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The annual, statutory meeting of the ' Grey County Council was held yesterday .at noon and was attended by Councillors J. McCarthy, chairman, J. Ryall, P. Ryder, J. Finn, R. Larkin, D. Baybutt, M. Hannan, A. Blair J. P. Irvine. COMPLIMENTARY. Before proceeding with the business of the meeting, the chairman welcomed the old members on their return to the Council table. Some of the coun cillors had served for as long as twenty-five years, and " their election, in some cases unopposed, showed that the ratepayers were satisfied with the policy the Council was pursuing. ' He regretted to notice the absence of Cr. Hargreaves. Cr. Hargreaves had been a member for the last 25 years, and had rendered much good service. At * the same time he wished welcome the new members, Cr. Blair and Cr Irvine, to the Council table, and he hoped the Council as a whole would work amicably together for the good of the County. Cr. Ryall said he wished to congratulate the • chairman and Cr. Ryder on their re-election. He also wished to extend a welcome to the new councillors, Messrs Blair and Irvine. He •regretted, however, that Cr. Hargreaves had not been returned, but he had been fairly defeated and they must bow to the will of the people. He would move that a letter of thanks be forwarded ex-Councillors Hargreaves and Tindale for their past services on the Council in past years.
Cr. Larkin seconded the motion. a«<2 eulogised the good work which (exCouncillor Hargreaves had accomplish ed as treasurer to the Council. The speaker also welcomed the new members to the Council table. The motion was then put and carried unanimously. MINUTES. The minutes of the last annual meet ing- were read and confirmed. MEMBERS ELECTED. The acting-clerk then read the returning officer's declaration with refer ence to the various County elections, and the members who had been 1 returned. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT. The chairman's statement- of the pre sent financial position of the Council was read as follows: — ASSETS. £ s ,d £ s d General Rates 1914 I . 1915— Demands not issued — £4630, less 20 per • cent 3704 o o General Rates 1915---1014 — .£940, less 25 per cent 70S o 6 Previous years and 10 percent, additional 220 o o 4629 o o Subsidy on Rates , 375 00 Timber and Land ' ■ Revenue — September quarter £431 15s, October and November (estimated) 931 15 o I Arrears of Timber I Royalties on ft'lining Reserves 1631 o. o — 2837-15 1 Office furniture, survey instruments, etc ... 200 o o -Main Grey Bridge Due by Tnan'sfn.hua County .... 109 7 1 Govt. grant 200 o o . 7 1 sundries *...»—.*>« [100 o 0 .£8076 2 1 Excess of Liabilities over Assets 3171 3 9 £11.247 5 10 LIABILITIES. £sd £ s d National Bank — . Dr. County Fund Account ...... 8025 o o Dr, Unpresented Cheques 116 7 6 8141 7 6 Contract Deposits 415 o o Hospital and Charitable Aid 425 184 Inangahua County Council Main Grey Bridge Protec- • tion 172 13 2 Due on Contracts and Unpaid Accounts 1642 6 10' Liability on Govt. Grants 250 o o Sundries t 200 o o ,£11,247 5 10 EXCESS O«F LIABILITIES OVER ASSETS. November, 1913 £3734 10 4 November, 19 12 £3089 ir 8| Speaking to the statement the chair man said the financial position had not been improved a great deal, al-' though the Council's position was £500 better than when he assumed office as chairman. In reply to Cr. Ryder, the Chairman said he did not know if the Coun cil was likely to get any further grants in addition to the £1600 already voted by the .Government for timber royalties. It was a matter that the Council could go into and make further inquiries. . THE CHAIRMAN RETIRES.
In vacating the. chair, the chairman thanked the council for the very able assistance the members had given him in the discharge of his duties during the last twelve months. He had also to thank the staff of both the clerical and engineering departments for the way in < which they had worked and the assistance they had given him, and the council was very fortunate in having such an efficient and courteous staff. He regretted that the clerk,' Mr. Phillips was indisposed at the present ftiine, and was confined' to his home. Mr. Phillips had beenin the Council's employ for upwards of twenty-seven years, and during that time had discharged his -duties most capably aiid he hoped the Council would see its way to grant {Mr Phillipsa. much-needed holiday in order to restore him to 'health: • He' thanfeeri one and all again for their courtesy and assistance. The Chairman then vacated the chair.
Cr. Ryafl moved a very hearty vote of thanks to the retiring chairman. Cr. McCarthy had proved himself a very, capable chairman, and he had discharged the duties entrusted to him in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. The motion was seconded by Cr. Baybutt, . who said that during his term of office the chairman had visited every portion of the County, mr eluding his (the speaker's) rid&ng, and had always worked to forward the interests of the ratepayers as a whole. v
Cr. Ryder endorsed what had been said by Cfs. Ryali and Baybutt. Their late chairman had carried out his work in a way' that reflected the. greatest credit on him.
The motion was then put and carried. "
Cr. McCarthy, in returning thanks, said he had' always endeavoured to do his best, and it was pleasing to know that he had succeeded.
The Acting-clerk then invited nominations for the position of chairman. Cr. Ryall moved that Cr. Ryder be appointed for he ensuing term. Cr. Ryder had proved himself a valuable member of the Council, and the speaker felt sure he would do wsll as chair man ' ,■
Cr. Ryder's nomination was seconded by Cr. McCarthy. No other nominations were forthcom ing, and Cr. Ryder was declared duly elected as chairman for the ensuing year.
Cr. Ryder then took the chair, and returned thanks for his election in suitable terms. He hoped to discharge the duties of the office with satisfaction to the Council and himself APPOINTMENT OF TREASURER.
Cr. Ryall moved that Cr. Baybutt be appointed treasurer for the ensuing term. , •
Cr. McCarthy said he was of opinion that the clerk should act as treasurer. This was the system in vogue in most public bodies, and he thought it should be the same here. The clerk was naturally more, in touch with the finances of the county than, any of the councillors.
Cr: Larkin said he was in favour of the motiohj and would second it.
Cr Baybutt was then declared elected. He returned thanks for his elec tion. and expressed the hope that the financial position of the council would show an improvement at the end of the next financial year. Cr. Ryall, Hannan and McCarthy together with the treasurer, were appointed to countersign cheques. The Council then adjourned.
The first meeting of the Grey County Council, after the abolition of the Provincial Council, was held in the present County Chambers (then the Greymouth Courthouse) on January 4th 1877, when Cr. Purcell was appointed temporary chairman, and at the same meeting the late Sir Arthur Guinness' was elected permanent chairman, and retained the' position until November, 1884. when Mr. J. M. Clifford was appointed. The follow ing is a list of successive holders of the position : —
1877 to 1883— A. R. Guinness 1884— L M. Clifford. 1885 — John Warren. 1886— A. R. Guinness. 1887— D. Ryall. 1888— Tas Marshall. 1889— P. Foley. 180,0— W. McKechnie. 1891— T. McCarthy... 1892 — M. Hannan. iSq3— R. Larkin. r3q4^-Jas Fran. 189^-rfTas Hargreaves. 1896— S. R. -Harris. 1897 — J. McCarthy. 1898 — M. Hannan. 1899 — J. Marshall. 1900 — W. McKechnie. 190 i—D. Ryall. 1902— R. Larkin. 1903 — James Finn. 1904 — James Hargreav«s. 1905— 5. R. Harris. 1906— J. McCarthy. 1907 — M. Hannan. 1908 — James 'Marshall. 1909— John Tindale; 1910-^-John Ryall. 19' if — R* Larkin. 191 2 — M. Hannan . 1913—7. McCarthy.
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Grey River Argus, 27 November 1914, Page 8
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1,343GREY COUNTY COUNCIL Grey River Argus, 27 November 1914, Page 8
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GREY COUNTY COUNCIL Grey River Argus, 27 November 1914, Page 8
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.