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DELIVERED IN DOWNING STREET PLEA FOR PATIENCE. iV CAUMI— I'EBSB ASSOCIATION—COrYBIGHT LONDON, Nov. 17, Ulster's reply was delivered to Downing Street this afternoon. It i« authoritatively learned that the Northern Cnbinot has again demanded the publication of the correspondence, and expressed its unwillingness to enter conversations unless certain conditions in Mr Lloyd George's invitation aro not enforced. Mr Lloyd George, who has boon resting at Bournemouth, decided, after, receiving Ulster's reply, to return to' London forthwith. The Irish Conferonce will probably meet to-morrow to consider the reply. Political circles gravely view the situation created by Ulster's reply. It is stated on high authority that if Mr Lloyd George \ fails to find a way out of the impasse! ho will appeal to the country. Sir James Craig threatens that if his' appeal for publicity fails he will pub-| Hsh the correspondence without Mr. Lloyd George's approval. The Irish Bulletin last night indicated the precise point of difference between Ulster and Sinn Fein. It' pointed out that the latter offered Ulster local government commensurate' with its particular needs, besides an' honoured part in the national Govern-1 ment. The Unionists declined, insist-1 ing on safeguards which would give' them equal representation with the majority in the central governing body. Meanwhile no further meetings have I been arranged between the negotiating parties. This, with the fact of Sir James Craig's pending visit to France, then his immediate return to Ireland, causes the gravest suspense. It is regarded as especially significant that Sir James Craig dfd not wait for the Liverpool result before delivering his reply to Cabinet's last communication. The general election chatter was resumed after the conference, with morej than a suggestion that Mr Lloyd' George would now appeal confidently! to the country for a mandate to deal with Ireland as a whole in a manner' best calculated to serve the Empire as a whole. I The result of the conference has aroused bitterness in Belfast, where the verdict is thoroughly understood. The Morning Post's correspondent says Ul-' i ster is preparing to hold the north- j j oast corner of Ireland immune from' the growing ascendancy of Sinn Fein.! The Liverpool decision will freshly' stimulate the recruiting of the Ulster Imperial Guards, the strength of which in Belfast is now 2l;Go©. Mr Austen Chambei-lain, speaking at! the Liverpool Unionist meeting, pleaded for patience. He added: "Give us a little time; we don't ask much. The story will he tola, and you shall judge whether we have "kept faith or broken our trust. We "hear a lot about the "diehards," "but if they wait until they know there will he no split in the Unionist Tatty. If peace cannot be had with honour and without broken pledges there cannot be peace. No Government of which Mr Lloyd George ; is a member wall coerce Ulster. Sometimes 'there comes -a moment when a ' great act of faith could achieve a miracle which statesmanship could not accomplish. Such a moment is passing now." XTMDOIS, Nov. 16. ' Speaking at the conference of Unionists, Lord Midleton said Sinn Fein resistance had increased 500 per cent, since the trace, and now required fhree-fdld 'the -present garrison in IrelanS to-resist'-'it. /(Cries of "Nonsense.'') Mr Ronald. MacNeill said tfhere was -one rthing Ulster wvo aid jiai accept, and that was one TTaßliajtneni for ;all Ireland. Sir L. Worthington Evans pledged •himself not eto ±o ;any settlement that does not .preserve the (Supßemacy of the1 Crown and does not keep Ireland within the Empire,, .that does not *nsure that the Navy shall guard all • the shores of the Kingdom, that does not make Ireland j>.ay her share 'of the war debt, or a settlement rthat requires I "the coersion of JOlster, <or flharb Ulster bo . '.placed under : a idiual Parliament against her will. Mr x Salvidge tabled ;a>n ; amenidment expressing the hope feat consistently with 'the supremacy of tflae (Crown and the security of the jEmpvre., the meeting pledges safeguarding lUlster and <Ehe interests of trie, minority-in Soutk trelan'3. The solution of $he Uris'li difficulty, might be found by the present conference in London. The amendment was. carried by an overwhelming majority. LONDON, Kw, W. The conference of Unionists, which adopted Mr Salvidge's amendment by 190© -votes to 70, demonstrates that the "dlehards'" are unsupported in their attempt to tnake Ulster a barrier in the way of peace. Mr Lloyd George and Mr Bonar Law were notable absentees. The former explained it was unusual for the Prime Minister to attend a party conference. Mr Bonar Law's absence was less for, but it is assumed in sofia« quarters as an indication that, while fie will not take definite sides against Ulster, he, will not take the responsibility of joining the "diehards." Mr Chamberlain's considered reiteration of the pledgee to' | Ulster leaves Sir James Craig'g attitude more obscure than ever. There i» a growing conviction. '] that whftfevei j
steps aro necessary against Sinn Fein hereafter Ulster, in case of war, will have a grave share of the responsibility. At tho same time Sir James Craig's demand for publicity, which has apparently been rejected by Mr Lloyd George, disturbs public feeling. Mr Barrie, Vico-Piosident of the Irish Department of Agriculture, has written to Sir II a mar Greenwood stating that ho was amazed at tho extraordinary suggestions with reforenco to Ulster underlying Mr Austen Chamberlain's letter. If the Government's proposals in any way weakened Ulster's position as established under tho Act of 1920 it must resign.
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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLI, 19 November 1921, Page 5
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913ULSTER'S REPLY. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLI, 19 November 1921, Page 5
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ULSTER'S REPLY. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLI, 19 November 1921, Page 5
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