To thk Editor or thb Nelson Examines. Sir— -From an article which appeared in the Nelson Examiner, of the 12th April last, animadverting on a set of Resolutions, passed at a meeting at Taranaki, expressing the indignation of the inhabitants at the continual misrepresentations made at Nelson and Wellington of the roadstead, the natives/ and as a general field for colonisation, I conceive myself called on, as Chairman of that meeting, to afford some explanation of the causes which called those Resolutions forth. I must first assure you that the inhabitants of this district are by no means} so (devoid of sense as to expect that emigrants, sent out by the Nelson Funds, should be forwarded on to New Plymouth, but they do expect, that intending settlers for this place should not he tampered with, and it is to this class of persons that the Resolutions refer. It happens, in almost every case, that where English vessels, having touched at either Wellington or Nelson, particularly the latter, arrive in this roadstead, the minds of the passengers have been prejudiced against this settlement ; and although this fact has often been mentioned as highly offensive, yet it was not until the arrival of the Mary, in March last, that the equanimity of tbe New Plymouth people was in any way disturbed, and then, at the conclusion of a meeting convened for a different pur* pose, tbe subject was introduced,! discussed, and the Resolutions in question carried. jfcMr. Sharland, a highly respectable resident, in addressing the meeting, said, that he arrived at Nelson, from England, about eighteen months since, on his way to New Plymouth, and that, when at Nelson, he was dissuaded from coming on, and, amongst various other information, all tending to the same end, was told} ho could not with any degree of safety land his goods. Assertions like these, on a freshman too, had the desired effect, bnt as he had relations at New Plymouth, whom he wished to join, he for a time hesitated, bnt ultimately made up his mind to remain, and requested* the captain of his ship to land his goods. *' Sir, you are too late, the hatches are down, and the ship sails early to-morrow morning." To this little incident, only, did Nelson lose an excellent settler. On the Mary arriving off New Plymouth, the captain evidently showed a disinclination to come in, consequently, the Harbour-Master and Pilot boarded the ship in the offing. On being asked his reason for keeping so far out, he at once admitted, that he had received so bad an account from (all) Nelson, that he objected to the ship coming closer in ; that he had been cautioned against coming at all, being sure to lose his ship if he did; and had been recommended to send that part of bis cargo destined for New Plymouth by a small vessel. An explanation took' place. The ship given in charge of the pilot, was brought in. On leaving, Captain Grant expressed himself fully satisfied with the roadstead, as well as tbe manner in which tbe ship bad been discharged, making use of the words, "No man calling himself a sailor, ought to be afraid of coming here," and offered at the same time to give his opinion in writing. Several of the passengers landed. Mr. B — , in tbe course of conversation with Mr. Cooke on the subject of Nelson misrepresentation, told him that Mr. D — had intended coming on to New Plymouth, but from the statements made by Mr. Poynter and Mr. Stafford, he had declined. One gentlemen, on seeing apples and peaches on the table, expressed his surprise, having been given to understand at Nelson, that fruit would not grow at Taranaki. Another gentlemen was informed, that nothing was to be had. These, sir, are some of the reasons which caused the ebullition of feeling, and. led to tbe Resolutions) you obligingly inserted in your paper. Far more than I have stated was communicated to the different gentlemen of the town by the captain, passengers, and surgeon of the Mary, tbe aggregate of which gave ample cause for tbe Taranaki people coming to the conclusion they did. I remain, sir, &c, G. Outfield. Tartaramaika, Taranaki, June 25, 1849.
Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume VIII, Issue 388, 11 August 1849, Page 93
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