Another wrv good attendance, in spite of the 'inclement weather, -.vit nes--.e.l the til ml screening of Saturdays programme- at Fullers' Pictures evening. An entirely »"\v serifs will be -dio\vn"this evening. li<*a-f]ett. by a. new \ 15. dramatic star. entitled "1 wo Daughters of Eve." This picture i-' described as a marvel of acting. an<l strength of plot, and will add yet another to the triumphs of this favourite maker. ".Signal Light." is a novel railmad drama bv Es-anay, winch graspthe attention to the very last toot oi film. Martha Russell. Francis X. Irishman, and Baby Lynch, a wonder* n I child actress, are shown in -splendid roles. "Her C.ift" will appeal more to the feminine members of the audience, being a- Lubin "society"*, drama, with .Mr Arthur Johnson and Adele Lane in leading parts. "Target Practice m the Navy - '" depicts incident'? of extraordinary interest. Few of us "have ever witnessed a spectacle of tins kind —a great fleet of battleships. grimy and grey, sailing along at the rate of 15 knots an hour. Suddenly they become alive— InV 12-inch guns belch forth a terrific fire that sends shell, each weig'hih<r about a- thousand jwunds. towards n .do! lik-e object' six miles away. Many other interesting films are advertised. THEATRE ROYAL PERMANENT PICTURES. A magnificent assortment of th<: latest photo-plays will be screened at the Theatre Royal to-night, headed by an appealing Vitagraph drama, "The Church Across the Way." Brokenhearted by the- loss of hi« wife and child, John Mason, contemplating suicide, is confronted by his mother. Ashamed of his intention, he dismiss?e her with a. kiss an<l walks to tlie window, gazing at.the church across the road. Strains of mn-sic and the voices of the choir greet his ears. His mother joins him, mid together they* listen to the comforting words. Not far away little. Dottie Breen, with her dog Jean, is making her way towards the home of. her aunt, with, a note stating that her mother has died penniless, and has sent her to her aunt for a home.- The• spinster welcomes the child grudgingly. She objects to- the girl's dog, and decides to get rid of it, announcing the sale of the clog by placing a sign outside the house. Dot paints a sign herself, stating that she is for sale as well as her dog. She puts on her hat,' and, filling a .small basket with eatables, she leaves her aunt's home, wandering into the woods. John Masoii is 'walking through the woods, and discovers Dot and her dog with a- sign fastened on a., tree above them. He takes the.little one and her companion tc; his home, and makes them part of his family, bringing a new light and joy into it. Other films are-: "The Fatal Portrait," A.K. drama; "The Lair of. the Wolf," Kalem Western drama;
"Tin- Unseen Enemy." popular' A.B. drama ; something new in the way of: topical gazettes, "The Auckland Weekly" ; "Chartreuse," Pathe scenic; "The Waterfalls of Bohemia." scenic; "Matrimonial Agencv," a Max Linder.comic : "Her Old Sweetheart." a John Bunny laughter raiser ; and "Hobo Luck," one of the latest A.K. comics. To-night is the last performance at which coupons will be issued for the present prize competition. All coupons must be eithei handed in or posted to the TheatreRoyal not later than to-morrow ; tht name and address of each person /to accompany the Coupons. 'The prizes will be presented during the performance on Saturday night next. •
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVIII, Issue XLVIII, 29 January 1913, Page 7
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