SHAW, SAVILL, & CO.'S pASSE NGER LINE OF PACKETS BETWEEN LONDON AND NEW ZEALAND. niHB following first-class clipper ships will X be continued as regular traders :— „,. Commanders. Tons. . ! IP\« ....J.Btott 1200 Avalanche Turnbull 1200 ? osWOlth R.Chambers 1500 Jura»:»-"- D. Stephens 1000 in"aird J. Holliday 1000 *c?f a V A.King 1000 bur 0";;: TV Thomson 1200 ?7 cI£ vatei ;; E.Montgomery 1200 g°. conda J.Elliott 800 »r;:::::::::::::i&r:::::::::S eThe ships of this line are all A 1 at Lloyds, and are specially selected for their superior passenger accommodation and fas -sailing qualities. They ai e commanded by gentlemen of experience; duly qualified surgeons are earned, and no pains are snared to promote the health and comfort of passengers. The undersigned agents for the above fine°fieet of passenger ships, are authorised to, arrange with settlers here who may be desirous of brining their friends in Great Britain to this colony ;°and are prepared either to pay the passage money at once, or give security for payment on arrival of the vessel. Full particulars may be obtained by applying to COOKSON, BOWLER, & CO., Lvttelton. ■ FIRST SHIP FOR CALLAO.. rnHE fine clipper ship GANANOQUE JL will sail for the above port about the 15th JUNE. Passengers returning home should avail themselves of this opportunity. . For further particulnrsi apply to the CAPTAIN on board, or DALGETY, BUCKLEY & CO., Agents. Norwich Quay, May 26, 1860. FOR OAMARU. •TOE Cutter FANNY, McLellan, Master, X will leave for the above port every Week or Ten Days. Apply to DALGETY, BUCKLEY & CO., Norwich Quay. FOR THE BULLBR RIVER, WEST COAST. rF.HE Fast-sailing^chooner FANTOME, J- Jas. Toohig-, Master, will leave the Heathcote River on SATURDAY, June 3, (should proper inducement offer). For freight or passage, apply to MESSRS. P. N. CAMPBELL & CO., ; Lytti'lton; or E. J. JOKi-A Union Wharf, Heathcote lliver. May 22,1860. FOR TIMARU. HIHE ketch EMU will sail for Timara in a few •*■ days. For freight or passage, apply to E. A. HARGREAVES. __May 22 EARLY CLOSING. T\URING the Winter Months the Stores ■*J of the undersigned'will be CLOSED f ' P-m-i (Saturdays, 8 p.m.) commencing from the present date. J. WHITE & CO., v . G. C. BLACK. J^apoi^May 14th, 1860. ALLSOPP'S NO. 3 ALE, NEXT OCTOBER BREWING. NOTICE TO PURCHASERS. JJESSRS. ALLSOPP & SONS, Bueton-on-c.. v abent, are now prepared to register orders ami T Season>s Brewings of the above ALES, a they respectfully invite their Friends and Con;.!r ers. generally in the Australian Colonies to dm i"7 , ordere early to their 3everal Correspondents and Agents in England. ' J^^Barton-on-Trent, March, 1860. NOTICE T>OWLEYand LODGE beg- to acquaint Bnn ] TJ^ic that they have opened a Bri£ BUTCHER'S SHOP near the Papanui att >n?' north of> the Avon; and they hope by strict Patron ordew to ratirifc a share of Pul>lic Peonage on that side of the river. -___ ROWLEY and LODGE. FOR SALE, EX AVERY, M) Hl'^ s- Ill(l Coope & Co.'s Burton ale 9ivu 2,° hl>ds. Salt & Co.'s do. -'■> barrels do . do# J. MARTIN HEYWOOD.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Lyttelton Times, Volume XIII, Issue 788, 30 May 1860, Page 1
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