Tho crossing of the great Waimangu geyser, never before performed liy man, was successfully achieved on Monday, August 10, 1903, by Mr AVarbrick, a Government guide, and Mr Buckridge, mate of the yacht Tilikum. The announcement of the contemplated trip aroused a feeling of interest and excitement among the residents and tourists in the Rotorua district, and a large crowd assembled at the geyser side to witness Ihe event. Some of the sight-seers went out to Waimangu on Sunday morning and spent the day and night in the vicinity. Messrs AY. AVarbrick and Buckeridgo wero among them. The small open boat arrived early on Sunday morning. There was an eruption of tbe geyser at 1 o'clock on Sunday morning, tho shots varying in height from 2ooft to 800 ft. The last shot of all reached the greatest height, and occurred about G. 30. The previous performance had occurred obout 8 o'clock on Saturday night. Monday morning's display caused a dense cloud of steam to envelop the geyser, and this still existed at 1.30. when tho little boat and its two daring occupants pushed off. Mr Warbrick rowed and the two men were soon buried in the steam cloud. They were lost to view for about ten minutes, except for occosional glimpses as thoy approached the bank for a few seconds, and during that timo they wero taking soundings and temperatures at different spots. They spent about twelve minutes altogether on tho lake, during which they pulled right across, besides going round in circles. The greatest depth discovered was 48 foot. The water measurements of tho geyser were found to lie 80 yards broad and 134 yards long. Both men were very warm when they had finished owing to the heat of tho water and the steam. The line with which the measurements were taken was almost too hot to handle, and the sash weights used in sounding were too warm to bold after they bad been hauled up the hill. Both men were cheered on landing and many of thoso present shook hands with them.
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Feilding Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3209, 5 April 1917, Page 1
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Feilding Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3209, 5 April 1917, Page 1
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