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The following Abstract of the Statistics of the Nelson settlement, for the year ending the 31it December, 1848, is published for general information. M. Richmond, c . , , n - Superintendent. Superintendent's Office, Jan. 24, 1849. Whim Population. _ .„ . Halei. Femaln. Total. Town of Nelson . . 670 661 1,331 Rural Districts . . 986 772 1,758 Totals . 1,656 1,433 3^089 g rth . 8 ~ ."102 Marriages lg Deaths • . 34 Natitb Population. Males 818 Females qq 8 Total {^ Immisbation and Emigration. Immigration from Great Britain . . 83 Ditto from British Colonies . . 18 Ditto from New Ulster . . .61 Total Immigration . . — 162 Emigration to British Colonies . .29 Ditto to New Ulster .... 78 — 107 Excess of Immigration . . 55 ___ . i Education. No- Boy* Girli. Total. 12 Day Schools . . 314 274 588 13 Sunday Schools . . 397 390 787 Places of Worship. Churches 4 Methodist Chapels . . . . ! 2 Roman Catholic Chapel «... 1 Presbyterian Church \ \ German Lutheran ....!* l Total Places of Worship . . . 9 Judicial. Supreme Court:— Criminal Convictions (one case) . . 2 Resident Magistrate's Court: — Criminal Convictions and Committals ' . 51 Civil Cases 67 Livx Stock. Horned Cattle 3,545 Sh eep •. . 37,699 Horses 242 Mules 12 Goats 5,553 Pigs 8,739 Of the above Stock there is owned by the natives, 5 horned cattle, 8 horses, 200 goats, and 5,500 pigs. Number of Buildings. Dwelling Houses : — Finished 480 Unfinished 129 Total ; .609 Outbuildings : — Finished 451 Unfinished 137 Total 588 AOKICULTUBB. Land fenced 5,068} Land cultivated 4,269} Land cropped :— Wheat 1,435 Oats 332j Barley 1,079 Maize g Potatoes -z- 223| Grass 263 Gardens and Orchards . . . 105} Other Crops 184 Total acres in crop . . . 3,630} Average produce per acre : — wheat, barley, and oats, each, 30 bushels per acre ; potatoes, 8 tons per acre. Native crops :—■ Wheat 1,137 Maize 211 Potatoes 290 Other crops 120 Total cropped by natives . . 1,758 Manufactories, Minks, &c. Flour Mill in Nelson, leased by Messrs. Campbell and Jenkins. Water-power, two pair of stones. Value of wheat ground, £4,500. Ditto in Waimea West, the property of Mr. W. Herrick. Water-power, one pair of stones. Ditto at Glen Iti, the property of Mr. Baigent. Water-power, one pair of stones. _ Ditto at Riwaka, the property of Mr. Mickle. Water-power, one pair of stones. Malt-house and Brewery, the property of Messrs. Hooper and Co. Ditto, the property of Mr. Smith. *yDitto at Waimea South, the property of Mr. Redwood. Shipwrights' Yard, the property of Mr. Strong. Ditto, the property of Mr. Freeman. Saw Mill, in Waimea South, the property of Mr. Martin. Ditto, ditto, the property of Mr. Rutherford. Ditto, in Glen Iti, the property of Mr. Baigent. Ditto, at Motueka, the property of Mrs. Thorns (not worked).
Hemp MUI and Rope Walk, the property of Mr* M'Glash&n. Rope Walk, the property of Mr. Gardener. Tan Yard and Curriery, the property of Mr. Lightband. Ditto, the property of Mr. Blick. Hand-Loom for Sacldnf, the property of Mr. DisTfor CJ Woollen Cloths, the property of Mr. Stocking Manufactory, the property of Mr. A. Coal Mine at Motupipi, Masiacre Bay. Lime Kiln in the Haven Road, the property of Mr. Strong. The stone brought from Massacre Bay. Lime Kiln in Suburban South. Fishine Station in Queen Charlotte's Sound, the Dronerty of Mr. Toms. Oil taken, 28 tuns right whale, 22 tuns hump-back; bone, 1| torn. ____ Vessels Rkgistcrxd. Tons. Triumph H William and Horina . . 12 R*V»NU« AMD ExPSNDITCRI. *c «. d. Expenditure .... 3,480 14 64 Ordinary Revenue . • • 2,056 15 0 Excess of Expenditure .£1,423 19 64 ExPkNDiD on Public Wokks. £ t. d. Works finished . . . 408 14 4 Ditto, unfinished . , . 34 18 7 Total on Public Works . £443 12 11 Imfo&tb and Expoktb. «* «. d. Value of Imports from Great Britain 4,032 14 0 Ditto from the Colonies . . .17,761 10 0 Ditto from the United States . 85 0 0 Total value of Imports £21,879 4 0 Exports to Great Britain and the Colonies : — Bacon and Ham5,' 2,356 lbs. . 46 0 0 Bale Lashing, 21 cwt. . . 27 0 0 Barley, 2,594 bushels . . 525 6 0 Bran 4 0 0 Flax, 10 kits . . . . 10 0 0 Malt, 90 bushels . . . 30 0 0 Oil, 3i tuns . . . . 56 0 0 Peas, 20 bushels ... 600 i Plants, 4 boxes ... 400 ; Potatoes, 38 tons . . . 100 0 0 Spars 13 0 0 Timber, 160.000 feet . . 544 0 0 „ 90 logs . . . 100 0 0 Wheat, 800 bushels . . 180 0 0 Wool, 12 bales and 15 bags . 140 0 0 Value of Nelson produce . 1,785 6 0 Ditto of other goods . 188 6 0 Total value of Exports . £1,973 12 0 Nelson Produce sent Coastwise : — Bacon and Hams, 19 cwt., and 50 hams Barley, 347 bushels, and 81 bags Beer, 252 casks Bricks, 2,000 Bran, 22 bags Butter, 121 kegs Cheese, 19 and one case Cordage, 23 coils Eggs, 18 boxes Flour, 86 tons Live Stock, 19 cattle and 130 sheep Malt, 2 bags Peas, 3 bags Potatoes, 103 tons Sheep Skins, 101 Shingles, 3,000 Slabstonesjli tons Timber (sawn), 94,402 feet Vinegar, 4 casks Wheat, 89 bags Wool, 46 bales Shipping. No. Tom. Men. Ships outward* . . 24 3,938 335 Ships inwards . •20 3,668 220 Coasting Trad*. Ships outwards . .56 1,194 122 Shies inwards . • 56 1,129 143
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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume VII, Issue 360, 27 January 1849, Page 091
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842STATISTICS OF NELSON, 1848. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume VII, Issue 360, 27 January 1849, Page 091
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STATISTICS OF NELSON, 1848. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume VII, Issue 360, 27 January 1849, Page 091
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