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Advice has been received in Auckland from a prominent member of the Government that legislation will bo brought in this session to restrict the distance which scows may travel.
Only on three occasions in the period from ISBI to 1898 did the gold export from New Zealand for a complete year exceed that of the first six months of the present year. Tho export has been steadily increasing since 1898.
It was stated in evidence at the inquest in connection with the death of a young woman at the Kow Asylum (Victoria) recently that the deceased was a, confirmed earth-eater. !Special measures had to be taken to prevent her-taking e:irth.
By the-currying of no-license in Grey Lynn, Oamarn, and Tnvercar^ill, and reduction, in tour other electorates 51 publicans' licenses, seven wholesale, three bottle licenses and one club license ceased to exist as licensed liquov shops on June 30. .
In consequence of the death of her mother the Oniagh Poor Law authorities have upon their hand.-? a woman, who, although <15 years of age, is in sizo and appearance like a child of seven or eight years. The woman was wrapped in a blanket, and carried by one of the officials in his arms to the infirmary.
In the House of Commons no incident is greeted with more hearty laughter than that of a member, who after an eloquent oration, plumps down on his silk hat on the bench beside him.
A young member who had just made his maiden speech sat^upon his new silk hat. There wero roars of laughter. An Irish member immediately arose and gravely said :
" Mr Speaker, permit me to'congratulate the honorable gentleman upon the happy circumstances that when he sat on his nat his head was not in it !"
This remark upset the dignity of the House, and tho Speaker called " Order, Order," amid roars of laughter.
Owing to tho large profits accruing from various municipal undertakings at Bolton (England) for last year, the corporation has been able to hand over in relief of the rates tlie sum of .£43,000, which is equal to a rate of about Is 4d in the £.
A Maori Farmers' Union is one of the latest notions. An educated Maori gentleman, Mr Amaru Eketone, of Ngaruawahia, is making earnest endeavours to induco Maori land holders to go in vigorously for cultivating their land in pakeha fashion, and with this object in view is endeavouring to form a Farmers' Union for Maoris. Mr Thos. Corbett mot Mr Eketone at Hamilton, and says that he is displaying great energy in the matter, and has placed himself in communication with the Native Minister on the subject.
A commercial traveller tells the following of a little social gathering. Dinner being a little late, a guest asked the hostess to play something. Seating herself at the piano, the good woman executed a Chopin nocturne with precision. She finished, and there was still an interval of waiting to be bridged.
In the grim silence she turned to an 'old gentleman on her right, and said: " Would you like a sonata before dinner, sir ?"
He gave a start of surprise and also of pleasure. "' Why, yes, thanks!" he said. " I had a couple on my way here, but I think I could stand another."
The weight of the Christchurch mayoral chain has now reached 31b. It is composed entirely of solid gold shields presented by each of the Mayors on leaving office with the exception of Mr Eden George. The portrait of that gentleman is also missing from the collection of pictures of the Mayors hung in the Mayor's room.
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Marlborough Express, Volume XXXIX, Issue 164, 17 July 1906, Page 4
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604BRIEF MENTION. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXIX, Issue 164, 17 July 1906, Page 4
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BRIEF MENTION. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXIX, Issue 164, 17 July 1906, Page 4
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