, Urowu-street, Graliamstowu, on or before tho 27t.1i September, ISG9. By onkv of Directors. N. W. MASSEY, \ Legal Manager,
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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 6
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813Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 6
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