HOSPITAL BBSEFir. THE OCTOKOON. BT PARTICULAR DESIRE. Will bo re- produced (woathor permiting), for the above purpose, Dioif BouoiOAVLT'a 4-Act Dhama op THE OOTOX^OO3Sr AT DAWSON'S HALL, ON SATURDAY, 23a» INSTANT, To Concludo with THE AREA BELLE. ADMifiaox— Front Seats, 4s; Back 2«Gd, Doors open at 7.80 j Pcrfor* munce bo commence at Eight sharp, FUIDAY, 22nd INSTANT, At 2 o'clock, «t Ahaom. PRIME FAT CATTLE. |3 ATR IC K BRKN NA N, 1 will soil by public auction, »» Ruoro--C)A KKAD PRIME FaT CATTLE /£[) iloary weights, F'M' -Mr M'G arrity, iAAPBIMK SHEEP, 411(7 F °>" Mp M'«oin. f)A H BAD of MiXKD OATIVLK 4)\J Cows, Heifer*, and Hteew, For Mr 11. Williami. PATRICR BBENNAN, Auolionoor. £2 REWARD. SOME potty THII3F having stolon an UMJiRKLLA from my back door on SATURDAY NIGHT last, | tho abovo REWARD will bo, given to any person affording »uoh iuformation m will load to tho conviction of the 'jfl'ondor. LEO. Q. REID. November 12th, 1878. INANGAHUA OTUNTY COUNCIL N O T~C E . rpilE First Meeting of tho Council 1 will MEET on WBDNESDA V, tho 27th day of NOVKMBIfitt, 1878, at Iho Council Clmmbora, corner of Sm'tli and Bbiol»<atrcet«. Jluur of Meeting, afc NOON. F.DKLABCARKKRAS, County Clork. COUNTY OF INANGAHUA. In the matter of " Tho Regulation of Local Elections Act, 1870;" and In the mutter of tho ELECTION of PATRICK BUENNA.S and LOUIS DAVIE3 aa Councillors lor tho RIDING of KKKFTON in tho County of Inangahua. WIIKRKAS a PETITION duly ! m,ulo signed and declared aa by I Law in that behalf provided and re« quired, huving been filed in the Resident Mugifltrto'a Court, at Recftor>, praying that an enquiry may bo made into tho Election above-mentioned, I, Edward Shaw, E*quiro, the Resident I Magistrate of the a.»id Court, do hereby give notice that Biich enquiry shall and will bo commenced at the Court Houne aforesaid, on TUESDAY, the 26th day of NOVEMBEU, 1873, at U o'clock in tho FORENOON. Given under my hand this 18th day of November, 1878. EDWARD SHAW, Resident Magistrate. COUNTY OF INANGAHUA ! « In tho matter " The Regulation of Local Elections Act, 1876 j" and In th« matter of tho ELECTION of MATTHEW BYttXE as ft Councillor for the RIDING of ANTONIO'S in the County of Inangahua. WHEREAS a PETI TtON duly made signed and declared as by Law j on that behalf provided and required having been filed in tho Resident M*girttrato's Court, at Reefton. pruying that an enquiry may bo madu into the Election above-mentioned, I, Kcl~ ward Slrnw, Esquire, the Resident Magistrate of tho said Court, do hereby give uotico that such enquiry ahull and will be commenced at the Court House aforesaid, on TUESDAY, the 2Gth day of NOVEMBER, 1878, at 12 o'clock NOON. Given under my hand this 18th day of November, 1878. ED WAND SfIAW,
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Inangahua Times, Issue 22, 22 November 1878, Page 3
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