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FSIKM^ OF ALL w J OL L O W A V' S FT T T. s. iTTsp'.irities of thr b'ocd Th*"** wordrr'tii Pi 1 !* nf* ♦nhierf i.t the iP>iM<»*t ht-nrth- :m wp 1 »► in th- hou^e o{ ft>tn'r»»-t ht>(l wwiltH. Th.-y *«rl h • >»'»r'.trif]i iirificiof- tltr-'«ij»h.«ut 'in- -'\.o\r *-> s*t*-i»» . win. cut r'». 'deri'i? the natural n'tip>- of Hry »n<* 1 r-di ■»'*' tho^e perms ot couu.r:it.'» win.-! ?il«<i«« »ei> i>- thpnsnn'.* t>> un Wkrit grnve Pr<nffciti6 Diptlf.ia, Ccugba and Colds yr? re n^ore freq'iet.t and few mvre Rarge" uf thun affection* of 'hr r«-»pir«to;y or«»"- ; r.o <-oi-.'iiti<-n uivpi> rii«e t<> more ?nta maladies tmi. h •• siir.ple oUl." The fir-t fvi; .j.t<in«» '•■H.t nt*ny« he r>'Tr.cvMi by the»e --;.„„*, c • I'ill's a- ihy quioily re;n«ly •! <* j.t!ipji«'i«;ti of d 1 i- "d-mit- tVe Imrried >)re-ihir-!?. -yd ent»l>'«*t> the wiud-pii.e « tlri 'unc* to perirtin t> eir fum-ti^mi and"'«-rii'«T-"- •• '"'* >' ] ~° b - T t!l " ir r"- ir ' f :- ill « croperiie.. cl'.«n« VIK M«>d *N* if ; - curiue* n«;d thu- K'-rti y the -yft^m »:-i>ni#f Coi.wTr.ptu.l., A»:h-.».», and ofh'-i- pu.i.oi ury fonplaini*. l>«bility. Lobs of Appetite, Hea^acbe, and Lvvc«w of tpiaa Jl-rse Pir.f wil! i» « ' lW a truJy rontierinl -hni.-e in T-r'-i' tnfed Conrilu. i'siih (:io n...twr tU-ir ex.-itii^ **..-)•* *"«> irtwtea I:.-h1i1.» nppeiit.", : >Mo.. ( woxv exp.'^^..•e «■■ »>it< . nve.-.-M.... =i>. .''.u-.--, oOltiuiiion. sick lv-: 1 -'!-:" l:f : - ; '" i: " :;l> '; ( ' |A»<,li!.v f.rvh-.K!'.!«^:.n- ing It '-•!!! 11 bn'.-. 5t0. ..<,.•!: .* Sic Kto:cine or Feoalee, You Tig jr Old For o«Mfeb»'i'-c nil oWrui-tiaii" «•»« re-•t-»ni*^t'spp* rt '' (i "e<re!ion», tli.reib nuir.e«.iat- tsuipnV" Vl '« illl ' h * Mj ' liil ' 1 UlllVl ' r " sa'ly >iit«*di:§ the i>ne t» -;irili W' e<j . v ' or F,'n aUAVn plyiM*. r»..-*.- !'sl.» •"•• '•"« *'-" 5 the>. i-fvfrr^i. 1. 'i'e *►•*"' -»«< » IW; 'y' ! bni> ? «,5.;,.t »l ,< •.-..ujit-i. X<» i.-n.Ue, , ir^»i4^J«. W ••« 111 tnn.O« life, thry \e iT-.uiua:.:,, n j^rt-fT aa fr fc 'i.«r»---9 ...,..i t...i :>.!-. M^-c-hv. j»l,=.i:.«i.-..o!ibe Ml ».!<: ::l! ltl\- U<- r.i'.ecliol.s otteU dlsrrii (. ii «i Cr«- t<;lL»i^. CißllaiiU lr;idtnt£l to CLildron «h.*|-!>iv t!.-ui.'h,uiw!ef wHrUiiiia ««v..'rs , 11 ,ull.w^ol!li^b",,iv «:e uuuiedis »; f |x hi>J? !..*.• <:«ri-d »■) thit^ puri''Tin'- Pi'*U j i" tiiouk be w.ihout «UeuT. 0i,., t»u j. thu-e (min-td i-j powde.; i...-.} bfjjin-i. i.ii{l.t;> *r... the ernai..lj t>t u'iiiig SerrciL- Dieordsrs Ar.y d*-nai «).-v«> ef •• o' ih«-g*-»ner.« i-do-stum-ly !»;th th»- <<o<.' «'•«' lli «- " ll!1(1 ' lo ie^ivuu-n-.»ulUt tl.rre Pi!* are oi vn«i •«pi..mj. a* llwy m-.J-att « «•»•-• and vigor !c :fcfriiih-ri.aUrg}»>> «•>«} Mi« jervo«# f> *■•♦»" -*h u-li pt-umi^ and emu :te -.i.. in. Heice lh.;r hiiivc.iois <un?o: I.Jo- • Wri.., i.-w I*'1 *' 4iU ' llclM ' Uß t * lttl inti# und other kincir.-ii ci.mpluims. iU.lli.vvy .v 1 it* a-re tht U.<t r> wedy known m tit vondJoiUtJoltoic ug ui***sex :— A fcemaie irre^u- t»cio«uiaor A*thi'.a laritiee iit'g's Kril ttiiiout Com- Fryers <•< all Sore throat ..iH.n.s ki»J Sfo ' ie "'^ 4.50.1-haa on Fits travel ti»eSxin &u"J eroi.dary 'owelCom Hea.:.ache S . V! ;^ | °'^ piaii.te ludiste-iioti lwJJouior. Coiie* lf^'iiiiiatic... eu.T tJonrtipndou of JaunJi.e lumcuw ti.e liowei. U»« CVmDebUHy Luu.bago at!ect.on e iJ«,l«> *•«" Worj-wolaJi Jiyaeuterr Kheumatistn Jimdi iCnaipiU" Ketention oJ W eaknets. J ' trim* frou. what ever cauoi- * m * There is a considerable savitig by takiuj.--Ihe larger eisse*. y.B- ' JJreclious lor the guidaiiceof patieuU cvt-rv fn>e are aiVixeJ to each Uox. 7-^. NbW<IXFO«»-KIUEET, LoSVOX. -|-vH, KING'S £»ndellit>n and Li«r. Are the best remedy (or ihe Bile Wind, iuu'ige*' ion. fciek Headnehe Spapois, Dhidinesa. tir on l-uis JServu«ness, i»nd ail di--nief> ol the stomach aud Li»er. They couibiue UiiiUuess in iteration with the most aduurulifl tiiita, and atau A peint cannot be surpassed. - ' avid all ovr the world by moat Chemists and Medirine Venders* DU i,L'cllA> & IX'MKNi'KAriiD JiX'.-.KACT Ob SAhtiAi'ARiLLA perutts as a u;ild but etiicinriot.s love and 'one aud vogour to the system, reuuvatee the blood, oud uilords porieciioii /iou. atluekt ariiUig trom changes ot season. 3iun-4te and We ihw »cr> agreeable and DenrtiCail tever»ns;c wili be toi' : g ia ev«-ry eeepciable hotel bar aud to tho>e who value beUth aou lon h», »»k iot und duuk tins iiieicle. &f >i*u get Pr iiuchan's Sarsapaulla riLE GOSPKL OAk lilO> JL ajid ALVAS ISEI> IKOW W lilß COMPA N I iron iianuiacturtru tutd Gaivaiinwrs. Bftuid. S«uoud iiruntl. A»CHt>«O.' [Trade UarLs.j *J£4OU/j 1b» Goaf el Oa» 1* the oldea manuiastui
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Inangahua Times, Volume XI, Issue 1838, 28 March 1887, Page 1
Word Count
678Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Inangahua Times, Volume XI, Issue 1838, 28 March 1887, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Inangahua Times, Volume XI, Issue 1838, 28 March 1887, Page 1
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