I WON BY DURBAR. v ßy Electric Telegraph — Copyright.) (Pe r United Press -Association*) LONDON, May ,27. The result of the ' Derby was as fol lows : — DURBAR 1 HAPSBURG .' 2 PETER THE HERMIT ... 3 ' Immense- crefwds .gave their Majesties a great reception at the Derby For the race there were 30 starters, equalling Hermit's year." This was partly due to the Calcutta sweep-. One owner was offered ;tooo to rufl his horse, but declined. Kennymore ' was troublesome at the post, and drew an "-extreme outside position, and was hopelessly left. « Polverates, Black Jester, and Hapsburg were leading to Tottenham, where Durbar forged ahead. Descend mg the hill he went right away m ■the straight and won easily by three lengths. Brakespear was sixth. Durbars connections little fancied his chance. LONDON. May 27. Prior to tihe execrable stail, Kennymo.re behaved like a. savage, lashed out and kicked everything within reach. This set the whole field at loggerheads- , The scene eclipsed anything wit-j nessed for a long time. The crowd round the post treated thfc pandemonium as a joke, cheering and laughing. K • This -further upset the horses and delayed the start tor twenty, minutes.-
Grey River Argus, 29 May 1914, Page 3
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