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(FBOX OTO OWN COEMESPONDENT.) A general meeting of subscribers to the rac* fund was held on Wednesday evening at Lewis', when there was only a email attendance. Mr. Badge*, hon. secretary and treasurer, submitted the balance sheet, which was adopted on the motion of Mr. Aldndge. The receipts for tbe year were : Gates, £43; booths, 4522 6s; games and cards, £9 15a; totalieator, £31 18s ; subsenptiom, £23 7«; nominations, acceptances, &c., £6? 108-, interest on fired deposit, £1 18s 6d, übich, with a balance of £88 19s 2d brought forward from last year, made a total of £291 9s Bd. The expenditure was £245 33 6d, leaving a balance of £46 6s 2d to commence operations with this ye?r. The following are the items of disbursement : Stakes, £163 10s ; hire of course, £25 ; presentation to late secretary, £10 ; lunch, £3 6s 6d ; labor, £7 3s ; printing, advertising, &c., £12 Is ; sundries, £2 ; band, £2 3s. Resolved tbat the balance in hand be placed at fixed deposit, Resolved tbat a race meeting be held as usual, on Boxing Day. Eesolved that a general meeting le shortly called for the purpose of electing officers and drafting a programme.
The Waverley arrived last night. She leaves for Westport, via Nelson, to-morrow morning, at 8. QMessrs. Scotland (New Plymouth), and Jas. Williamson (Avckland), two members ef the Legislative Council, passed through Hawera to-day on their way home. Captain Edwin telegraphed today : — Bad weather approaching between northwest and west and south ; glass rise soon. Indications bad. Talk about lightning pJay of facial expression. You should see the change in an angry woman's lace when she turns savagely around to crush tbe stupid blunderer who has awkwardly stepped upon her trail, and discovers that it ia the son ot the wealthy gum merchant whom her youngest daughter has been trying to ensnare. On the united recommendation of the three members ot Taranaki, the Government have promised to place £'500 on the Supplementary estimates for the purpose | of improving the road to Mount Egmont, so as to facilitate the ascent. The money will be leit to be expended under the supervision of Mr. Robinson, Crown Lands Banger.— Herald. Complaints are general of the damage done to the newly-sown wheat throughout tbe county. Larks aud sparrows are proving very destructive, and farmers promise to avail themselves very largely of the offers made by the local bodies to supply poisoned grain. If tbe pheasants steal any of tbe grain intended for the little birds, they must be prepared to suffer the consequences. Referring to the " Stark purchase," the Auckland Bell Bays •.— This is the biggest swindle tbat probably ever was perpetrated in this district, and there is not an honest man in Auckland but says so. After a slipshod attempt to test the value, the bargain closed. Prompt payment was the essence of the contract. *Mr. Stark pocketed the money, and cleared out of the country, to wait till the clouds rolled by. In the debate on the Representation Bill, Mr. Bolleston asked, How about tbe number of .members ? The Premier candidly confessed that tbe Ministry were not unanimous on tbat point. The Legislative Committee were in favor of reducing the number of members, and he agreed to some extent with tbat, though he would not like to see any great reduction. Town constituencies of not less than 1000 and country constituencies of not less than 500 would be the basis for representation. Referring to the charge which has been made against tbe New Plymouth Hospital Board for the cost of maintaining destitute children committed to industrial schools, we have made enquiries, and find that there has been no such committal from this district "during the present year. During the pael two yeara, on)y one lad has been co committed, viz., B. hong, whose mother was unable to fully control or support him. In order to avoid being unfairly charged for such maintenance in the future, it will be necessary for the officials and the court to ascertain clearly in each case whether the charge is under subsection 1 of clause 13 of the Industrial Schools, or whether it should not come under subsections 2, 3, or 4. In tbe latter cases, the costs are borne by the colony, not by the district. Lord Wolseley, in the course of an address to the students of the Oxford Military College, last Sa&vutiw , toW tvs youug bearers that, above all things, no nmtter what circumstances they might be placed in, no matter what hazards or difficulties they might have to encounter, he would have them never to forget tbe absolute necessity of maintaining this great Empire, which had been built up by the courage of their forefathers, and created for them by the wisdom of men like themselves, who bad gone before them. Come what might, let them always be determined to maintain its honour, and not only its honour, but its integrity, no matter by whom assailed. Lord Woheley also expressed his regret that there were no students from the Colonies in the Oxford Military College, I inasmuch as be held that tbe education of ! a certain number of youths belonging to ! our varies great Colonies is an institution like that would go far to well together the ] Empire of which we are all so proud.
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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume VIII, Issue 1399, 14 August 1886, Page 3
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889MANAIA. RACING COMMITTEE. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume VIII, Issue 1399, 14 August 1886, Page 3
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MANAIA. RACING COMMITTEE. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume VIII, Issue 1399, 14 August 1886, Page 3
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