HOME AND FOREIGN, Oy aieciric Telegraph-Ojpyrigui. fit Press Association. Received Feb. 12, at 9.10' p.iu. Octnwa, Feb. 11. In the House of Commons, during the naval debate, Mr Lemiaux said perhaps thu Canadians would pay tribute once or twice to tie Motherlaud, b.ujt HM tfli a t th« tie ir.jay l:roak. French Canadians were ful'.y aliie to the ed.'niitages d living iinda' the British flag,, and (lid not desire separation in any form from the Empiie, 'but were determined to uphold the Canadian im'y for Canada Mr Lemieux made a charge of n ileep laid plot Between politicians in Britain ana Canada. To'iio, February n. Rioting' continued till the early morning, wfcn the intense cold dispersed the mob. The Cabinet is sitting" at the Premier's residence, which is strongly guarded. Received Feb. 13-, at 12.25 a.m. .London, Feb. 12. The underwriting of the New Ze fl ' lend fij l million fours at 98 in proceeding.
Oy Electric TeFesrraph—Oopytlghr ftr Prdsa ABSfleiat(oi). Received Fob. 12, at 9.10 p.m. Sydney, 'February 12. Royal Scotch has been scratched for the'Doncaster Handicap and Sydney Cup, i The weather was fin? and 1 the wicket heavy. The Rest of Australia, in their second innings, scored 2C5— Armstrong" 42, Ryder 71,- Crawford 20. Now South Wales in- their second in-ninga have lost 1 wicl-'sts for .1-46—Bardsley 45, Macartney IP, Trumper 61. The match was drawn.
North Otago Times, 13 February 1913, Page 2