Auctions. THIS DAY, MONDAY, 2nd NOVEMBER, At 11 a.m. ; p<OURTENAY SMITH AND CO. \J will sell at their rooms, without reserve — 100 pairs Boots and' Shoes, 100 volumes Books, 'a quantity of Toys, Jewelery, &c, &c. ' Also— Half, a ton . very prime dairy fed Hams and .Bacon, Tea, Soap, Candles, prime salt and fresh Butter, and Sundries. SALE OF LEASEHOLDS TOWN OF DOBSON. Crown Lands Office, Hokitika, 9th October, 1885. Notice is bereby given that LEASEHOLDS of SECTIONS of LAND situated in the Town of DOBSON, and described in the Schedule hereto, will be offered for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Oourthouse, Greymouth, on TUESDAY", the 17th November, 1885, at 12 o'clock noon, subject to rent arid conditions hereunder set out. . Plan of Dobson to be seen at District Land Office, Hokitika, and at Public Works Office, Greymouth. The leaseholds of the sections will be offered for sale at the uniform upset annual rental of £1 5s per unimproved section. Improved sections, with value for improvements as below added to upset price. Term of leaseholds 14 years. CONDITIONS OF SALE : The highest bidder to be the purchaser, In those cases in which the purchaser has no value for improvements to pay, the purchase money must be paid on. the fall of the hammer, and when value for improvements has to be paid, one fourth ot the whole amount must be paid on the fall of the hammer by way of, deposit and the remainder to the receiver of Land Revenue, Hokitika, within one month from the day of sale ; and in default of such payment the deposit will forfeited and the section may be resold. In cases where the person entitled to valuation for improvements purchases, payment for rental only will be required. If any dispute occurs as to who is entitled to value of improvements, the question will be decided by the Land Board. Schedule. Improved sections and value 0 improvements : — No. 57, £136 f 58, £123 ; 59, £57 ; 60, £77 5 61; £10 ; 66, £79 ; 67, £93 ; 135, £72. Unimproved sections : — Nos. 12, 62 to 65; 68 to 70, and 113 to 128. GERHARD MUELLER, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Public Notices ■vr 0 t.i c c . SUBSCRIBERS to the LITERARY SOCIETY are notified that the NEW BOOKS are ready for DELIVERY. pEMBTERY RESE RV E. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given ! that the LAND as hereinafter described is DEDICATED and OPEN as a CEMETERY, and to be used for Cemetery purposes only. BRUNNERTON.J All that piece or parcel of land in the land district of Westland, . containing by admeasurement ten acres more or less, situate in Blocks X and XI, in the Arnold Survey District, being part of the Westland Grey Coal Reserve, bounded on the west by a line running due south through tube No 22 ; north and east by the Arnold road ; and on the south by a line due west to include the quantity. And public notice is also hereby further given that the Grey County Council did by resolution recommend the following persons t> be gazetted and appointed as trustees for the maintenance of said Cemetery, namely:— Thomas Alexander, James Bishop, Jonathan Harrison, Samuel Kerr Milligan, Bernard M'Guire, the Chairman Grey County Council, ea; officio, and the representative of the Brunnerton riding in the Grey County Council, ex officio ; and that they have been gazetted as such under the hand of His Excellency the Governor, on the 27th day of March, 1885JOHN MANGAN CLIFFORD, County Ohairmani 26th October, 1885,
Page 2 Advertisements Column 3
Grey River Argus, Volume XXXI, Issue 5335, 2 November 1885, Page 2
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