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The following abstract of the Statistic! of the Nelson Settlement, for the year ending the 31st, December, 1849, ii published for general information.
M. Richmond, . Superintendent's Office, Superintendent. " Feb. 15, 1850. White Population. Malci. Femalei. Total*. Town of Nelson . . 632 665 1,297 Rural Districts . . 1,163 812 2,075Totals . 1,795 1,477 3,372 Since the Census was taken, 123 persons have' arrived by the Pekiu and Berkshire, making the present population 3,495. Age. Under 2 years of age .... 281Above 2 and under 7 years . . . 768 7 „ 14 ... 557J 14 „ 21 ... 398J „21 „ 45 ... 1,216 45 „ 60 ... 152^ Employment. I#^ Persons engaged in Agriculture . . 471 „ Manufactures . .315* „ Commerce . .112* Births . 158' Marriages 35 Deaths 29 V Nativx Population. v. Males . 812 Females '. 596 Total 1,408-' v> Immigration and Emigration. Immigration from Great Britain . . 199 • Ditto from, British Colonies . . 14 Ditto from New Ulster ... 66 Total Immigration . 279 Emigration to British Colonies . . 40 Ditto to New Ulster ... 70 Total Immigration . 110 Excess of Immigration . .169 Education. No. Boys. Girl*. Total. 13 Day Schools . . 289 241 530 14 Sunday Schools . .115 135 250 Totals . . 404 376 780 The number of children given as attending Sunday Schools, only embraces those who are receiving education at Sunday Schools alone ; but the correct Dumber of Sunday scholars, including those who are also taught during the week, is 676. Places of Worship. Protestant Episcopalian .... 4 Wesleyan Methodist Chapels . . .4 Presbyterian Church 1 Roman Catholic Chapel .... 1 German Lutheran Church .... 1 Baptist Chapel 1 Total Places of Worship . . 12 Divine Service is also performed by the ministers of the several denominations inthe school-houses of the hamlets where no church or chapel has yet been erected. Judicial. s^,. Supreme Court — . '** Criminal Convictions .... 2 Resident Magistrate's CourtCriminal Convictions and Committals . 48 ..Civil Cases . . . . ,113 Live Stock. Horned Cattle 4,158 Sheep 53,348 Horses 345 Mules ....... 10 . Goats 6,239 Pigs 2,810 In addition to the above, the Natives possess 7 horned cattle, 8 horses, 200 goats, and 5,500 pigs. Number of Buildings. Dwelling Houses — Brick . . . ' i^\> 41 Stone .... -^"7 . 5 Wood 378 Earth 209 Other materials ... .17 650 Warehouses and Workshops ... 72 Total number of Buildings . . 722 AotticuLTuai. Land cropped— Aera. Wheat . . . . 1,1671 Oats 400 » Barley 1,05H Maize 2 Potatoes . . . . 1974 Grass 3764 Garden or Orchard . . 1354 Other Crops .... 303 3,634 Fallow 80S '■% Total number of Acres cultivated 3,7141 Native CropsWheat 1,000 Maize 200 Potatoes 300 Other crops 120 Total Native Crops . . . 1,620 M Manufactories, Minks, Bk. *>Wlour Mil], in Nelson, leased to Mr. Campbell. jLL WIto power, two pair of atonesTl Quantity of *he«* ground during the year, 207)00 bushels.
Mill, in Waimea South, the property of Mr. Stratford. Water power, one pair of stones.* / Wheat ground, 5,200 bushel*. "7 Ditto, at Riwaka, the property of Mr. Mickle. Water power, one pair of stones 3 Wheat ground, 1,404 bushels. rMalt-house and Brewery, the property of Messrs. r Hooper and Co. 'Ditto, the property of Mr. Smith. /Ditto at Waimea West, the property of Mr. Redwood. Shipwrights' Yarti, the property of Mr. Strong. /One. vessel built of 70 tons. JOitlo, the property of Mr. Jacobson.'lQne sloop . built of 22 tons. — * Ditto, the property of Mr. Freeman. iThree small . schooners built, and. two on the stocks. Saw Mill, in Waimea South, the property of Mr. ' Martin. 'Ditto, in Glen-Iti, the property of Mr. Baigent. ' Brickyard in Nelson, the property of Mr. Newth. Ditto, in Suburban South, the property of Mr. . Sigley. ' ffri^-ty Ditto, in Suburban North, the property of </^ Hemp Mill and Rope Walk, the property of Mr. ■ M'Glashan. Rope Walk, theWpperty of Mr. Gardener. 3Tan Yard and Ct*iery, the property of Mr. Lightband. " .Ditto, the property of Mr. Blick. Hand-Loom for Sacking, the property of Mr. . Devaney. Ditto for Woollen Cloths, the property of Mr. •Blick. Stocking Manufactory, the property of Mr. A Gibson. Coal Mine at Motupipi, Massarcre Bay. Lime Kiln in the Haven Road, the property of Mr. Strong. The stone brought from Massacre - Bay. f . . , >.' Lime Kiln, in Suburban South, tfae-property of Mr. Dartnall. lA^ f ZZv- ' Fishing Station in Queen Charlotte's Sound, the property of Mr. Toms. Oil taken ♦ tuns. $ & Expenditure and Revenue. Expenditure— * a. £ #. d. Civil . . . 2,134 4 1 Judicial . . 450 2 4 Miscellaneous . 418 17 2 Public Works . 570 14 11 Schools . . 35 0 0 5,008 18 6 Revenue 2,394 7 0 Excess of Expenditure . £1,214 11 6 Comparative Revenue, *or 1848 and 1849. 1848. 1849. Customs— 4 t . d. £ ». d. Spirits . . 386 12 9 525 13 4 Cigars and Snuff 4 15 0 12 19 0 Tobacco . . 348 19 0 353 15 0 Ad valorem . 852 18 9 1,0U9 5 4 Post Office . 132 3 7 I*l 2 8 Fines and Fees — • Supreme Court . 0 0 0 4 12 0 Police . . 59 9 2 93 9 10 Regist. of Deeds 0 0 0 2 5 4 Do. of Births, &c. 6 4 0 18 4 6 I Licenses— Publicans' . 185 3 9 223 0 0 Auctioneers' . 80 0 0 40 0 0 .£2,156 6 0 £2,394 7 0 Imports an» Exports. Value of Imports from Great Britain .9,184 4 0" Ditto from the Colonies . . 4,317 15 0 Ditto from Foreign States . . 2,752 2 0 Total value of Imports £16,254 1 0 Exports of Nelson produce — Bacon, 500 lbs. . . , 12 10 0 Bale Lashing, 2 tons . . 50 0 0 Barley, 7,084 bushels . . 1,408 6 0 Flax, 3 tons . . . 34 0 0 Malt, 153 bushels . . . 40 0 0 Peas, 75 bushels . . , 22 0 0 Potatoes, 66 tons . . . 168 0 U Sheepskins, 60 ... 303 Timber (sawn), 15,000 feet . 50 0 ? Wheat, 115 bags . . . 130 0 0 Wool, 4,1907 lbs. . . . 1,335 o 0 Value of Nelson produce . 3,252 16 0 Ditto of other goods . , 16110 0 Total . .* .£4,414 6 0 Nelson Produce sent Coastwise: — Bacon and Hams, 74 tons Barley, 2,237 bushels Beer, $,000 gallons Butter, 26 kegs Bran, 8 bags Bread, 20 cwt. Eggs, 756 dozen Flour, 223 tons Flax, 563 lbs. Furniture, 4 packages Fruit, 10 do. Live stock, 36 horned cattle and 298 sheep Onions, 5 cwt. Oats, 843 bushels Peas, 26 bushels Potatoes, 55 tons ■■ Pork, 10 casks Poultry, 81 doz. Preserves, 8 cases Rope, 14 coils Shingles, 8,400 Timber (sawn), 98,500 feet, 3 spars Wool, 18,561 lbs. Shipping. No. Tom. Men. Ships Inwards . . .11 1,950 131 Ditto Coastwise . . 51 3,702 236 Total arrivals . 62 5,652 367 Ships Outwards . . 12 2,732 154 Ditto Coastwise . . 54 3,519 241 Total departures . 66 6,251 395
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Bibliographic details
Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume VIII, Issue 415, 16 February 1850, Page 201
Word Count
1,068STATISTICS OF NELSON, 1849. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume VIII, Issue 415, 16 February 1850, Page 201
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STATISTICS OF NELSON, 1849. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume VIII, Issue 415, 16 February 1850, Page 201
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