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J-JAWKE'S BAY JOCKEY CLUB. WINTER MBETINO, 1891, THURSDAY, 25th JUNE. tre *S o a ? t .''P 8P n tal ? RuM « u M.H.R. TreaTtonlha h O v *#*>*• Stewards i Win, iHfIS&S V A "? nn <>"y.,P. A. Fitaßqy, ftOateford G. Hunter, IT. Logan, J. D Ofinonf Dr. Bunsell, W. Shrimp^ & n '.,,,i ad X?s W. Bhtimpton. Starter: V?P Wn . Winter. Clork of the Courao : WhiHi > UUa ,? B Tlme-koopor; CM. w. 1. Cross. Handioapper I J. 0. Kvott, PROGRAMME, 1 °'°, t 9^'-nANDIOAP HURDLE RACK CHASE HANDICAP? of MD £r£ hS2S fti orse to J oCelve SO aovsTtd third* ft 0 " 8 , » boys from tho atako. Nomina &v r?a V 8 \ "JMP'Snco, 7 bow, Wlnnor wiwior. Forfour-year-olds and upwards nf ™» a^° n 2i vo .? won ftn »,dvertUod raeo SLiS^f « sorit) i lon otooodlng 23 sovb In vaJue at tlmo of entry. Gentleman ridora. au horses to bo nominated by ladies ft n h ra r co ' 3 boys. Wolghts-l/re. Jlßt iißi./,™ 1 flyrai and WO(1 I 12st 81b - -No aUowancea. 8 mlleo on the flaU gantieman rfdor roußt bo mado to tho comS5 SS^V l^ ? BMo fii aßd mnß6 Proposed r?,,»^S nd ?' 1 !? wr ' dn 8 by mombore of tho ni?Hfl»° f n cI^ iO u n $0 committee shall Ibsuo a nae aa a gonUoman rider on any raoocouree S^rHfl^t 111101 R u to ln fo^°- Provided that u>» oorjfloatomarborancollod atany Umoon Bufflolenti oauso Iwlng shovm. No person navlngrooolvod payraont ln consideration of Z™J$ r f? Tta W n oonnooUon with tho training or riding of horses shall ba eligible to ride as a gontleman ridor.', a.16 P.M—MAinEN BTBiKPLEOHABB, of from tho Btako. Kntranco.2 bovb. Woight for-age. Kor a 1 boreos that havo never ffu "^'F?!" 1 GonUeman riders. {."W" t h «b have never «t«rtod Inn fweweohase or Hnrdleßaoe. Kntranoo, '•"V^UVKLT.CR nANDlOAP^'o'f^" l^ aoolarcd Imniodlatoly alter tho ladles' Bracpleb race, Aoooptanoo, 1 boy, boforo the otait (or tho KlnalStooplechaßo. Ono tnUo and a quartor, UATB3 OP NOMINATIONS. AOOBPrANDES, AND WEIGHTS, With amounts to bo forward od to tho Socrotary Ail Kvcnta oloso at 10 p.m TUKSDAY, 12rn MAY-NoMLNATio.Vi-Handlonp Unraio Raoe .. „ l boy Hawlco's Bay StoopleOhaso 2bovb «iw Yfc 11 ' » a d ?? lar ?4j, n or aboot tho day artor tho Auokland Wintor Mootfcig. TUiMOAY, 16th MUNB-AOOBTTANOM-Handloap Hurdlo Raco a soys HawkesßaySteoplo. ohaso 7MTB NOMiNATiONa-Ladloa 1 Braoolet .. 3 bovb Maldon Btooplocbaeo j bovb Final Bteoplcoha»o .. 1 boy Woltor lUndioap . . l boy F. D, iLUCKIB, Criterion Uoto Naplor. Swretary.^ I^OWN AND SUBURBAN A RACING CLUB. BIBTHDAY~MBETIWO. To bo held on tho Town and Suburban Racing .and Sporla Company s Urouud, Taradale, onj 'MONDAY MAY M, 1891. Prcsldont: W. Hoslop. Vioe-proaldcnt : W. Broughton. Hon. TroasuMr: O. Kvmor. Strtwardß: Mefwra T. Joflaios, Jnn., M. Ryan, W. BtooK. J, Jofferos, K. Hoaan. 0. Moran, W. Harpham, Jun., U. J, Noaglo. iV d ". o: 9- Heß '°J3. Handloapper: I* Blnnio, Btarter: W. Haelop Clork of Course: W.Howard. Clork of the ßoalos : J. Torloy. Clork of tho Totaltsator: T. Warrington. Bocrotary: W. U. Hill. To bo run; under tho Metropolitan Ruloa ol Racing.] PROGRAMME. I. MA.IDKN HANDICAP HURDLK RACK, of 20 bovb j scooDd norao to rocolvo 3 soys from thoßiakcs; li mllo. Nomination, 10s: acooptanco, 10s. J MAIDKN FLAT RACK, of 30 soys Bonond horso to rocolvo 6 boys from lh'. "takes; . totnp; dlstanoo, 1 mllo. Hntranco, 2iK 3. BIRTHDAY lU.NDICAP, of 40 bovb j second horso to rocolva S boys from the J.Mkosj distance, 7 forlonga. Nominntlon, 80s j acooptanoo, 20s. LIBANDIOAP mjRDLK IUCE, of « bovb; scoond horso to rocolvo 8 soya from tho Btakns; 2 miles, ovor «evon fllghta of hurdloß 3ft 6in high. NomlnnUon. 20a; acooptanoe, 20b. Winner of tho Maiden Handloap Hurdle Raoo to carry a ponalty of 71b. 5. TARADALK HANDICAP, of «0 bovb; second horso to rocelvo 8 soya from tho Btakca; dlstanoq, li mllo. Nomination, 20s: noooptanop, 203. SELLING RACK,of 20bovs. Wlnnorto bo sold immediately after tho raoe for2o bov9 half tho Burplus to go to the Club'a fundß* palanoe to sooond horso. Top woight, flat. 71b allowed for ovory £5 off selling prloo. \mllo. Entrance. 20a. T. WBLTKR HANDICAP, of 30 sore: socond horap to rooolve 5 boys from tho stakes. Minimum weight. Oat. 1J mllo. Nomination 15a • acceptance. 15s. 8. FLYING HANDICAP, of K soys s«oond horee to reoeivo 5 boys from) etakos, WiniiOr of Taradalo Handloap v a carry 71b poualty. Dlstanco. J mile. Nomination, 20s; accoptAnoo, 20j. Theso Races are open to all horses nmt have never won an advertised Stnko or P/Iko oicoediDg tho valuo of £40 at tlmo of nomination, Hack Handicaps excoptcd. NOMINATIONS, WKIGHT.I ACCKPTJ ANCES, &c. Nominations -BATURDAV tSTH PRK,, Weights Appoar— SATURDAY, 9tii MAY, Acooptaneee and General Kntnoi o— BATU/tDAY, Iflni MAY, 1891. RULKS AND CONDITIONS. 1 Any norßp winning n raeo of tho valno of em alter tho declaration of the woights to parry a ponalty of 71b; ponaltiw not oumulaifve. All nominations, acooptancos and ontrlos cloao at 9 p.m. on their ro3po*tlv« datcg, and are to bo addrossod to tho flftrotary, Ryan c Hotel, Taradalo. Five per cent deducted from tho groaß amount of all etAlcos. For further particulars vide Metropolitan Tolegraph Ofllco closes at Tarodalo at S p.m. First raoo to uUu nt 11.30:a.n>, Wm. H. HILL. 31 Soorotary, A. PAIL, (IjATS BOTOB ft VltX, O.ENERAL OOOPER VTf WKBT OLIVB Tallow OMta Churns, Boftor Tabs, Choos Vat*, an! al Iklnda of Wo-it oonneotod witV the Trade urned out y .th deroatch an' « the LOWKBT PO3BIBLE PRICES 12
wmw, PETERS' COBB ato CO.'S TELEGRAPHiO UKE OF ROYAL MAtt COAOHBB NAPrl°n Tr 2. 1D8 trom WKLUNGTON and S;^fiH»U al at 0«m! kiwp 8 a mffi^ Uln J? t 9, n TralD - returning from Ssddlo Homob, BiiugTos, ana Spoolal Coaohoß for Hlro at any time. Telegrams Promptly attohded to. A. P£TERS~AND CO., PROPRIETORS, WOODVH.LK. 13S OROWTHBR AND M'OAULEY'S LINE OP OOACttES BETWEEN NAPIER AND TAUPO. COMMENCINcTIbt iMAY, 1891. AS?* 011 wUI Io . BT6 Nop'or ovory MONDAY an 0.30 a,in. t arriving at Tarawom at 6 p.m. I samo day j leave Tarawera evory FRIDAY at 7 a.m. arriving at Naplor at 5 p.m, Bamo day. THOB, COOK ft SON, Agonts. bookingToppioksCLARENDON AND CIHTBRIONindfITI T. PKDIHB, Looal Affont, Spoolal Coaohos or Buggies atianyillmo. CROWTHER,"& M'OAULEY Proprietor*. 136 HAVELOOEjIOAOHES COAOBES will ran Daily between Hayqlook and Napier, loavltg oaoh plaoo as follows:— Start from Havolock, 8.30 a.m. Loayos BUr Hotel, Naptor, at 3 n.ra. and Noal and Cloao's Cornor, at 3.30 p.m, All Patoois or Ordora loft Rt Star Hotel or Palmer'a Stabloa will be rromptly attended to, JAS, COOPKR, «< Proprietor. CBJIPLE'S ROYAL MAIL KJ MARAKKAKAHO COACH. TIMETABLE. Loavo HostlßKS dally, noon. Arrive Maraokakoho dally, S'p.nj. Loavo Marackakaho Monday, Tuesday, Thuroddy, and Friday, S a.m.! Wednesdays aud Baturdayß 9.30 a.m. Passongors and ovory description of Paroola and Luggago oarriod at Moderate Rates. J. BEMPIiE 137 Propriotor. RYMER'S ROYAL MAIL OOAOHEB TO NAPIER, TARADMiH 1 , MEANEE, PUKE; TAPI), OMAUI7, AkD FKKNllllJ* EetAnLISRBD 1868. DAILY tTSFk-TABLEi Nowton a Corner for Taradalo-dopart 10, 11, It, 3, 4, 1,15, 5.30. Tho oloven and four tlfteon Coaohos run via AwatoU) and Mmnoo. all others by tho Taradalo Now road. Toradale for Napier-depart 8.30, 8.45, 10.11 US. 2.80, 1.30. 'l no oighc forty-five and one forty-five Coaches run via Moanoe and Awatolo. Pukotapu for Naplor — depart 8 a.m. ovory dny, Now-road ; and on Tuosdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 1 p.m, ; qJbo, via Moanoe. Naplor for Pukotapu— dop&rt 4 p.m. overy day, Now-road; and on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at It 0.m., via Moanoe. Spoolal Trips from Tarndalo to Puketapu with two posaongoni, at any time, for to; extra passongors a each* Fernhlll for Taradalo and Naplor— dop&rt 8 a.m., arriving la Naplor 0.30, Naplor for Kernhlll-dopart 3 p.m., arrlvo at Fornhlll fi pm. BATURDAxIiiQHT COACn. Taradalo for Naplor -depart it p.m. Naplor tor Taradalo-d opart 9.30 p.m. Fares to Meanee or Tdrndalo, Is ; to Pukotapu. 2s ; and to Fornhlll la Gd oaoh way. Children ondor 8 yoars half faro. Spoolal Coaohee for Plcnlo Parties. Auction Salve or Trips to any pait of the standby arrangomonu Bugtrles and Stddlo Hcrsos can bo had at Taradalo at any tlmo O. RYMER, Propriotor. Addroas-Boi B'i, Naplor. ISB W0T10B.: pET AN E OOA(J UK B Frc m Potane 8.30 a.m. and 3 pm, From Naplor, 11 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Tho Ooaohes Btart join Btar Hotel at 10.60 and 4.90; Peddlo'a Hotel at 11 o.m. and 480 p.m. i Napier and Petane Hotels BPE3IAL OOAOHBB LAID ON FOH IONICS AND PARTIKo. Bug <les an Riding Horses by arrange me with a VILLKRB, 130 Proprietor Potass TELEGRAPH LINE ROYAL HAIL OOAOHES Leaves Walpukurau every Monday and Thnnday for Wanstead and WaUlngford. returning every Wodnosday and Saturday, in time to oatch Napier and WoodvUlo trains. from Walpnkurau to Wanscead, 6s I from "WalDUkurau to Walllnsrford 9s HBNRY M GRKBVY 110 \. ilpnknrna oDd Porarnahan. VfORSEWOOD Royal Mail Coacnoe jl! leave Norsowcod or OrmondvlUo doily at 10,, to moot the Naplor Train whloh 1 eavos OrmondvlUo at 1110 p.m. Goods and 1 nggoge forwarded. A. B. THOMBKN HI Proprietor OUATKFUL-COMFORTINQ i;ppsvs^cocoa. BREAKFAST, TJYft thorough knowledge of the U natural laws whloh go vorn tho opora:lonsof digestion and nutrition, and by acoreful application of tho fine properties of well selected Cocoa At Krro nas provided oor broakfast tabloa with a dollcatoly flavoured bevorage which may save us many heavy lootoni bills. Id la oy ho Judloloua use of ■uch artloloß of diet that a constitution may be gradun ly built np until strong enough to resist ovo .y tendonoy to dlsooae. Hundreds f subtle maladies are floating around us roady to attack whorover thoro Is a woAk point We may escapo many n fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure -lood and a properly noarlshod frame. -8o« artlolo In tho Cn'lSttvict Cotttlt. haa t.niply with boiling water Or milk. Bold in paoketa by Orooera. Übollid thus i— JVMKB KPPS ft CO. liOJiatopATmo (Jurmi t| Lonaoo Rngl 125
gfftflftnattfotw THE CARLYLE PLOUGHS. f«fe i "~'T * | pIRST AWAURB - MELBOURNE 1380, AND UUNEDIN ' 1890. SEOONDI'o'NONiJ nwrmmm, ""^ijtg^u^^^^^^Bßß of draught, Oomplolo llluatratod Cfttftl^'; n ° t f o^linp^mßnta K« K icon Appuoaftion. BOOTH, HACDONALD AND CO., CARLYLE IMPLEMENT AND IKON WOIIKS OHRIBTOHUROH'. ana?HaTinSS. n h ° ° btalnOd PlOmPtlr S«^«U«RAI! ROB|RT3^ND CO., Napier Unuulhi-'uroa only by Thomas Bolloway, YB. Stw O«ford Sh » J <«te 583, Oifoid Street, LondOD, / Purcl * IBtl lUoulll look '" th« label on the Bojci and Pou. [ ' If tfc » »««« « nt>t 633, Offoid Btr«et, toadoß, they are ipnrlon». I
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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 8962, 2 May 1891, Page 4
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1,739Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 8962, 2 May 1891, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 8962, 2 May 1891, Page 4
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