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SECOND WEEK SPECIALS ■ DUU ING the last ton days people throughout the district have llockcd to our SALE to participate in Iho generous liai'giiins otl'erod. Ours lias been a most successful sale, and this week wo ha - , c a biy; number of real baigains to iti<-lv from. Remember! uc can't list them all here, but ] ,-uc wain you to cvim 1 in and have a walk around. 1. A i.'KAI, SNIP. •{■"' yaiJ> only coloured Voile. ■!() inches wide. Usual priic O-l. Jseeond Week Sale I'm.' l> (id. .MODELS So olid Week Prkr>. ."; only J'riiniiii-d .Models, the balance <>t tin. , Sea• on' 1 - Stock. lv mil price-. !">s in <i-">*. Second Week Special, 1.-.s cadi. .(. .Mi .">(>in< ii V SEP.GE. Something j.'. ,1, - ,, -! i" 1 " n:11 ' wear. Splendid f"r '.fhool r.Mial prif.- S-, lld yard. Srroixl We.'k Sal- I'rirr X Oil a yard. I. UMADY-TO.WKAIiS. A niiv lot ..'.' -t\ lish hut-, hum 10s i; ! <•;«. Ii and ' r.XTHI.MMKI) STISAWS. \ Cheap ciioiifji lo burn. Special S.-conl WiM-k Oii.-r, 'J- <>1 caeh. .">. ANOTHKH SMI' 7-1 yards liritisb I'tiji. shades Helm, (iieon and Lemon. I'snal price L's lid, Sp<:ciiil Second \V.-«-k I'rico Is lid yard. ' (J. A Tt'SSORK t;ll-'!'.-.rii yards 3) inch Tussore Silk. A really piod fine Silk. l.Mial Priiv >2< !><J ji yard. Sev.iid We.-U True 3s (;.! a yard. V NIGH TI)i:i''.SSKS. ai Cut Price-. A specially X""d '''"' nt l-adie--' [..('. Nigludresses. Nicely Hiii'nied I.nee ami Insertion. Price His (id ca.-!i. Second Wtv); Cut l'riee S-- ]ld each. *« I.ADIKS' .IAI'A.NKSK rOl.OHKI) intKssiNc; <;o\vns. in »n <<.i iiiir-. Sicoikl W.-ck Sal.' Pri< <• .>. lM each. •I. I.ADIKS' VKII.IA'.S. l-> clear :■■' i'«\ and ;M \ aid during Sab , . RIOUiMHKH : W< want to -.-.. y<.n i-.tiK and dunn", the H.'.-k. !(v \ (Hl' clriiK •■ l-i saw m.-n.'V <luM!!;t OIK MDM'.Y SAVJNC; SAI.K. fl c fiRl!EB. THOMSONS FKFLDINO. NEXT P.O. Whpro ihr Bartjains Arc. ISOttkS FO! , SliiOOl SX a ,-dioil til? c :< ho. ! wiil i'--opi'i). mid th.. vo\Hi>;.-:tei.i w ill l.v n.-<hn,4 New U'."ok., (.'.■t y.iiir EDUCATIONAL nLOUIRf-MENTS h.»iit ii ■. V- ■' ha c nil J b>- thin;;n.'cil.'d !"f S.'bu.i', H"!ii th<- IN KWT ( I.Assl'S i:j« to the IHCMKsr STAM»AIU)S: K< .t. , ,i11,?, A.lihu.ctlr. llistolN. <i.-o-r;!p!.v, and K\ci ■ j cisc Hooks. SI.ATIvS. COPY HOOKS. PKNCILS, Pads, etc. All the Text !i.t"k- an.! Aiti.l- • necessai.V toi ill child n educational calei'i TECHNICAL COLLt'.GC BOOKS We haw- lull ,-.U.ckh on hand. Sco us bridle icliool .staits. m\. carThkw i se\ FEILDINU UOIHN li«v<U 1- UAKLU K.S.Z.I.r. M.8.1.i.1. I AND BAKER architects Manchester i-nuaio FICILDING CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Pi-nelntf Pcots. ' StiaiueiP. Hlij.!.--. Air Hncks. VVatt-i lioughs. An J all kinds <>t Keinf.aci'd Coticretw Good,, made to order. R F MANN CONCRETE EXPERT Works. KIMHOT-TON ROAD (Opp. Sash J)oor Factory* MEDICAL, Dr. n. o. ROBKin's, M.u.e.s. (Kngj, 1,.R.C.P. (Lm<l.).\ H.Se. (Lond.), of KiiiibolUin, has still t«xl Practi.sin" at KI.MHOLTON, HANGIAVAfIIA. and A PITI. MR J. T. WOODMASS Professor of Music, Violin, CHritfnette, and Theory RESUMIvS Teaehinj; at his Studio, Svend'.cn's Hiiililiiiszs. ler htjvel. on .MONDAY, l'Tiß. 2. li'2o. PrivaiJ Address: k.mbolton H-.-ad. MUSICAL. flflSS H. DAVIDSON, Teacher cf iVI. I'ianotnite and Theory. I I.) SANDILANDS STRKKT. 'J'eim op.Mis FKH. 2. MUSICAL. MISS K. [iriiNKR, Teaehei- of N Pianoforte and Thoory. I Next Term begins FKJJIM : AUY '2. ii'liO. CAMDKN STRKF/r. FXHI SALK AT THE /* LL-KOUND EXCHANGE, 31 {A Douglas Motor Bike. Also King J)irk and Triumph Motor Bikes. All in good order, Percy Guy and Harry Edwards, Proprietors. WHITE Nighldresf..-:-, in Girls' and I.adiu., , . from -I'll. At SI-ENCE and SPENCF/S. •
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 2
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574Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 2
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.