There was a crowded nudionco last nitfhb at the concert given by the pupils of St. Joseph's School, assisted by a number of friends. The Rev. Father Maokay presided. The concerts givon by the children attending the Catholic schools have always been characterised by their elevated and refined tone, and the precision and accomplished performances of the pupils, The children are so well trained in the singing of thoir respective parts, that apparently without a oonductor they go through them without any prompting. The reheaiaals of this particular entertainment have been complete, and the performance last evening left nothing to be dusired. The children were all prettily dressed, and their choruses " Waiting for the May," and " Oft in the stilly night " wero very well rendered. The other efforts of the children were prettily carried out. A strong feature of tho concert was the pianoforte playing, mostly by the young ladies who havo received their musical education under the sisters of the Dominican Convent, and the closeness, brilliancy and intricacy of those performances werp highly appreciated as they deserved tp bo by tho audience, In tho first of these pianoforte selections — " Irinh Blossoms (Volti) tho porformors were Misses Hanning, Dooley, J. Fagati, Cagney, Falconer, and Duggan. Probably the besb of the pianoforte Reloctions wcro " Sans Souoi " (Ascher) and '• Precioaa " by the Misses Toohey (2), Dooloy, and linnning, Missea Hanning, Toohcy, and J. Fagangavp a particularly fine rendering of" Balmoral " (Sivrai), a fantasia on Scottish airs on three piano3. Tho cantata " La Chauson des Flours " wan bung in its native language, and while tho performance wits an entertaining ono, only one or two in the audionge would be able to appreciate intelligently tho sense of th,e performance, This performance showed that the older children were being taught in a thoroughly painstaking way by their teachers. The pirfotm»noiof thokjadtrguten muiioiioi
was very interesting find agreeable. Odo of tho finest items on the programme wun tho tinging by Mrs Lynch of " Kuthlcou M>ivourneun," and being oncored com plied with " The Bridge." Mra Lynch will bo un acquisition to Oamaru's musical ciiclos. Tho conoort concluded with the oporotta entitled " Ohildhool'a Hej'oos,' in which thu following charautors wore roprusuntod : Mother Goose, Annie Faqaii ; Dick Whittington, Mupgio llyan ; Flora Mucdonald, Nollio M'Swoe ney ; Annie Lvutio, Kutio Caguey ; Maggio L<iudnr, Muggio Maxwell ; Oowlioy Jack, Maggio O'Grady ; Simple Simou, Jolmnna Connell ; Aunt S»lly, Kutio Smidd) ; Jack tho Giant-Killor, Mary Kearns ; Jack Goose, Sirah Ford. Tho oporetta was well put on and cleverly porformod. It should be mentioned th.u Mihh K, Frtg.ui and Miss Ilanning noted eflioiuntly us accompanists.
North Otago Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 7888, 31 May 1893, Page 3
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