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HOME and foreign, Oy Klecinc Teltgrapti-CJWngut. rcr preßS Association. Received Feb- S, at 65 P.m. Calcutta, Feb. , 3 - At lis Agra trial Budhu stated that four ulays before the murder Clark requested them to accelerate the crime. Budhu as'®d tor 'Wool oioiley first. Budhu and Suthia went ■to Mrs Fulham's bungalow on the owning of the muraer to discuss lilans. Clark showed -tiiem, six sj. or eijrns an'J ten rupees blood money. RuuMl, Sut.hia, 'Moliam, awl himself went to Mrs Clark's with a large knife, which Molviin kisse-d n nd woreiiipped and then sharpened, Alter Clark arrive,l he removed tJfe dog, which was barking. Budhu pointed out the wile, mil held the lancorsi whila Jtoh.u,i sta!)' tci'l iiirr toitrh the knife.. Th.j murderers ran off when the daughter screamed. Received February 3, at 9.36 p.m, New York, January 3. Bt. Nicholas' apartments at Sacramento were burned while the guests were at!'breakfast. Five are known to 'be 'dead. A defective oilburner in the basement was the cause of tho fire. Received Feliiuary 3, at 11.35 p.m. London, February 3. The Daily' News says Mr -LloydGeorge commences a platform campaign on land reform in March, and seeks a mandate (or next Parliament to secure the agricultural laborer a I pound a wok if necessary fry statute ; s«ondly, that a laborer to enabled to rent a cottage and allotments independently of his employer, Mr 'Lloyd-Gcorj,o proposes that farming- be placed on a scientific basis, witk co-operative credit in buying' and selling; also, large urban ratipgi reforms.
Paris, February 3. Many police and soldiers were as sembied at the trial of 20 motor bandits charged witnV33 murders. The trial is expected to last 18 days. There are 304 witnesses, London, February 3. The transport organisations are planning a, strike in tfie summer at the expiry of the existing l agreements. The primary object- Is to solve the unemployment «iuesticn before thj next Wave of industrial depression, which means all round a reduction of hours. The Stamen's claims have increastd the manning scale di all vessels -by transport workers ashore to eight hours.
A Low-estcft m-onj boarded the Kinui at Plymouth' and 'discovered his wife .and two children in the second class withifer lover, She reluctantly abandoned! the -elopement, being* told sE® would, 'ha deported when she reached Australia.
Paris, February 3. A wholesale spirit merchant, formerly rf Maytar, Moiitomareau, was lined £60,000 for offences against the excise law.
Peking, February 3... Opium growing has been stamped out except In certain areas of Fukijn, Honsn, Sliensi, Knnsu and K'angcliow. Opium smokers were •disfranchised at tha recent elections. All the political parties are supPorting the Government. Received February 4, a t 1.3 a.m. London, February 3.. The ladfcs at the 'London museums were compelled to surrender their muffs cn en bcria r. One thousand one hundred and sixty-three doctors are' la the inisurnnco panels in London. Vienna, February 3. An ; Auistro-Aim«rican sttomsMp company, Esanced mainly by the Deutsche Bank, announces monthly sailings in March between Trieste pnd St. Johns in the winter <md Montreal in the summer. , AUSTRALIAN NEWS Oy Electric Telegraph—Oopyiigbt Pfdss Ansoclßtloß. Received February 3-, at 9.35, Sydney, 'February 3, J, D. Williams lias been remanded on Mil of '£s9o, which wtia forthcoming, Pail was also forthcoiMg when he was arrested on Saturday. The, New South Wales team for the Trumper benefit match is Triwer.pliacarl'ni'y, CoJl||i»3, Nofo'e, Bartour, Kelleway, Massie, Hoidjrn, Bardsley, Carter and Hazlitt, Butter is 965, a further fal 1 of 2s, Thomas James Dibley, aged 18, a dealer aiifl professional boxer, is dead. His skull was fractured and his brain lacerated in ut street fl;|Uatfcle on-the 24th.' JiamesMaher, aged 19, a laborer, ia charged with .tne manslaughter of Di'btoy. Melbourne, February 3. The Commonwealth pays New South Wales £873,000 for ths dockyard at Cockatoo Island,'
A peculiar motor oar fatai'iity occurred at Aspendaie yesterday, Mrs Donald (wife cf' Dr Donald, ol Nurse Ryan, Miss Culehaw and Roy Parkinson were walking !n company; alongi the road, when a mot 0 r car dashed into thcim Urom behind, iFlatf lißponwas knocked down and rendered unconscious. Mrs Donald was dragged for thirty yards 'and received internal injuries, and expired shortly after, Th'j others were unln.'Urcd. The car continued and struck a tree, and the occupants (two men and two women) were thrown on the roadway. Mother car arrived and conveyed these four to a private hospital in Melbourne.. It : ! is believed they are not seriously iniured. Their namc-3 have not b&-n discovered. Received February *l, B t 1.5 a.m. Brisbane, February 3. There was-' an excellent wicket. Queensland in their second inn'ngs scored 114—Sneppard 45, Low (not out) 50. Armstoong took S tickets for 4S,' end Brown 8 for 35. Victoria in their | second innings have lost no -wickets for 50.
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North Otago Times, 4 February 1913, Page 2
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799CABLES. North Otago Times, 4 February 1913, Page 2
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CABLES. North Otago Times, 4 February 1913, Page 2
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