A match has been arranged for the English team against combined Bathurst and Orange (N.S.W.) on August Bth. It haa also been decided to arrange a mach for the English team at Maryborough (Q.) and another at Gbulburn (N.S.W.) The selectors of the Australian representative team will consist of two representatives for tbe colony in which'the match is played, and one for the other oologies. . With reference to tbe visit to the Anti* podes of ihe Englishmen (says the "N.Z. Herald,') one of the Wellington delegates to the New Zealand Rugby Union, Mr W. Coffey, when speaking at the annual meeting, was very strong on what he termed the scant courtesy of New Sonth Wales in not making better^ efforts to induce the team to include this colony in its tour, and he advocated that it would be as well if New. Zealand refused to send any future, combination over the other side to play the Welshmen. Mr Firth expressed a hope 'that it would not fo forth that New Zealand blamed New. outh Wales for the failure of negotiations whioh led to the Englishmen leaving New Zealand ont of the tour, and Mr Hyams supplemented his remarks. A letter from pne who is ipretty well in the know, says ■ Ex-Forward *' in the " Post," conveys tho information that Hardcaatle, Pauling, Purdue, Ward, and Jacobs are dead certainties for Ne-. South Wales against the Englishmen, Jacobs, it will be remembered, was the speed threenquarter of last year's Taraw naki team. He is "playing for Wallaroo ' (Sydney) with Hardcastle, who, with all his unceasing ". talkee talkee," plays a very fine game. IVard as a five-eighth evokes loud praise' for his skilf nl play from all the Sydney critic., J. F. Byrne, the English full-back, said to be tha best in the United Kingdom, waa compelled, owing to press uro of business, to refrain .rom joining ihe team for Australia. For the same reason he feared he would be unable to assist Warwichshire at crioket this season. E. F. Fookes is also said to have been prevented from accompanying the team because of a serfs ous medical operation he had to undergo. The English papers consider the team will be much weakened by their absence, There are in the English team nine men who have played in recent International i matohes. Five of these are from England, three from Ireland, and one from Wales. The rest are the ohoioest flo wers that oould be culled oiit of the County Club*. The Rev M, Mullineux, writing to Mr W, A - Rand, the Hon Secretary of the I N.S.W. Rugby Union, says tbe English) football team so far is ; — j Backs, E . Martelli (Dublin Wanderers.-An ' excellent drop, punt, and place kiok \- can play three-quarters as well as back. j C. E. K. Thompson (Lancashire) '- Good I kick j can play three-quarter and can also take his place in the forwards. Three- QUABTEBS *h. V P°3 n < D "»W il1 Wanderers) -Most deadly tackier ; p ayed for Irish team thia season. (Dublin Wanderers is prob" ?/„_? madver - < ? oee ' as Downplayed for ff_f « T "W the Wanderers in the semi-final m the -.einster;Chal!enKeCuD» A. B. Timms (Edinburgh UniKy)lent; centre or wing. W^« 'f^ icho^ _ Cardlff > - Plays for. B Jn^V h f g,:ea -* stoe,ltre three-qnarter h* ™. ?*P 2 f A ' Gom ' 9nd supposed b J*™«»y »o be better than Gould. *"' i.. T, Nicholson (Liverpool)— Yery fast wing, has playedlfor Lancashire. ■■■•.. - • Halves, ; -'■--'.-...: v. .'-.. C. Adamson— Can play' centre, threequarter, or halfi got his North ot England cap last season. J .: . 'C-.i:ft 7*^*; G Cookson-Very "nwpy "half -plays for Lanoashwe, and got his North of Ensw land cap last season, ''.'.-':-'. ■";"■" ■' .. , ; ... .Fobwabds, " ■ ■:' '-'"'-v RM, Stont (Gloucester) -.Que of Eni-. T. hUJcGown (late Cambridge Urii^ sity^Good, Irish forward, llllian. afc „ f '^j[tj*f^ (eapiaih>f^^Briatoi F.C.p c^^^mmsm ™'m !WJ«_ ; --...;w . >.iV.k-^vw#__|€#"
'__%&&&&>&*s& ■---._S '^^wofefcftwi ffiSpiSilHaio^ mty:_mxi_\9yfajfrj^ Afl»R« form.- ;s .-;-r ;^|§es. jWj,?;- ■£- » iy-;.< r . -.•- - ---- -■. "V.-:. Is?.^^Anoid H^6S^lhX i^Ag fw Coventry. A good S cr£_ai__&er. -J' XS; is on old Oxford man.: van. >~t&ir»n_ - " S. Opy (-*_otch^riaiali_B ; jTb^^S SS^^i_ll^toS
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXIII, Issue 137, 14 June 1899, Page 2
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