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HOME AND FOREIGN, Oy Electric Teli'grapb-ujpyrignl. for Press Association. Received Feb. 20, at 0.5 p.m. Loudon, Fell! Mr Samuel lias informed the Marconi Company that is holds himself free to enforce the Government's rights against theicompnny a't the termination oi its contract. Crowds nt Hull wntchid the Horn, tea airsliilp for an hour, when it disappeared iii a westerly direction. Other observers declare it was a planet. Tfie 'Anstrnliim correspondent 0; I the Morning Po3t holds that the Admiralty is responsible for the misconception regarding tho Australian navy. It is known that the Admiral, ty had prepared « proclamation defining its status in 1911, but publication was withhold. The Australian correspondent points out that the White Paper ci the 1911 con' ference strictly limits the navy's spheres, excluding the Pacific. Ottawa, Feh. 20.
Mr Bennett, member for Canary, sn tJie Duva'J debate, said, the problem of pafjrioijism, remained to be ■' villi throughout Western, Canada. Whin the British arms were defeated in South Africa nonfires Mazed on (the prairies, am! many •oted reciprocity because they understood the. Unite;! States wants:! it. Recently tfe Greeks and BulgaV) ians left t]ie West, awl were ordered to join iji the Balkan war, an-J. all sueli things indicated tliat the <emli grant po])ulai!ii'Cii was still far from assimilate Berlin, Feb, 25. The German papers continue to jmake fun of John Bull's lonj; sue.' pected /toivfrs of seeing visions. They ! noint out that -ail the 'Zeppelins [ tlnit co'iiceivahly a re able to accomplish' the task of crossing the channel I to England are few, awl nr.; accounted for at various stations. A further opinion is that it Zenpelins contemplated art illicit visit they ?w.ild hardly (display hrigKt 'lights. Iteceived Feb. 2G. at 9.45 p.m. London. February 2G. The Anglican Benedictine Order at Calbyißle is unable to accept
Bishop Gore's conditions' wlieretinder tie will accept the episcopal Msitorehip, mid has d.-.cklal to -ask tor admission to the Roman Catholic Bene-diobirie New Yonk, Pohrn-ary- 2C. The Government ihas oKlereti special tests of the Friedmnnn cure for tuberculosis. Dr Priadinann claims it to Eve a certain cure' fty means of bacilli taken from turtles. Ho proposes to roveo the cure to the world without remuneration,
.Mexico City, Feb. 26. The assassination of Etnilo Madero, brother of the late president, is reported at Monterey. Madrid, February 26, 'While the blowing up of r o cks hy dynamite in the hnr|;or in front o! Gijcn Was in progress dobris fell on the spectators and sixty were billed.' Received Feb. 2G, n't 1-1.'30 p.m.' London, February 26. The Northumberland' miners have asked the Miners' 'Federation execu--tive what support it is prepared to give in the event oi it-h&ir Miot favoring a strike against the three shifts system, which is the outcome of the Eight Hours' Act. Mr Straker, secretary of the 'Miners' Association, declines that- a national strike is out of the question, as the funds arc depleted. The Federation might give ' sufficient support to keep Northumberland on strike. Lisbon, February *2C. Mr Arana, , a director of the Putumayo Rubier Company, journeying to 'England, interviewed, said the story of th? atrocities was grossly extgg-eiate-'J, his enemies wishing to exploit the rubber, and they were partly responsible for the allegations. There were in some casjs native ili-lttfatment, whercftr lie was not responsible.
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North Otago Times, 27 February 1913, Page 2
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550CABLES. North Otago Times, 27 February 1913, Page 2
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CABLES. North Otago Times, 27 February 1913, Page 2
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