MANAWATU ELECTION. ■ JJ3 JOHN STEVENS invites the electors to meet him at the undermentioned places on the several dates named herein, when he will deliver addresses on the leading Political Questions of the . day at 8 o'clock each evening : Shannon, Town Hall, Tuesday, 21st November. Tokojiaru, School-house, "Wednesday, 22nd No^ ember. Foxton, Masonic Hall, Thursday, 23rd November. Moutoa, School-house, Friday, 24th November. " cricket! T^HE Manawatu Cricket Association * request all cricketers to meet at the Council Chambers on Wednesday, 22nd inst., at 8 p.m. Business: To receive reports from leading cricketers re reforming clubs. A MEETING of gentlemen who are •joL. willing to form a committee to assist the ladies to carry out the Hospital Garden Fete on the 31st January next will be held in the Council Chambers on Thursday, the 23rd inst., at S p.m. M. COHEN, Mayor. QPERAjLTOUSE. Special Farewell Concert TO-NIGHT! TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, BY THE JESSIE MAOLA.CHLAN CONCERT PAKTY. PROGRAMME : Pianoforte solo " lona " (Bcrger) Mr Robert Buchanan Dramatic song, "Angus McDonald" (Roickel) Miss Jessie Maclachlan 'Cello solo, " Fantasia Characteristique " (Servais) . Mr John McLinden Cradle song (a) "O can ye sew Cushions" (Ancient); Jacobite song (b) " "Wi' a Hundred Pipers " (Lady Nairne) ' Miss Jessie Maclachlan 'Cello solo, " Scottish Fantasia "(Paque) Mr John McLinden Irish song, " Rory O'More " (Lover) Miss Jessie Maclachlan Piano eolo, " Irish Rhapsody " (Smith) Mr Robert Buchanan 'Cello solo, " Concerto in D Minor" (Davidoff) Mr John McLinden Gaelic songs (a) "Soruidh Slain le Fionn Airidh " (McLeod; (b; "Mo Dhachaidh " (Macfarlane) Miss Jessie Maclachlan 'Cello soli (a) " Traumerio " (Schumen); (b) " Tarantelle" (Dance of Death) (Victor Herbert) Mr John McLinden Jacobite song, " "Will ye no come back again " (Lady Nairne) Miss Jessie Maclachlan Prices—ls, 3s, 2a and Is. ', Box plan at G. H. Bennett & Co.'s . jyi UNICIPAL QPERA OOUSE. Direction of CLYDE MEYNELL & JOHN GUNN. Tuesday Next, Nov. 28, will witness the first appearance in Palmerßton North ot the Famous STRAND THEATRE COMEDY COMPANY, In which are popularly identified those Famous London Gaiety Stars, MR J. J. DALLAS and MISS FLORENCE LLOYD, in England's Immortal Laugh! ing Triumph, THE J.P. As Played in the Strand Theatre, London, for over 600 Nights. Prices, se, 3s and Is. Business Manager G. H. Barnes. j^UNICIPAL QPERA UOUSE. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, November 28 and 29. Under arrangement with MR J. C. WILLIAMSON, London's Laughing Limit of Fun, THE J.P. Direct from the Princess Theatre, Melbourne, and His Majesty's Theatre, Sydney, where for months past it has .been delighting countless thousands of theatre goers. Box plan opens at 10 o'clock at Park's on THURSDAY MORNING NEXT. KELVIN GROVE HALI! TUESDAY, 21st NOVEMBER, 1905. PROMENADE Concert and Dance, in aid of Kelvin Grove School Funds. Admission: Gentlemen 2s, ladies Is. Refreshments provided. , Pittam's 'Bus leaves P.O. corner at 7.30 p.m., Terrace End 7.45 p.m. : J. S. POLE, Chairman, > BICYCLE ROAD RACEsI FROM Palmerston to Awahuri and back—November 29; entries close .November 22. From Palmerston to .Feilding and back—December C; entries close November 29. Prizes—Path racing Derby (value £20 10s). Entrance 10s each event. Starts p.m. Send last six performances to Tom j Haydn, AYellsbourne street. PALUEESTON NORTH BOEOUGH BATHS. THE Borough Baths will be OPEN daily.iroin 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. , _ F. JACK. PIPITEA PRIVATE SCHOOIT" ' W' ELLINGTON. Principals—Miss Baber, M.A Miss Beadwell. ' BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL I 1 UK GIRLS. Vacancies for Boarders.
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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 8146, 21 November 1905, Page 1
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