Deep regret will bs felt not only in Nelson and the surrounding district, but in many other parts of New Zealand, at the news of tho death of Mr Robert Levien, whioh happened early this morning. His death was not unexpected, as he .had been ill for many months, and for the last few weeks it was evident that he oould not last long. Iq tho e_rlier stages of his illness he fought manfully agaiusfc it, and went about his business as usual, when his friei.ds would have liked him to rest completaly, For a considerable time, however, he was utterly unfit to do any work, and he suffered great pain and discomfort. It is some consolation to know that towards the end the piin ceased, and that his death was tranquil. Mr Levien was born in London in 1834, but went out as a child with his family to Victoria. There his father wis engaged in farming, and Mr Leviea after learning the business, sat up on his own aooount on a farm uear G belong, where he did a great deal of hard work. The news of the disoovery of the Otago go Id fi 3 Ids attracted him to New Zealand iu 1861, and at Gabriel's Gaily and several other places he oarried on businesa as a storekeeper, Having male a considerable sum ot money he up his mind to settle in Nelson, where his unole, the late Mr Joseph Levien, had been for a considerable time. Iu 1864 he arrived here and made arrangements for tha ereotion of a store at the Port near where Mrs Frauz9u's store now stauds. He then went to Sydney, where he was married, and he returned shortly afterwards with Mrs Levien to Nelson. Ho started business at the Port with a free and bonded store, and speedily acquired the reputation, which he ever afterwards maintained, of being an able, energetic, and upright merchant, and a just and generous citizen. No man in the town was more ready to do a kinHy action, aud none was less censorious regarding other people. About 1883 he left the Port and started the business of a general merobant iu Bridge^street. About fifteen or sixteen y9ars ago he entered the City Council and held a seat for eight or tea yearß. Another member of his family took part in oivio business, Mr Joseph Levien haviug at one time been Mayor of Nelson. In the Counoil he served the ratepayers in the I same conscientious manner in which he performed every duty that he undertook. He wa? also for many years a most useful and piinstalfing member of the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, and gave muoh time aud atteution ti personal inquiries into cases of dis-tres?. He also paid frequent visits to the Hospital, where he will be gre itly missed, Socially and privately Mr Levien's death will leave a great blank. He was a m in of many friends and he delighted in showing ho?pitility ; He leaves a widow aod family of one daughter aad six cons. The greatest sympathy will be felt fi>r find wido with Mrs Lev'en and her children ia tho loss of one who in bis own household, iu friendship, aid iu business had if.ll the qualities to wia respect and affection.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVII, Issue 252, 25 October 1893, Page 2
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