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About twenty creditors attended the mettang in the estate of James Roche, of Mandeville, called for last Wednesday afternoon at the Courthouse, Gore. Mr Roderick Macleod, the Deputy Assignee, occupied the chair. Mr Henderson appeared for the Assignee, Mi 1 Fletcher, for the debtor, and Mr T. P. Finn for Messrs Johnston, Lawlor, and Boult. ; The statement of the bankrupt showed unsecured creditors, L 392 4s Id ; secured creditors, Li9o6 lls lid. The securities were valued at L2ooiO, leaving a surplus of L 93 8s Id, and those holding them were South New Zealand Finance and Loan Company, first mortgage over hotel property, L 40 0; MaNeiU's Trustees, first mortgage over section 455, Hokonui, L4oO; Martin and Moffett, second mortgage over said and first over other sections, L78O; Bank of New Zealand^ guaranteed by Messrs Martin and Mofir ett, L 326 11» lid. The uhseouired assets comprise book debts, (L3lB 4s 9d) esti4jn&ted to produce LSO; stock in trade* cattle, and effects at Mandeville, L9oi cash in hand L 4; surplus from securities, L 93 8s Id. Total unsecured assets, L 237 8a Id, leaving a deficiency of L 154 lla; The unsecured creditor* were— lnver* cargill : McPherson and Co., I*l9 13s 7d ; Macdonald and Russell, Ll9 10s ; Guth4 ritendCo.. I*l6 6s 6d ; Nightcaps Coal do., L 3 3s; R. Cleave L 3 lls 2di Whittingham Bros, and Ihstone, L2O 17s 6d; Colonial Batik,' L4B 4s 3d; Stock and Co., L 55183. Dunidin: 'Daily Times,' L 4; Kaitangata Coal Co-, Ifo 16s id j John Edmbnd, L 5 17s; (Reid and Grayi Ll 18sJ'D. Walsh, L 9 i8s; ; : W. P. Rail 4 Vay J;Co, ( ; %B ,2V : 6d. , .Gore : ; , Fleming! Oiikyison.and.Cp,,L2,l3a ;, James Beattioi ■;W.\Xfr ad/;, W-, S.,;Hurd,:' ; Ls 7s; 4 Johnston, L 42 } J. Murdoch, L 24 15 b lOd ; I Peter Henderson^ L 23 4a.. Mandetille s iH^G. BeecoS, Ll7; J. Z. Boulfc, Ll6 » Hobert Buchanan, L 5 10s. Stoney Greek : T. R. Carroll, LlB 18s. Small accounts : say Ll2. The Assignee thought the surplus from ■tfcurities might be waived in the meantime at. any rate. The 1 debtor was examined on oath. — .To, Mr Finn : The L9O shown in his statement as free assets at Mandeville comprisad four horses and a trap, valued roughly at L3O ; three cows, L 9; stock id blacksmith's shop, including plough, L2O ; bar stock, L 9; dray, L 4; fowls," pigs— of course there were pigs, — coals, firewood, and odds and ends making up the balance; The hotel was furnished by Guthrie and Co., to whom he had paid L 25 and granted a bill of salejfpr L9O. Had very HttU furniture other than that covered by the bill of sale — a chair or two, table, etc : . Had forgotten to mention a bull he had running at Monaghan's, and an express waggon left some time ago in Mr Simssn's yard for sale. There was no lien upon it. Denied that any of his pigs were at Mr Carroll's. In paper* in possession of the Assignee mention was made of the section known &s Slieehy's. It was not mortgaged. Mr Fletcher said this section was really in the hands of the Agricultural Company, along with a number of others, and they granted ho single title until the purchasing price of the whole was in their hands. Mr Jttnn said the Company would find . its position was untenable. Debtor: There was a cottage on the property, on which he did not think there was Lls owing. L 25 was p^id for the section. Had not with him his agreement with the Company. One or two calves were in his possession; they ran with the cows'. yet, and in the value given for the cows. they were allowed for, A foal was, included in the horses — three horses and one foal. Sold a horse a month ago to Mr E Guest ; got Ld for it. Had a corn .crusher, at Mandeville, but ifc belonged jto Mr Garrpll. Had, also, a tuioip machine and a saddle and bridle [there that he had formerly omitted to ..specifyv His slaughtering yard was on' one of the Company's sections : it could be acquired at L 8 per acre. Nothing had yet been paid on it. His hotel takings during the past four months had not been great. He had kept no record, of them. What books he had were in Mr Fletcher's possession. To Mr . Fletcher : A fire at the houße cleared a lot of things away. His present position was due to that, to a falling off in business, and to depreciation in the value of land. Mr Finn as Iced that the examination 1 .should be adjourned, and resumed before the Judge on the ground that debtor had not kept proper books. The Assignee said that whoever wished to bring any matter before the Judge would require to make a specific charge and adduce reasonable grounds for <so doing. Very often an irate creditor would have a debtor brought before his Honor on frivolous pretexts* Mr Fletcher said nothing new could be elicited before the Judge. Mr Finn promised to bring evidence that would contradict Mr Roche's estimate of the value of his free assets. Mr Fletcher : The Assignee will decide that under the hammer. Mr Canning, to admit of the formulation of a charge, suggested the adjourn ment of the meeting; He understood from people who lived at Mandeville that Mr Roche's estimate of the value of the smithy contents was too low* The debtor said the tools in the blacksmith shop were secured to Messrs Moffett and Martin* Mr Canning said, further, that effects other than those mentioned by the debtor might be found after an investigation. The examination of the debtor was now resumed, and Mr Finn elicited that a butcher's block and pulley and some wire netting (the latter apparently belonging to the Company) had not been included in the statement. When acquiring what was known as the Roundhill paddock, agreed to pay LlO per acre for it. It comprised 23 acres- Had paid LIOO on it; it was held by the Company, as before explained* Mr Finn hoped the debtor would produce to the Assignee all leases and agreements with the Company; — These Mr Roche promised* The debtor, in reply to the Deputy Assignee, said that all the good seized by the bailiff in the suit of Johnston
p I against Roche were at Mandeville except tlie stock worked off in the blacksmith's shop in the ordinary course of business. \ Mr Canning now put his motion for adjournment— until Tuesday, the 28th- — formally, for the purpose of ferreting np assefcs. — Seconded by Mr Beecot abd carried' , '■ On the motion of Messrs Beecot and Murdoch, Messrs Canning and Beecot were appointed supervisors. j Mr Canning wished the sale of present assets postponed in view of prospective onsi; tyii The, Assignee said it would be better that what was in hand should be realised upon at once. ' The meeting then closed. . , r ;
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 3
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1,169ME JAMES ROCHE. Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 3
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ME JAMES ROCHE. Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 3
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