4_ . To 'the -Editor. Sir, — In a recent issue of the Express, an account was given of the death of an old man named Croudis, or" Crudis, as being one of the last Survivors of the Wairau Massacre. With your permission I send you for publication* a list of the white men present at the affray,, which took place on Saturday, 17th June, 1843, and the following is taken from the "Fourteenth Beporfc of the Directors of the New Zealand Company.— l am, &0., H. L. N. Clabkb. - Havelock, July 24, 1888. 11 Police Magistrate and County Judge, Mr Thompson, massacred; Magistrates, Captain Wakefield and Captain England, massacred; Principal Surveyor, Mr Tuckett, escaped; Crown Prosecutor, Mr Richardson, massacred; Land Agent, Mr Patchet, killed; Company's Storekeeper, Mr Howard, massacred; Surveyors, Mr Cotterill, massacred, J. M. Barnicoat and Mr Bellairs, escaped, [Mr Barnicoat is still living] ; passenger of brig, Mr Ferguson, escaped ; Interpreter, John Brooks, massacred; Chief Malm, died of wounds (body not found) ; Constables : Gapper, wounded, lost use of his hand, Coster and William Gardiner, killed and massacred; Special Constables: Edward Stokes, died of wound's, James McGregor, killed, Eichard Burnet, wounded, JohnGay,, William Maunsell, and John Nolan, escaped, Jqhnßumforth, lost his arm, Eli Cropper, Wm. Northam, Henry Bumforth, Thomes Tyrrell 1 , and Isaac Smith, killed or maseaoredv Eichard Warner, escaped; Boatmen: Thomas Pay, killed or massacred, Samuel Goddard, Abraham Yollard, John Kidson, George Bampton, apd Wm. Burt, escaped ; men engaged on the survey :_H. Richardson, Thomas Hannam, W. Chamberlain, James Grant, Eichard Peanter, Wm. Morrison, Joseph Morgan, and John Miller, escaped, Eobert Crawford and John Smith, wounded, ■ Wm. Clansey, John Burton, and Thomas Eadcliffe, killed or massacred, Henry Wray, escaped.— The foregoing acount of the massacre at the Wairau has been- carefully taken from that drawn up by one of the Wellington Magistrates who was present at the examination of witnesses on board the Government brig, and afterwards at Wellington, and published m the Supplement of the New Zealand Gazette, from one given m the' Nelson Examiner immediately afterwards, from a written statement with which we have been favoured- by Mr Barnicoat, and from the depositions of survivors, taken . by the Nelson Magistrates."
Marlborough Express, Volume XXIV, Issue 159, 25 July 1888, Page 3
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