Poherua. The Ngatoro sailed early . yesterday morning for Wellington. The Kaiapoi i-s due on Monday and loads timber for Melbourne and Sydney. The Kowhai is due on Monday and loads timber for Dunedin. Timaru and Gisborne. The Mapourika is due this morning and sails for Wellington via way ports at 2 o'clock on Friday morning. ■ The Poherua arrived yesterday and was expected to sail early this- morning. The Kini is due to load coal . for Lyttelton. ' The Alexander is due from Wellington and ports this evening and sailn with a cargo of coal for Wanganm. The Waverley arrives th's morning from Welling on via way ports. The Waimea, sailed at midnight on Tuesday with a cargo of coal for iNapier.. The Kennedy is due -to-morrow from Wellington and ports. The KaUoa leaver Wellington today for Greymouth via u-'-ual ports and is due on Saturday. Mr Parke, assistant purser on the Maamganui, han ibeen ijromoted to '.he position of purser on the Arahura. Mr G. Watt, fifth engineer of the Navua, has joined Mie Rosamond a« thbd engineer in place of Mt T. P. Scanloh. Mr D. J. Burns has taken Mr Watt's place on the Naua. On her cruir'e round the West Coast Sounds h& Government .training- ship ■Amokura made a call at Milford. The wreck of the Waikare is still visible, a portion of the vess:el from the bow .to the bridge being our.: of water. The ship is lying on her fade and the decks are quite perpendicular. When R.M.S. Ruahine, which arrived at) Wellington on Thursday from London, was approacbjnig Beachy Head, her passengers were afforded a .f'omewhat umusual sight. A large P. and O. mail steamer was observed in a sinkimg condition, and flyimg signals of distress. Upon getting closer eh& sinking vessel proved to be the R.M.S. Oceana, outward bound for Bombay. She had been in collitfio'ri. with the German sailing sb%> Risagua. The Oceana's passengers wero' then being 'transhipped to one |of the -Newhaven and Dieppe crossI Channel afceamers, and two other steamers were also ctanding 'by. After standing iby for nearly an hour, the I Ruahine continued on her voyage to Plymouth.
Grey River Argus, 9 May 1912, Page 3
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