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_ I'nsTroxE.MK.VT.— \\ e notice th:it the sale of (-Oiniuissary General Drake's furniture, announced by Mr. S. Cochrane lor Monday next, lias been postponed until the following Thursda3 r . i i:\dei:s for carpenter's and joiner's work for a building in Sliortlaiid-strcet are rcquii'ed by Mr. •lames Wrigley, archilei't. and will be received until I- ]> m.. of the 22nd inst. CuifKirr.—The members of the United Club arc. we see. requested to meet this afternoon at lhrce o clock on the Domain ground to open the sca-ou with a practice match. -Masonic.--The regular quarterly meeting of 'he Jioyal Arch Chapter will be held at the 1 hapter-room. Masonic Hotel, on Monday veiling next, at seven o'clock. ■I in-; i'uoviNOAi, Council,.—There was a lengthened sitiing of the Provincial Council Yesterday, fur the despatch of ordinary business, and to vote an address to his Honor the Superin-'■nui-iit, in reply to his speech at the opening of •he Council, on Wednesday last. The discussion ua.-, animated. Several motions were passed, and a committee appointed to enquire into the <o>t of providing temporary accommodation folic Chief Justice, for carrying on the business " the buprenie Court. The Council adjourned to Tucsdny nextnfc lhrce o'clock.

"Wreck or Tin: « Osnsnx,*—Yesterday Messrs. J. S. Macfiirlane and Co., sold the hull arid material of the schooner ' Osprey,' as she now lies stranded in Blind Bay, Great Barrier Island: it realised £18 10s.Mo hi: is Henry's Bankruptcy.—There was a sale by Mr. M. Jones on Thursday, at the old oliico ot the Herald,_ of nearly the last portion ot the ell'octs of tliis bankrupt, consisting of drapery, stationery, turnery ware, and miscellaneous goods. TJie proceeds, added to what lias been already realized, will, it is thought, pay a dividend of nearly 20s. in the pound; but the bankrupt, himsclt has not liccn heard of, and is believed to bo in hiding amoiii; the Maoris somewhere about the Kaipara <1 "strict.\. —A highly respectable looking young v Oman named A\ oodall, lately 7 arrived iViun England by the ' Surat,' and described as a governess, was taken into custody yesterdnv evening on suspicion of her not being in sound mind, and conveyed to the guard-room for safe keeping. It. appears the unfortunate girl had been wandering about the city during the day telling the story of her supposed grievance to anybody who would listen io iter, and otherwise behaving in an extraordinary manner, and the authorities therefore thought it necessary for her own saletj- that she should be lodged in the guard-room for the night, in order that she might be carefull}- looked after until other steps can be taken.

The Kokf.steks' Festival. —The Auckland Lodge of the Ancient Order of Foresters held its (irst anniversary on Thursday evening, at the Auckland Hotel, the new dining hall of which was temporarily arranged by Mr. Vialou for the purpose. Although very far from being finished —the walls not being even plastered—the fine | proportions of the apartment made it appear, i with its two long ranges of well-lighted and well-covered tables, a noble supper-room. An excellent collation was provided by M r. "Waters, ol "Victoria-street, oiie of the brotherhood. it comprised every desirable delicacy,- a'nd was both cooked and served with elegance and taste. About, forty guests partook of it. most of whom were decorated with the red and green scarves, horns, and other insignia of the Foresters' craft. The chair was occupied by Br. T. Stevens, Chief Hanger, laced by Br. Alexander, past Chief lianger. and founder of the Lodge, who congratulated his brethren oil its success. Founded only in October of last rear, with very limited numbers, it now includes in its ranks upwards of seventy members, and has a disposable fund of one hundred pot;Kds. It was intended shortly to open two other Lodges, rind.then this —the first Uninded—would assume the proud distinction of the District Court of the Province. 'Ihe toasts of " Success to the Ancient Order of 1' oreslers " Other Friendly Societies " The Present and Past Chief Bangers and other Otlicers;' •"The Caterer." ?.nd several others were received most warmly with that peculiar ceremony known io the order as the Foresters' I'ire. These were interspersed with sentimental and comic songs, many of them very well sung indeed, to the acto'Jfip?*j»jiient of Br. Miller's orchestra, and the party coiitftfi/ed to enjoy themselves in the most brotherly harmony till a late hour.

2sotick To Marixers.—The following notice to mariners has been issued from the Marine jioard otiiee : —"'Capt. Maehin. of the steamship "'Claude Hamilton.' reports having seen a wreck or reef when passing about five miles to the eastward of Fleet Point during the night, Masters of vessels are requested to keep a good look out when navigating in that locality, and, in the event of observing any thing unusual, to report particulars to the Marine JJoard." The Fisaxki.ix Election".— For the convenience of electors, the Court-house, Auckland, has been formally gazetted as a polling place for tfie Electoral I)istriet of Franklin. Colonel Haultain is, and will probably be, the on iy candidate for the vacant seat in the General Assembly. Vt edo not believe that the choice of the electors could fall 011 a more suitable man. as member for Franklin, than the gallant Colonel. The nomination will take place Tlmrssday next, and the poll, if any, 011 the following Thursday, the 20th instant. Ivl-:sidi:nt Magisthatk's Coukt.—His Worship was again occupied nearly the whole of yesterday 111 hearing civil cases. There were only two actions of any public interest. Turnbull v. .Lloyd, a claim of .Col), damages done to the plaintiff by the defendant kicking him 011 the leg and thereby breaking it, and which arose from a criminal charge preferred about a fori night ago against JLloyd, and quashed in order to undertake civil proceedings. The case occupied some considerable time, and the evidence was most contradictory. His Worship reserved judgment uutil next Thursday. The second case was brought by Captain Stewart against Captain Mcllish, to recover the sum of £lo Lis., being the amount alleged to be due from the defendant for money received on account of plaintiff, and which lie refused to hand over. The ease, which bade fair to be a long and complicated one, resolved itself into the one question, which was liable : the Government through their agent the defendant, or the defendant m his private capacity ? An important document being missing, the counsel for the plaintilt consented to a non-suit, and gave notice that a new action would be commenced.

Police.—There were three eases of breach of the "Impounding Act" heard in the Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday, and the offenders were lined in the usual amount. George Jvcarns was charged by Captain .Morrison, ol' the '.Lady Young.' \s ith refusing to join his ship after signing articles. The accused was found oil board the steamer " The Star of the South" with his luggage, and it is supposed had intended working liis passage to JNapier. Captain Morrison pressed the ease for the sake of making an example. The captain of the steamer having sailed to iN'apier there was 110 evidence to prove that lie had intended to leave Auckland, and the ac used was, therefore, ordered to be taken on board his niiip. Tjik ArmirxKi) I'oisijeky ik Qulex-stiif.ct. —John Connor, alias James ijushwoi ill, charged with the above oilence, the particulars of which appeared in the J Li:hai,d, yesterd:i3 - , was brought up before the j{esid.i:iit Magistrate, and was remanded till Monday in order to procure further evidence. PituscK op 'Wales' Tirbathe.—The success of " Susan llopley" and tiic " Haunted Jioom of tlie (,>. C. K." was sufficiently marked to induce the management to repeat the performance last night, and this evening. Jn the fii'st picec the main burthen rests upon the shoulders of Miss Fanny Young, who, as the servant girl of sturdy honesty and fidelity, but subjected, by the unaccountable disappearance of her brother, who is accused of having murdered his master, to all sorts of unjust suspicions, acted with genuine feeling and pathos, preserving, at the came time, just that degree of plainness and simplicity natural to the character. Mr. Bany and Mr. .Daniels have both good parts as William Dean and .Dickey, his cousin, both of them in love with Susan, biU, only the former receiving any reumi from her. .Dickey is an amusing peramliulaioi-y green grocer, with a great addition to h'x and to a donkey in whom his most ardent affections arc centred. The happy delivei'anee of the unfortunate serving-maiden from all her persecutors is accomplished by the. medium of a vision, in which all the circumstances of the murder are revealed to her, and her brother appears to repel the accusations against him. These visions are managed by the aid of what are called the " ghost effects," and are singularly real—or unreal, whichever the reader may think the most appropriate term. They were loudly applauded, as was also their appearance in the subsequent little sketch, whereiu Mr. Daniels plays the part of Mr. Daniels, and is most tormentiugly haunted by a Jot of incongruous people, living and dead, who are supposed to in ken up their Bpiritual. abodn ut t.uu Q.C.K.

This is clearly a mistake and must have been intended for Mr. <1 nines' new establishment opposite, although sjiiritx abound there, he has no accommodation for lodgers, and the only ghost ever heard is the celebrated "Ghost of a grim scrag of mutton." Messrs Barry and , Daniels have underlined a great novelty as in preparation, in which it is hinted Professor Pepper's intention will be made to play an important and quite ,'i hotel part. Tm: vtui: IIoval.—" The Lady of Lyons" was repeated at this Theatre last nigiit to a very poor house. M iss EJoise J uiio again sustained the character of the heroine in a manner that is deserving of all praise, and was particularly successful in the scene of the Widow's Cottage when the fatal plot is disclosed to her, and was ably supported by Mr. Tom Fawcett. who enacted the part of Claude Melnotte very creditably. Miss !Koval's personation of the "Widow must not be forgotten. and Miss Grantplayed Madame Desehappelles. The afterpiece of "The Bonnie Fish "Wilo" concluded the evening's amusements.

Miss Fi.oha Austkd. —"We understand that the enterprising managers of the " Prince of Wales ! Theatre" are about eflecting an engagement with this talented young actress. Miss A listed is at present pl.Tying in Christchurch. where she is a great favorite, and b'otli 'n that, city and 'Dunedin has established herself its ftn excellent delineator of " Comic Old "Women," which may be pronounced her forte. Iter impersonation of Madame Desehappelles in Bulwer Lytton's play of the " Lady of Lyons" is said to bo a finished performance, evidently a deeply studied conception, and played in a manner wliieli is seldom witnessed in the Colonies, There is no doubt but that her ability wi" be duly appreciated by the play-goers of Auckland. Tile 2\ r ew Zealand Gazette was published yesterday, and contains proclamations disallowing certain Otago Provincial Ordinances, and for the naturalization of certain persons. Also, Orders in Council declaring the district of Tauranga to be a district within the •* Native Districts Regulation Acf. 1838." and delegating to Alexander Mackay. Esq.. !R.M.. the powers competent to Commissioners under " The New Zealand Native Reserves Act. 18o(i." There is also a warrant, appointing the Court. House. Auckland, to be a polling place for the Electoral District of Franklin. There is a notice intimating that Ernest Louis JiuchoJz, Esq., having "been nominated Consular Agent by the Belgian Consul, the nomination has been acceptetl by liis Excellency. George Friend, Esq.. has been appointed Clerk-Assistant tu the House of .Representatives. The (luzctic contains.Militia and Volunteer appointments, and Regulations for the' Colonial .Defence Force. There are several postal notices.

Militia Aim'oint.mexts .\S*i> CuaSoes.—The following notifications appears in yesterday's Gazette with reference to the Auckland Militia : —James McPherson to be Captain ; Ernest Louis Bucholz to be Ensign; Charles Lewis "Wiggens to be Ensign ; Arthur R. Cooper to be Ensign. The commission of the undersigned ollicer has been cancelled:—Captain Sir C. AV. Bnrdett, Bart.. Auckland Militia.

Co'ioyi al Di:i"i:nck Foiici-: li i:or r.ATioxs. — The following regulations appeared in yesterday's Gazette : —The pfty of the Force will be as follows : Troop Sergeant-Major, Bis. od. per diem; Sergeant, 12s. tid. ditto ; Corporal, l(>s. ditto: Troopers and Trumpeters, 7s. (id. ditto. The men will lie expected to Lear the whole expense ot' subsistence for themselves and their horses, of providing and maintaining their uniform, equipments (except arms and ammunition), and horses; and will lie liable to the Mutiny Act, and Articles of War. and such regulations as may from time to time lie authorised by the Government. "When forage and provisions cannot lie otherwise obtained, tlie Government will supply (he regulated Military ration of each, and the men will be placed under a stoppage, to lie fixed from time to time by a Board of Ofliccrs appointed by the Government for that purpose, lint until the Ist January next to be three shillings per diem. .Should the men desire to (heir horses from (lie Government, or to obtain advances for the purchase of horses, or saddlery, uniform, Ac., they will be permitted to do so, refunding the amount by monthly instalments—which may vary at their own option, from t"2 10s. to Co per month. When convenient, working passes, and furloughs, w ill be granted to men of good character, on their private affairs. "While so absent, if for more than three days in any one month, thinwill receive half-pay only. Men will not be discharged with Jess than three months' notice, except as an indulgence at their own request, or unless physically unfit for service, or of a bad character. Tiny will he enlisted for any period for which they mny be required, not exceeding three years, and will lie liable to serve, if required, in any part of -N'ew Zealand.

Disposal ok Thooi-s in tii i: Ai'stkai.ian Colonies.—The following new military arrangement respecting the disposal of troops in Australia, appears in the Army tnid X<tfj/ (riize//c : —" The now Military arrangements suggested by tlie Colonial Oliiee for the Australian Colonies, exclusive ol'jN'ew Zealand, have been made public-. Jt is proposed to allot in future lifteen companies of infantry. consisting of one entire repiwieiit. and the head-quarter's anol her regiment, in the following proportions:—ZN'ew Soufh "Wales, four companies, about Ji) ollieers, 81:! men ; Queensland. one conmanv, alimit :S oflicers. SN men ; \ ictorin, live companies. about 2'2 ollieers, I2:!men ; Tasmania, three companies, about 11 ollieers. lily men; South Australia, two companies, aliout (! ollieers. Kid men ; bciny a total strength of 1:127 of all ranks. The four companies in iNe - .v South and Ihe single company in Queensland will probable be a wins of a regiment of which (lie oilier will be in iS'cw Zealand. Another regiment: will, in that case, furnish the companies in Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia. The colonies have been asked to contribute payment of .L' l!) per mail actually maintained up to (his strength ; but the scheme still remains uncompleted, cuviii"- to a hitch on the part of the colon ial i'ar iamenl."

CjiAiti'to.v j'i:t,T or jSkw Zi'ai.anm.—AVe believe, says the II (ittr/aiiui Chronicle, that this prize will come to AVanganui (his year. It will be remembered that Air. I l iimlVies, of Taranaki, and Lieut. Owen made each a score of -10 at the General Government prize-firing. Mr. Humfries then made a score of S—l outers and a miss, out of his live shots. Lieut. Owen fired oil Thursday, and had 1 centre, :-J outers, and a miss, making nine points, or 0110 above his opponent. AVe do not know what the measurements were at Taranaki, so that we cannot give the exact result of the Jiring. Tin-: Wi:at or Govkk.x.mkxt Commissionhus. —l!y the • Jiangitira,' arrived in the Manukau, we learn that these gentlemen have concluded their investigation of (Jook's Straits, and that Messrs. Docker and Gmin sailed from .Nelson for Sydney on the :Jrd instant. Sir l'\ Murphy liiid sailed for JJimediii, through which place lie passes 011 to Melbourne.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 283, 8 October 1864, Page 5

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 283, 8 October 1864, Page 5

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 283, 8 October 1864, Page 5